
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

Unit 4
Skills for Writing Inquiries and Replies

Section 1: How to Write Letters Making Inquiries and Replies
What to Write in Inquiries and Replies
Inquiries are usually made by the buyers to invite a quotation and/or an offer for the goods he wishes to buy or simply to ask for some general information about these goods. Generally a detailed inquiry includes: the name and descriptions of the commodity, quality, quantity, terms of price, terms of payment, terms of shipment, packing methods, etc. When making a simple inquiry, keep it short, brief, reasonable and to the point. Sometimes you need to mention the size of your order, as large orders may obtain a more favorable quotation.
Replies to inquiries need to be prompt and courteous. To an old client, say how much you appreciate it. To a new customer, say you are pleased to receive it and express your hope of a lasting friendly business relationship.
The Main Content of Inquiry Letters
1) Making a brief self-introduction or a brief statement of your purpose for writing
2) Making your specific inquiry
3) Expressing your hope for a reply
Sample 1: Inquiry about Embroidered Linen Products
Dear Sirs,
We are interested in obtaining catalogues and price-lists of your embroidered linen products. In particular, we are interested in table linens of various types, such as tablecloths, napkins, and towels.
Our company, a diversified international business house, is just about to start a new marketing and distribution system in America with embroidered linen products, particularly with customer designed products. To develop this business, we need to know the following items of information:
1. Is it possible to order custom-made goods with our customer logo or name?
2. What is the minimum number of pieces for such an order?
3. How can we see the quality of your products? Can you send us some samples of different designs? If we have to purchase the samples, please let us know of it before you send them to us.
Please also let us know of any questions you may have about this project or our company.
We thank you in advance for all your cooperation in this matter. We greatly appreciate your help in providing answers to our inquiries.

Yours faithfully,
1. Our company, a diversified international business house, is just about to start a new marketing and distribution system in America with embroidered linen products, particularly with customer designed products. 本公司是多种经营国际商业公司,正要在美国启动一项新的营销和销售系统,推销亚麻刺绣产品,特别是客户指定产品。a diversified international business house是our company的同位语。
Answer the Following Questions
1. What does the writer write the letter for?
2. How does the writer close this letter?
Words and Expressions
1. business house: business company
e.g. Our company is a very big business house in China.
2. distribution system: selling system
e.g. Their company has built a complete distribution system in our country.
3. designed product: goods designated by customers
e.g. This is their designed product for the Olympic Games.
4. custom-made: made according to customers’ request
e.g. This pair of shoes are custom-made.
5. logo: logotype (标识)
e.g. This letter carries the company’s logo.

The Main Content of Replies to Inquiry Letters
1) Acknowledging receipt of the inquiry letter
2) Giving answer to the specific inquiries or instructing where to find the needed information
3) Giving reasonable explanation if refusing to give an answer to the inquiry
4) Making courteous remarks about keeping good relationship
Sample 2: Reply to Inquiry about Agricultural Cars
March 2, 2000
Dear Sirs,
We have received with pleasure your letter dated March 12, knowing that you are interested in our products and market for agricultural cars. Being in this line of business for many years, we can assure you that our products are of best quality. To acquaint you with the products we handle, we are sending you a copy of our export list showing the main items not mentioned on the list, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We shall do what we can, upon receipt of your detailed requirements, to get the said items for you.


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