
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

说宇宙尘埃(dust)。各个星星之间不是没有东西的,它们之间不仅仅有那些原子(atom),还有dust。这些尘埃是spread, without uniformity, (这句有考题,仔细看。但我不记得完整句子了。)这些dust会影响星星发出来的光,它会使星星的光的波长移动。然后说,有个天文学家,叫什么T的,他研究这个,确定了这个dust的大小。比如,红光的波动被shift,那dust的大小就和红光波长差不多,如果是蓝光的波长被shift,那大小就和蓝光的波长差不多。
1、   那个原子的情况是什么样的。我选那个原子更加聚集,并不像灰尘一样是散布的。
2、   那个天文学家研究Dust时观察了什么。--》 新添

说Learning curve.
新方法引入公司,员工们经常一开始很热衷,认真学习好好运用,用了不多久又集中到原来的方法上去,虽然新方法上有未解决的问题。 过一段时间又回过头学习运用新方法,反反复复的
1. 问了Learning Curve的特点: 选断断续续而非连贯的那一项 --》 新添
2. 问manager 知道了learning curve 的规律后,应该干啥:答案不确定 --》 新添
3. 问学新方法后又集中到原来的方法上时,what is true in the following statements.
选 新方法上有未解决的问题 --》 新添
另外一偏, 讲的是为什么manufactue industry of developing countries.开篇说的是在developed countres, communication, transportation 的发展抑制了manufacure 的development, however, in developing countries, both of them are developing at a high speed. 接着下一段分析原因,一共两个,第一个忘记了,第二个说这个政府采购。第三段将什么忘记了
1. 问: 发达国家的manufactue industry 受到什么损害 : 选 -->资源被转移到服务业上取了(大概这个意思)--》 新添
2. 问: 为什么提到了印度,斯里兰卡这些国家(第二段开头):  选 --> 为了说明发展中国家制造业和服务业同时发展。--》 新添

RC04 –》 问题和原来JJ完全不同。
  Most oil and gas fields have ended up where they are because of plate tectonics—the shifting over time of large plates on the surface of the earth. River deltas and continental margins offshore also hold reserves. (这段没有)
  Oil and gas result mostly from dead microorganisms buried quickly in anoxic environments, where oxygen is so scarce that they do not decompose. This lack of oxygen enables them to maintain their hydrogen-carbon bonds, a necessary ingredient for the production of fossil fuels. Newly developing ocean basins, formed by plate tectonics and continental rifting (deformation), provide just the right conditions for rapid burial in anoxic waters. Rivers fill these basins with sediments carrying abundant organic remains. Because the basins have constricted water circulation, they also have lower oxygen levels than the open ocean. (黑体字部分也没有)
  Plate tectonics is also responsible for creating the “pressure cooker” that slowly matures the organics into oil and gas. This process usually takes millions of years, giving the oil and gas deposits time to migrate around the globe on the back of plate movements. Because these hydrocarbons are much more buoyant than water, they eventually force their way to the surface. Alternatively, rifting, collisions between landmasses, and other tectonic forces can free the mature oil and gas from deep within sedimentary basins and then trap these organic fluids in reservoirs before they escape to the earth's surface. We know these reservoirs as oil and gas fields.
  The same plate tectonics that creates the locations and conditions for anoxic burial is also responsible for the geologic paths that these sedimentary basins subsequently take. Continental drift, subduction (where one plate thrusts under another) and collision with other continents provide the movement from swamps, river deltas and mild climates—where most organics are deposited—to the poles and deserts, where they have ended up today by coincidence. (最后半句也没有)
第一题  问如果 oxygen很充足时会怎样。 选 microorganisms will decompose --》 新添


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