
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10


  1. Since 1986 enrollments of African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanic Americans in full-time engineering programs in the United States has steadily increased, while the number of other students who enter the field has fallen.

  (A) has steadily increased, while the number of other students who enter the field has fallen

  (B) has steadily increased, while other students entering the field have declined in number.

  (C) increased steadily, while there was a decline in the number of other students entering the field

  (D) have steadily increased, while the number of other students entering the field has fallen

  (E) have steadily increased, while that of other students who enter the field fell

  2.A report by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes from the incineration of wastes.

  (A) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes

  (B) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins that North Americans are exposed to come

  (C) much of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and that North Americans are exposed to comes

  (D) many of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and North Americans are exposed to come

  (E) many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed come

  3.With its plan to develop seven and a half acres of shore land, Cleveland is but one of a large number of communities on the Great Lakes that is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract new businesses.

  (A) is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract

  (B) is looking at its waterfront to improve the quality of urban life and attract

  (C) are looking to their waterfronts to improve the quality of urban life and attract

  (D) are looking to its waterfront as a way of improving the quality of urban life and attracting

  (E) are looking at their waterfronts as a way they can improve the quality of urban life and attract

  4.Downzoning, zoning that typically results in the reduction of housing density, allows for more open space in areas where little water or services exist.

  (A) little water or services exist

  (B) little water or services exists

  (C) few services and little water exists

  (D) there is little water or services available

  (E) there are few services and little available water

  5.The study undertaken by the Department of the Interior will involve examination and tagging of the California condor in order to obtain information about their daily movements, foraging habits, and sites where they nest.

  (A) their daily movements, foraging habits, and sites where they nest

  (B) their daily movements, foraging habits, and their nesting sites

  (C) its daily movements, foraging habits, and nesting sites

  (D) its daily movements, foraging habits, and about nesting sites

  (E) daily movements,foraging habits,and sites in which there are nests



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