
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

 1. Although the coordination of monetary policy can help facilitate the orderly financing of existing imbalances, it is unlikely that its effect on their size is significant in the absence of an appropriate fiscal adjustment.

  (A) it is unlikely that its effect on their size is significant

  (B) it is unlikely that the size of their effect would be significant

  (C) affecting their sizes are not likely to be significant

  (D) the significance of their effect on its size is unlikely

  (E) its effect on their size is not likely to be significant

  2. Many writers of modern English have acquired careless habits that damage the clarity of their prose, but these habits can be broken if they are willing to take the necessary trouble.

  (A) but these habits can be broken

  (B) but these habits are breakable

  (C) but they can break these habits

  (D) which can be broken

  (E) except that can be broken

  3. Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes the eater ill, but only recently has it been established that the illness is caused by a toxin present in the quail's body only under certain conditions.

  (A) Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes

  (B) Europeans have long known quail eating is sometimes able to make

  (C) Eating quail has long been known to Europeans to sometimes make

  (D) It has long been known to Europeans that quail eating will sometimes make

  (E) It has long been known to Europeans that quail, when it is eaten, has sometimes made

  4. St. John's Newfoundland, lies on the same latitude as Paris, France, but in Spring St. John's residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes than to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or seeking shelter from a raging northeast storm.

  (A) residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cages than to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or seeking

  (B) residents are less likely to sit at outdoor cafes, and more to brace themselves against arctic chills, shovel now, or be seeking

  (C) residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes, and more likely to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or to be seeking

  (D) residents, instead of their sitting at outdoor cafes, they are more likely to brace themselves against arctic chills, shovel snow, or seek

  (E) residents, instead of sitting at outdoor cafes, are more likely to brace themselves against arctic chills, shovel snow, or to be seeking



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