英语:第九节 非谓语动词作词宾语和宾语补足语

网络资源 免费考研网/2009-01-16


1. 要求动词+-ing作宾语的动词

    有些动词只要求动词+-ing作宾语, 这类动词有:
    admit, advise, advocate, allow, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, consider,delay, deny, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, imagine, include, involve, justify, keep, mind, miss, pardon, permit, postpone, prevent, quit, regret, require, resent, resist, risk, stop, suggest, understand, can't help (couldn't help), stand 等, 例如:

    I couldn't help feeling proud of our country.
    Someone suggested organizing an outing to the Western Hills.

  某些动词词组也要求动词+-ing作宾语, 例如:

    give up, leave off, put off (注: 这些动词短语均为动词+副词结构)以及amound to, be accustomed to, be used to, be opposed to, devote to, feel like,look forward to, object to, resort to, submit to 等。例如:

    Mr. Smith gave up smoking according to his doctor's advice.
    Do you feel like having a walk with us in the woods by the sea?
    Some people in the rich world are opposed to doing business with
poor countries.

    有时在形容词后面也要求用动词+-ing, 例如: busy, worth, worthwhile等。例如:
    Is it worthwhile making such an experiment?

    还有在Point, trouble, difficulty 等名词后, 也用动词+-ing。例如:

    There is not much point (in) thinking about it.
    American businessmen have difficulty (in) understanding their Japanese counterparts.

    注: 在 it's no use, it's not much use, it's no good 后要求用动词+-ing。但是在it is of no use 后则要用动词不定式。例如:

    It's no use crying about it. You must do something.
    It's no good writing to him; he never answers letters.
    It's of no use to cry over spilt milk.

2. 要求动词不定式作宾语的动词

    有些动词后面可以跟动词不定式, 这类动词有:

    afford, agree, aim, arrange, ask, assist, attempt, (can't) bear, beg, begin, bother, care cease, choose, claim, continue, dare, decide, demand, eserve, desire, determine, dislike, endeavour, expect, fail, fear, forget, hate, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, like, long, love, manage, mean,need, neglect, offer, plan, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, propose,refuse, regret, remember, require, seek, start, strive, swear, tend, think,threaten, try, undertake, want, wish 等。例如:

    Don't hesitate to ask me questions if you don't understand.
    He endeavoured to adopt a positive but realistic attitude to the issue.
    Philip politely pretended not to have heard this remark.

3. 在有些动词后面既可以跟动词+-ing, 也可以跟动词不定式这类动词有:

    attempt, (can't)bear, begin, cease, continue, deserve, dislike, dread, fear,forget, hate, intend, like, love, need, neglect, plan, prefer, propose, regret,remember, require, start, try, want 等。

    在有些动词后面, 两种结构之间的意义差别不大。例如:

    He prefers writing (to write) an outline before he writes a summary.
    He had really intended staying (to stay) longer.

    但在某些动词之后, 两种结构之间的意义差别较明显:

    We must try to solve this problem.
    We can try solving this problem in other ways.
    I must remember to pay you for the ticket.

    这类词还有forget, mean, regret等。
    demand, deserve, need, require, want 等词既可以要求动词+-ing作宾语, 也可以要求动词不定式的被动式作宾语。例如:

    John's house in the country wants painting.
    John's house in the country wants to be painted.


    还有像go on, stop 这类动词如果后接动词+-ing 则表示继续(做某事)或停止(做某事); 而如果后接动词不定式则表示前面一个动作已结束或停止, 继之做另一个动作。例如:

    The robot first reads the engineering drawing and then goes on to
assemble the parts

    机器人首先阅读工程图纸, 然后根据图约安装零部件。

    Some students went on working on their examination when the bell rang.
    当铃声响的时候, 一些学生还在继续做考试题。


    feel, have, hear, let, listen to, look at, make, notice, observe, see
和watch。在这些动词后面, 做宾语补足语的动词不定式不带to。例如:

     I'll try to get someone repair the recorder for you.
    Electricity makes the motor run.

    但是当这些动词用于被动语态时, 后面的动词不定式则必须带to:

    The motor is made to run by electricity.

    在 cannot but, do nothing but (except), had better, had best, rather
than, would rather 。.than 和 would sooner than等结构后要求不带to的?动词不定式。例如:

    I have done nothing except do what I should.


    discover, feel, find, have, hear, keep, leave, like, need, notice,
observe, report, see, smell, spot, want, watch 等。例如:

     Male secretaries sometimes find themselves mistaken for higher status

    You can have your tape recorder repaired in the shop over there.

   其中在see, hear, feel, observe, watch, notice 等动词后, 既可以用不定式作宾语补足语, 也可以用动词+-ing作宾语补足语。前者强调动作发生的?事实( 即动作全部过程结束 ), 后者则强调动作的进行过程(即动作正在进行)。

    Tom saw his parents get into the car and drive off.
    I saw him making the experiment.

    注: 如果是过去分词作宾语补足语, 则表示过去分词所表示的动作在谓语?动词所表示的动作发生之前已经完成。例如:

    We found the work completely done.

