
本站小编 Free考研/2022-02-06

用户: 瘦死的骆驼
时间: 2022-02-06 14:29:11 来自: 在线版

Before the Captain drops his anchor, he needs to ask just how big is Bay City. A town of any considerable size without a seafood restaurant is an oddity; a small hamlet is not worth building a restaurant in. Let us grant, though, that Bay City may be that rarity—a city of size without a seafood haven. Then, though, we must ask what entrenched restaurants the Captain will be up against. If local tastes run strong for some peculiar type of cuisine, the new restaurant may face heavy seas and slow headway. Chinese, for example, abandon their traditional diet with extreme reluctance. American midwesterners are famed for their inability to survive on any entree not featuring Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup.



第1章 GRE考试写作指南
 1.1 GRE考试简介
 1.2 GRE General Test试卷结构
 1.3 GRE写作试题分析
 1.4 GRE写作应试技巧
第2章 ISSUE写作高分范文50篇
第3章 ARGUMENT写作高分范文50篇
 ◆分析假设类(Examine Assumptions)
 ◆回答问题类(Answer/Address Questions)
 ◆提供证据类(Discuss Evidence)
 ◆提出其他可能性解释类(Discuss Alternative Explanation)
附录1 新版Issue话题官方题库
附录2 新版Argument话题官方题库
附录3 GRE写作评分标准

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