
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10


  1. In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is the car's potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive through the Earth's gravity to the top of the first drop, have been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.

  2. During the early years of European settlement on a continent that was viewed to be “wilderness” by the newcomers, Native Americans, intimately knowing the ecology of the land, were a help in the rescuing of many Pilgrims and pioneers from hardship, or even death.

  3. Even the state have spent ten years and seven million dollars plan a reservoir along the Ubi River, the project will have to be abandoned because of the river becoming so heavily polluted.

  4. Machines replacing human labor, there are wide anticipation that the workweek would continue to become shorter.

  (A) Machines replace human labor, there are wide anticipation that

  (B) When machines replaced human labor, there are wide anticipation

  (C) As machines replaced human labor, it was widely anticipated that

  (D) In so far as machines replaced human labor, it was widely anticipated

  (E) Human labor being replaced by machines, there was wide anticipation that

  5. Socrates could have fled from Athens after he was sentenced to death, but he refused to do it.

  (A) Socrates could have fled from Athens after he was sentenced to death, but he refused to do it.

  (B) After he was sentenced to death, Socrates might have fled from Athens, but he refused to do it.

  (C) After he was sentenced to death, Socrates could have fled from Athens, but he refused to do so.

  (D) Refusing to fled from Athens, Socrates could have done so after he was sentenced to death.

  (E) Socrates could have fled from Athens but refused to after he was sentenced to death.

  6. It is possible that Native Americans originally have migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed between Siberia and Alaska.

  (A) have migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed

  (B) were migrating to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that existed once

  (C) migrated over a bridge of land to the Western Hemisphere that once existed

  (D) migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed

  (E) were migrating to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land existing once

  7. As envisioned by researchers, commercial farming of lobsters will enable fisheries to sell the shellfish year-round, taking advantage of off-season demand, standardize its sizes and colors, and to predict sales volume in advance.

  (A) taking advantage of off-season demand, standardize

  (B) taking advantage of off-season demand, to standardize

  (C) taking advantage of off-season demand, standardizing

  (D) take advantage of off-season demand, standardizing

  (E) take advantage of off-season demand, to standardize



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