Exercise 9--I Fill in the blands with proper verb forms:

1. The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them ____
(practise) every night this week.

2. We will have you ____ (know) that the machine has been made ____
(work) at full speed.

3. The injured man could do nothing but____(wait) for the doctor to

4. You had better ____(reserve) your seats today if you want to go to
the game.

5. We would rather put the meeting off than ____(hold) it without
adequate preparation.

6. She likes to ____(listen)to the rain ____(patter)on the window-panes.

7. I would like you ____(bring) the book which I lent you three months ago.

8. If your pencil is let ____(drop)to the floor, you can see gravity in

9. Suddenly we felt the atmosphere ____(grow) tense.

10. He was seen____(drive) the car at high speed on the highway yesterday.

11. I know it's not important but I can't help ____(think) about it.

12. That place is worth ____(travel) hundreds of miles to visit.

13. Do you mean ____(risk)____(catch) cold by going out now that it has
started pouring with rain?

14. How do you always manage ____(escape) ____(help)to do the washing-up?

15. I can't stand people ____(shout) and ____(push) on the street.

16. We shall appreciate ____(discuss) the matter with you again.

17. It is of no use ____(argue) about it because he will never
change his mind.

18. It is not much use ____(have) a bicycle if you don't know how to
ride it.

19. If we go ____(camp), we ought to take some food with us.

20. They don't allow____(make) noise in the classroom building.

Exercise 9-II Fill in the blands with proper verb forms and then
translate the sentences into Chinese:

1. I forget ____(collect) your homework yesterday.

2. I shall dnever forget ____(go)with you to see the President.

3. Try ____(sit)still in a chair in a darkened room; you will
be surprised how fast you'll get sleepy.

4. My sister tried ____(cheer)me up by every possible means.

5. A party tonight will mean ____(work) extra hard tomorrow.

6. I meant ____(ring) you but I'm afraid I forgot.

7. I regret ____(say) it was your fault.

8. I regret ____(say) you have failed in the examination.

9. I don't like ____(swim) today because it is too cold.

10. Tom has lived in a village on the sea and he likes ____(swim)very much.

11. We won't have him ____(do)the work owing to his health.

12. We saw the machine tools ____(assemble), when we visited the
factory last week.

13. Did you see Mr. Chang____(switch)off the light

14. At this moment he felt his heart____(beat)hard.

15. I want to gent something ____(read)during the vocation.

Exercise 9--III Choose the one answer that best complete the sentence:

1. Nobody enjoys having a tooth ____.

A. drill and fill       B. drilling and filling
C. to drill and fill D. drilled and filled

2. It's no use our ____any longer. He may come by any train. He is
used to finding his way around.

A. to wait                B. waiting
C. to have waited D. having waited

3. The revolutionary fighter would rather die with his head high than
____with his knees bent.

A. to live                B. living
C. live                      D. lived

4. I forgot ____her that my coat buttons need to be sewn on.

A. reminding            B. having reminded
C. to remind           D. to have reminded

5. It's no good ____remember grammatical rules. You need to practise
what you have learned.

A. trying to             B. to try to
C. try to                   D. tried to

6. I feel like ____to the owner of the house to complain.

A. writing                 B. to write
C. write                     D. having written

7. As we approached the village we saw many new houses____.

A. built                     B. build
C. being built        D. building

8. Tim cannot but ____ his supervisor to help him solve the difficulty
he has in doing his project.

A. to ask                    B. ask
C. asking                    D. asked

9. Would you mind ____ quiet for a moment? I am trying ____a form.

A. keeping; filling out         B. to keep; to fill out
C. keeping; to fill out         D. to keep; filling out

10. I don't remember ____ to professor Brown during my last visit
to Harvard.

A. having introduced                B. having been introduced
C. to have introduced              D. to have been introduced

11. "Why did you leave the meeting early?" "I found the discussion ____."

A. boring                     B. bored
C. bore                         D. boredom

12. The electric shaver needs ____before it can be used.

A. repairing                B. to repair
C. being repaired     D. to be repairing

13. I did not mean ____anything, but those apples looked so good I couldn't resist____one.

A. to eat; trying      B. to eat; to trying
C. eating; to try      D. eating; to trying

14. I can't understand ____ a decision until it is late.

A. him to postpone to make              B. his postponing to make
C. him postpone making                      D. his postponing making

15. Mrs. Douglas unknowingly left a package ____on the shop counter.

A. laying                        B. to lie
C. laid                            D. lying

16. I dread____to pay another visit to the graveyard.

A. having                        B. to had
C. having had                D. have

17. The younger the child, the more readily the mother gives in to his
demands to avoid____him.

A. disappointing         B. to disappoint
C. disappoint                 D. to have disappointed

18. John made it clear that he objected to ____the circuit on the
original project.

A. being converted      B. convert
C. converting                 D. have converted

19. In such a large crowd the policemen had considerable difficulty ____
the woman who had calledfor help.

A. locating                     B. to locate
C. having located        D. locate

20. I would appreciate ____it a secret.

A. you to keep                B. that you keep
C. your keeping             D. that you will keep


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