
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

math 中有一題是於一個ploygon with points abcd, 問他是個sqaure? 1) 對角線長度一樣 2) length ab=length cd 
another question gives you two points, (x1,y1) and (x2, y2). 問下面哪一個coordinate 在前面這條線上?
(sorry guys, i did really poorly on my gmat math therefore what i can contribute is really minimal)
reading中有看到之前別人說的 sea monster. Another one is about the United State's deficit (creditor/debtor).  (i think i came across about 4 readings!!)
SC: the sentences are pretty short compared to the ones i seen in GWD.  (I feel it's really different from the ones in GWD, pay attention to the verb tense.  Like sentences that starts with "since" or "during the 18th century" etc.   The placement of "only" is important too)
CR: there's one about prisoners who involves in a program that does sewing for jeans, and these people who joined the program are less likely to commit crime and return to the prison than compared to other prisoners. (i think I have seen this question somewhere in GWD)
another one is about 維修人的 attention or ability. As the techonology advances, repair people become less focus or something like.

aa. XX heart fitness center decided to add more new facilities in the area because its last newly built swimming pool attracts more membership in the summer and helps to increase its revenue. Therefore, the magnagement of this fitness center want to add more entertainment centers include, mini golf, tennis court etc to gain competative edge in the market.
ai. Since techonology and science are becoming more important in our society, schools should place more hours teaching students on the subject of techonology and science, and less time on arts and humanities.

CR: GWD3-32 为了降低犯罪率,政府 is getting tough on criminals and making prison conditions harsher. 其中一部分就是不让犯人接受教育(以前有)....而这明显违背政府的ultimate goal。因为接受教育过的犯人在出狱后的犯罪的人数,要比没有接受教育的犯人出狱后犯罪的人数少很多


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