[2019初试真题回忆] 2019年全国外语水平考试英语专业真题回忆

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-28

30个完型填空 2003年 专八阅读题During the past century, due to a (variety) of factors, more than 1,000 of the world’s languages have disappeared, and it is possible to foresee a time, perhaps 100 years from now, when about half of today’s 6,000 languages will (either) be dead or dying.   This startling rate of linguistic extinction is possible (because )96 per cent of the world’s languages are now spoken only( by) 4 per cent of the world’s population.   Globalization in the post-Cold War era has witnessed the coming of the information age, which has( played) an important role in promoting economic co-operation but which has, at the (same )time, helped facilitate the assimilation of smaller cultural systems (into) a larger, mostly English-speaking whole.   Internet and other forms of mass media have succeeded in (making) English the worldwide standard.   In 1998, the Seminar on Technological Progress & Development of the Present-day World was (held) in China. At the seminar, many participants expressed concern (over )the potential risks associated (with) excessive dependency on information technology. These critics claimed a move from \\\"information monopoly\\\"( to )\\\"information hegemony’could possibly become just another way for the strong to dominate the (weak), culturally as well as economically.   In other (words), life in a technology-and information-based global society may lead to a new social stratification, in (which) linguistic assimilation will lead to cultural assimilation and social injustice will abound.   In the 20th century, human society’s over ― development caused the deterioration of the environment and ecological imbalance. The extinction of myriad biological species aroused deep concern which led people to (an) understanding of the special importance of protecting( rare) animals and plants on the brink of extinction.   Now we face the question, is the maintenance of cultural and linguistic diversity as important( as) the preservation of pandas and Chinese white-flag dolphins   Given the open society in which we live, or wish to live, this question becomes complicated. A (balance) must be struck between promoting international exchanges on the one hand, and( taking) measures to protect \\\"small\\\" languages on the other (hand).   Most widely used languages, such as the six working languages ― including English and Chinese ― used in the United Nations, have( little) to fear and need no special protection.   But for other, more marginal languages some measures (should) be taken. Professionals should be trained to study and use them in order to keep them alive. Effective measures such as bilingual or multilingual education should also be implemented to protect them (from )extinction.  But what many fail to realize is (that) language and culture are linked. The extinction of languages( is) equal to animal extinction in this respect. The fading away of a language, no( matter )how small, causes real damage to the \\\"ecological balance\\\" in the field of culture.完形填空只记了几个 ethnography ethnic ethnicalgenerally mainly intervene interrogate dispose compose proposes suppose题目The brain functions awake at its ( )accord ratify constitute disrupt题目( )behavior and disordersaward commission honor prize题目the third is ( )in a brozen medaladd implement place put 题目 the words were ( ) to the languagecategory list road selection题目There is a wide ( ) of restaurant in the sides buy the eating tends to be formal.shake stir rattle wobble题目a bottle of coke ( )demise augment evoke 题目 the economic growth is only the political ( )exempt deduce augment absolve题目 curtail or eliminate the mortgage interests ()mysterious enfranchise but ( )his supporters and defenders alike
改错这是部分(由托福文章改编而成)One of the most significant evolutionary events that occurred on Earth was the transition of water-dwelling fish to terrestrial tetrapods (four-limbed organisms with backbones). Fish probably originated in the oceans, and our first records of them are in marine rocks. However, by the Devonian Period (408 million to 362 million years ago), they had radiated into almost all available aquatic habitats, including freshwater settings. One of the groups whose fossils are especially common in rocks deposited in fresh water is the lobe-finned fish.四篇阅读一篇星火题源100篇上的 讲的是欧洲现在喜欢独居的状况一篇讲的是 女人跟男人选择工作看中的因素一篇讲的是城市人口 第三世界城市人口增长一篇讲的是 本我 自我 超我


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