
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-09

  Ⅰ Conversation
  PART 1: Exchange personal information
  This part aims to prepare the candidate for phase

  1 of the speaking test, which takes the form of an interview, with each candidate talking in turn to the examiner. This involves the candidate answering questions, responding to a comment or participating in an exchange or greeting.

  Activity 1:
  Asking each other's name (including spelling), hometown, occupation, hobbies
  Further probing: describe your hometown (location, city, town, village) climate, population, etc.
  Further probing: describe your occupation/ or major (if student), likes and dislikes about your occupation.
  Further probing: asking each other about marital status/ with or without boy friend/girlfriend.
  Asking for opinion on married/single life, which is better?
  Further probing: asking each other about hobbies.
  Possible Questions
  Suggested Answers and Note
  1) What's your registration number?
  2 My registration number is…
  2) What's your name?
  How do you spell your name?
  How do you spell your family name / surname / last name?
  2 My last name is…
  2 My given name is…, but my friends always call me…, my English name.
  2 You can call me…, if you like / wish.
  2 nickname
  3) Where are you from?
  Would you say it's a good place to live in?
  Do you like living in…?
  Where would you like rather live…or…?
  Do you think it would be better to live in…or…? (Why?)
  2 Weather
  2 Transportation
  2 Environment
  2 Housing
  Houses are pricey in this area.
  2 Night life (exciting, dynamic)
  2 Local people
  2 Local government
  2 Job opportunities
  2 Resorts (skiing)
  2 Atmosphere
  ü selling points
  Possible Questions
  Suggested Answers and Note
  1) Do you come from a large family or a small family?
  Can you tell me a bit about…in your family?
  2 Extended family
  2 Nuclear family
  2) Do you work or are you a student in…?
  What do you do?
  What do you study?
  What's your major?
  What do you like most about your job?
  What do you like most about your studies?
  ü Major v.
  I majored in… , and minored in…
  2 Ever since I was a child, I was interested in…


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