
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

These are notations near the top of the letter. The following are notations near its bottom.
1.8.4. Identification Initials
Identification initials are included on almost all business letters, although they are not required. These initials identify the writer of the letter and the person who typed it. They are mainly for the benefit of the writer and used for administrative purposes. The initials of the signer comes first, in all capital letters, followed by the initials of the typist, seperated either by a slash (/ ) or a colon.
In American style, identification initials are typed flush with the left margin and follow the signature block.
1.8.5. Enclosure
The term----enclosure is self-descriptive. It means the material other than the letter itself is enclosed. A writer who is enclosing anything in the letter should indicate this by using the word enclosure or the abbreviation "Enc”or "Encl”. It follows the identification initials.
1.8.6. Carbon Copy
Copies of the letter may be sent to various people, who need to know about the message even though it doesn't pertain to them directly. These may be carbon copies, but most likely they will be
photocopied. The notations (标识, 标记) ----Copies to, C (copy), CC (carbon copy), PC (photo- copy), or XC (Xerox copy) designate that others are receiving copies.
1.8.7. “Per Pro” Signature
Per Pro or PP is the abbreviation of per procurationem, which is a Latin phrase denoting agency. Strictly speaking, only the partner is entitled to sign the name of his firm, but for convenience authority to sign is often given to a responsible employee by a document known as a power of attorney, though the authority to sign may also arise from custom.
1.8.8. Postscript (附言)
A postscript (P. S.) is an afterthought, and in formal letter it is usually a sign of poor planning. But as a special advice, it has two legitimate functions.
1/. Some executives, to add a personal touch to their typewritten letter, occasionally add a postscript in pen and ink.
2/. Writers of sales letter often withhold one last convincing argument for emphatic inclusion in a postscript. Example:
P. S. ??? to see you at the Annual Sales Meeting at the Hillside Plaza on January 10.
P. S. I understand the special entertainment is great.
2. Formats or Styles of Business Letters
The term format, or style, refers to the way a message is laid out on a page, and the use of underlining and capital letters for emphasis are tools for producing effective formats.
There are several formats of business letters. The following are common today.
2.1. Full Block Style (完全平头式)
It’s said that the style is the most modern one, for it’s very popular in America, and more and more Englishmen and other Europeans are using this style.
In this style, all parts of the letter are placed flush with the left margin and paragraphs are not indented. There are double spaces between them.
Full block style is popular because it is very effective. You can see from the example that this style saves many keystrokes (击键) because the typist can begin entering the information immediately after pressing the return key to get a new line.
2.2. Block Style (平头式)
In this style, the date and reference are on the right while everything else is placed flush with the left margin. The paragraphs start at the left margin and there are double spaces between them. It is modem British style.
2.3. Modified Block Style (改良平头式)
In this style, the date and the closing are on the right. All other parts are placed flush with the left margin, and paragraphs may or may not be indented.
2.4. Semi-indented Style or Semi-block Style with Indented Paragraphs (混合式)
It has long been customary to set a letter out in the semi-indented style or the semi-block style with indented paragraphs. Many people regard it as the most attractive of all letter styles. The blocked inside name and address is liked because it is compact and tidy. This style appeals to most readers. They like the indented paragraphing and claim that it makes for easy reading.


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