
本站小编 辅仁网/2017-09-16

Theology and Religious Studies

排名 学校 入学标准 学生满意度 科研评估 毕业前景 总分
1st Cambridge 511 4.36 3.12 90 100.0
2nd Durham 488 4.35 3.34 85 99.0
3rd Oxford 514 3.98 3.02 80 96.5
4th Exeter 454 4.40 3.01 80 96.2
5th St Andrews 369 4.63 2.93 85 94.7
6th Lancaster 407 4.21 3.15 80 94.6
7th Bristol 459 4.22 2.85 75 94.4
8th Birmingham 383 4.25 3.26 80 93.3
9th Nottingham 402 4.51 3.01 70 93.3
10th Edinburgh 426 3.88 3.09 75 92.4
11th Leeds 398 4.11 3.15 70 91.7
12th King's College London 403 4.01 3.08 70 90.8
13th Aberdeen 355 4.09 2.88 75 90.7
14th Stirling n/a 4.16 3.00 n/a 90.3
15th Glasgow n/a 4.41 2.56 70 90.1
16th SOAS University of London 361 4.09 3.04 70 89.8
17th Sheffield 358 4.13 2.93 70 89.3
18th Kent 316 4.30 3.11 65 88.9
19th Manchester 359 4.15 2.97 60 88.1
20th Chester 277 4.44 2.35 75 87.4
21st Cardiff 361 3.96 3.06 60 87.2
22nd Liverpool Hope 298 4.47 2.37 65 86.7
23rd Roehampton 269 4.47 2.47 65 86.5
24th Winchester 298 4.24 2.33 65 86.1
25th Cumbria n/a 4.14 n/a 80 85.8
26th University of Wales Trinity Saint David 303 4.21 2.64 55 85.0
27th Queen's, Belfast 360 4.35 n/a 65 84.6
28th Hull n/a 3.85 2.58 n/a 84.1
29th Newman 266 4.36 1.79 65 82.4
30th Canterbury Christ Church 235 4.12 2.52 55 81.6
31st Chichester 251 4.41 n/a 65 81.6
32nd St Mary's, Twickenham 267 4.01 2.20 60 81.6
33rd South Wales 331 4.51 n/a 50 81.5
34th Leeds Trinity 256 4.13 1.99 55 81.0
35th York St John 295 4.23 2.07 50 80.9
36th Bishop Grosseteste 271 4.36 n/a n/a 80.7
37th Gloucestershire 267 4.04 2.21 50 79.8
38th Bath Spa 274 4.16 2.15 35 76.5


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