


  Imagine your office is about to be computerized. Work in pairs and discuss your reactions. What advantages and disadvantages can ou see in using electronic machines? Compare your experiences.

  There are some people talking about the effects that computers have had on their working lives. The summaries to the speakers is below. How much have their lives changed?

  1. Without organizing jobs differently, introducing computers doesn't help.

  2. Computers create more work.

  3. Computers reduce everything to numbers.

  4. People begin to feel like machines.

  5. Future office work will be unrecognizable.

  6. Computer systems do not always function.

  7. The purpose of computers is not always clear.

  Think of the offices you work in (or offices you have worked in at some time)。 Imagine that you have the authority and the budget to reorganize them - what changes will you make? What facilities will you introduce? What up-to-date equipment will you install? Draw a plan of your offices.

  Design 'the perfect office'.


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