
张奎武 免费考研网/2009-01-06

A. Cromwell

B. Charles I

C. Henry VIII

48. England first became a sea power in the time of _____.

A. Henry VII

B. Elizabeth I

C. Victoria

49. The Industrial Revolution first started in _____.

A. the iron industry

B. the textile industry

C. the coal industry

50. From 1688 to 1783 English Parliament was mainly controlled by the party of _____.

A. Tory

B. Whig

C. Labour

51. The English Prime Minister during the Second World War was _____.

A. Churchill

B. Chamberlain

C. Baldwin

52. At the End of _____ century, the East India Company was formed.

A. 15th

B. 16th

C. 14th

53. The Seven Years War between England and France lasted from _____ to _____.

A. 1756, 1763

B. 1713, 1720

C. 1754, 1761

54. In 1689 Parliament passed “_____”, limiting the powers of the crown.

A. Habeas Corpus Act

B. the Bill of Rights

C. Navigation Act

55. _____ contrasted the first successful steam locomotive.

A. George Stephenson

B. Samuel Crompton

C. James Hargreaves

56. The “Peterloo Massacre” took place in _____.

A. Birmingham

B. Liverpool

C. Manchester

57. Between 1911 and 1914 took place the following strikes except _____.

A. railway strike

B. strike of the postmen

C. coal strike

D. strike of the transport

58. The Victorian Age was over the _____ began.

A. Edwardian Age

B. Georgian Age

C. Elizabethan Age

59. The _____ government surrendered to the British invaders and was forced to sign the first unequal Treaty of Nanjing in 1842.

A. Indian

B. Qing

C. Irish

D. Spanish

60. The Great Charter was essentially a _____.

A. Culture Movement

B. colonial document

C. feudal document

61. _____ broke out two years after the Hundred Years’ War with France.

A. The Bore War

B. The Wars of the Roses

C. Queen Annes’ War

62. The Reformation was a product of _____.

A. the Renaissance

B. the Chartist Movement

C. the Hundred Years’ War

63. The greatest dramatist of the English Renaissance was _____.

A. Shakespeare

B. Milton

C. Chaucer

D. Bacon

64. The English Revolution marks the beginning of the _____ period of capitalism.

A. feudal

B. modern

C. colonial

D. medieval

65. By the _____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.

A. Declaratory Act

B. Treaty of Paris

C. Treaty of Montgomery

66. The Chartist Movement began in _____ and reached its height in _____.

A. 1845, 1858

B. 1828, 1835

C. 1839, 1848

67. In 1840 Britain launched an aggressive war against _____.

A. France

B. India

C. China

D. America

68. _____ formed a coalition government in 1940.

A. Winston Churchill

B. Lloyd George

C. Neville Chamberlain

69. By the _____ the British dominions became independent states in all but name.

A. Statue of Westminster

B. Locarno Treaty

C. Disputes Act

70. The Fabians Society was founded in 1883, including intellectuals such as _____.

A. William Shakespeare & Ben Jonson

B. Christopher Marlowe & John Milton

C. G. B. Shaw & H. G. Wells

71. Before WWII _____ relied on appeasement of the European dictators to reduce tensions that might lead to war.

A. Neville Chamberlain

B. Stanley Baldwin

C. Winston Churchill

72. During WWII, Britain, America, France, Soviet Union and other antifascist countries formed a united international alliance which was called _____.

A. Locarno Treaty

B. Grand Alliance

C. Statute of Westminster

73. The first coalition government during WWI was organized when _____ was the Prime Minister.

A. Lloyd George

B. Herbert Asquith

C. Stanley Baldwin

74. When Germany invaded _____ which was neutral, Britain declared war on Germany on 4 August, 1914.

A. Austria

B. Russia

C. Belgium

D. Poland

II. Fill in the Blanks

1. At about 3000 BC, some of the _____ settled in Britain.

2. About 122 AD, in order to keep back the Picts and Scots, the _____ built Hadrian’s Wall.

3. The real Roman conquest began in _____.

4. _____ _____’s “Paradise Lost” was published in 1667.

5. Beowulf, considered the greatest Old English poem, is assigned to _____ Times.

6. _____ was considered the first national hero.

7. On Christmas Day 1066 Duke _____ was crowned in Westminster Abbey.

8. In history John was nicknamed King of _____.

9. John signed the document in 1215, which in history was called the Great Charter or _____ _____.

10. In 1086 William had his official to make a general survey of the land, known as _____ Book.

11. The most famous scholar during Anglo-Saxon Times was _____.

12. The Battle of _____ paved the way for the Norman Conquest to England.

13. The Norman Conquest increased the process of _____ which had begun during the Anglo-Saxon Times.

14. Duke William was known in history as William the _____.

15. Along with the Normans came the _____ language.

16. The English parliament originated in the _____ _____.

17 The head of the _____ was Archbishop of _____.

18. The _____ _____ in 1688 was in nature a coup d’etat.

19. The People’s Charter included _____ points such as universal male suffrage.

20. The corrupt Qing government surrendered to Britain and was forced to sign the first unequal Treaty of _____ in 1842.

21. After the Crimean War _____ was forced not to fortify Sebastopol.

22. The third collection of the poll tax in the early part of 1381 became the fuse of _____ _____ rising.

23. The Wars of the Roses broke out between the _____ and the _____.

24. The Enclosure Movement began in the _____ century.

25. By the treaty of _____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.

26. In _____ Britain launched the Opium War against China.

27. The East India Company formed at the end of the 16th century was one of _____ companies.

28. After the Reformation the Roman Catholic Church was _____, the English Church was strictly _____.

29. Mary I re-established Catholicism and burnt three hundred Protestants, for which she was called “_____” Mary.

30. “Renaissance” means “_____”, i.e. Europe rediscovering its origins in the cultures of ancient Greek and Rome.

31. During the Renaissance, the thinkers who worked for freedom and enlightenment were called “_____”.

32. The nature of the Wars of the Roses was a _____ _____ war.

33. By the beginning of the Tudor reign the manor system was replaced by the _____ system.

34. In the summer of 1588 the Spanish ships, the _____ _____ was defeated by English ships.

35. The greatest English humanist was Sir _____ _____ whose work _____ became a humanistic classic in the world literature.

36. English Renaissance began in _____ century.

37. The House of _____ was notorious for its absolutist rule.

38. During the Civil Wars (1642 – 1648) the supporters of Parliament were called _____ while the supporters of the King Charles I were called _____.

39. In 1653 Cromwell was made _____ _____ for life and started his military dictatorship openly.

40. The Seven Years War was ended by the Treaty of _____.

41. The first two parties appeared in England were the _____ and the _____.


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