
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09




    Dear Manager

    While working in China for the past three years, I had always purchased gifts from the Friendship Gallery for my Canadian friends. The quality and value had always been more than I could reasonably expect, and I have often recommended you store to others.

    Last autumn, I was back in Canada, but I did not forget to mail-order some charismas gifts from your usual annual Fall Sales. After examining the gifts supplied to my order of November 2, I found that there was a distinct hole in the middle of one of the silk scarves. Although I remember that you apply a no-return policy to this kind of merchandise, I sent this silk scarf in a separate mailing yesterday so that you may see the damage for yourself. When you receive it I am sure that you will share my surprise and dismay.

    I understand from my past experience with the Friendship Gallery that this is an unusual situation. Will you kindly reconsider your no-return regulation with one of your loyal customers and replace the above mentioned silk scarf by mailing another one? I would be delighted to have it and present it to my friend for Christmas.

    Yours sincerely



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