

One of the difficulties of dealing with the United States is that the old non-metric measurements are still used in some industries. Here are some common abbreviations printed in bold type. What do they stand for?

  1. 1 h.p.=746 watts

  2. 1 U.S.gall.=3.785 litres[but 1 British (imperial) gall.=4.456 litres]

  3. 1 yd.=0.9144 metres

  4. 1 yd.=3 ft.

  5. 1 in.=2.54 centimetres

  6. 1 oz.=28.35 grams

  7. 1 cwt.=45.359 kilograms

  8. 2.205 lbs=1 kilogram

  9. and, though not really a measurement, 1 doz. boxes=12 boxes

  1. horsepower

  2. gallon

  3. yard

  4. feet

  5. inch

  6. ounce

  7. hundredweight

  8. pounds

  9. donzen


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