
本站小编 福瑞考研网/2017-04-09

1.再保险 reinsurance

2.投保人 applicant

3.保险人 insurer

4.被保险人 insured

5.受益人 beneficiary

6.暂保单 cover note

7.保险单 policy of insurance

8.投保单 proposal form

9.保单 certificate of insurance

10.批单 rider

11.简易保单(保险凭证)the slip

12.除外条款 clause of exceptions

13.免赔额条款 deductible clause

14.共保条款 coinsurance clause

15.责任条款 duty clause

16.代位求偿条款 subrogation clause

17.偿付能力 insolvency

18.监管 regulate

19.欺骗性的 deceptive

20.保费 prepium

21.投机 speculate

22.投保 to propose

23.保险利益 insurable interest

24.人寿保单 life assurance policy

25.债权人 creditor

26.债务人 debtor

27.定期保单 time policy

28.养老保险、年金保险 annuities insurance

29.交税延期 tax-postpone

30.巨灾 catastrophe

31.欺诈行为 fraud

32.养老基金 pension fund

33.保险责任 coverage

34.保险密度 insurance density

35.保险深度 insurance penetration

36.遗产 heritage

37.准备金 reserves

38.禁止反言 estoppel

39.弃权 waiver

40.解除合同 dissolution of contract

41.保单现金价值 cash value

42.不可抗辩条款 incontestable clause

43.年龄误告条款 misstatement of age

44.宽限期条款 grace period provision

45.复效条款 reinstatement provision

46.自杀条款 suicide clause

47.不丧失价值条款 non-forfeiture values and options

48.保单贷款条款 policy loan clause

49.自动垫缴保费条款 automatic premium loan clause

50.保险金给付任选条款 settlement options

51.定期寿险 term life insurance

52.终身寿险 whole life insurance

52.生存保险 pure endownment insurance

53.两全保险 endowment insurance

54.分红保险 participating life insurance

55.万能寿险 universal life insurance

56.投资连结保险 unit-link life insurance

57.健康保险 health insurance

58.疾病保险 disease insurance

59.医疗保险 medical insurance

60.失能收入损失保险 disability income insurance

61.长期护理保险 long-term care insurance

62.意外伤害保险 accidental insurance

63.等于 equal to

64.乘以 multiply by

65.除以 divide
66.加上 plus

67.减去 minus

68.人身保险 personal insurance

69.团体人身保险 group personal insurance

70.机动车辆保险 automobile insurance

71.家庭财产保险 insurance of contents

71.企业火灾保险 fire insurance

72.企业工程保险 engineering insurance

73.建筑工程保险 construction insurance

74.安装工程保险 erection insurance

75.货物运输保险 cargo transportation insurance

76.利润损失险 loss of profit insurance


1.what’s the definition of risk?

risk means uncertainty about future loss or the ability to predict the occurrence or size of a loss.

2.what’re the types of risks?

pure risk and speculative risk

1).pure risk means that the risk can only suffer loss and have no chance to gain benefit.

2).speculative risk means that the risk is able to gain benefit while suffering loss.

3.what are the ways of handing risks?

1).risk avoidance

2).risk dispersal

3).loss control

4).risk restraining

5).risk retention

6).risk transfer

4.what’re the kinds of hazards?

1).physical hazards

2).adverse selection

3).moral hazard

4).psychological hazard

5.what’re the differenes among risk,peril and hazard?

1).a peril is a cause of a loss.

2).a hazard is a condition that may creat or increase the chance of a loss due to a given peril.

3).a risk is used to indicate a condition that there is a possibility of loss.

6.what’s the definition of insurance?

1).from the perspective of the legal,insurance is a kind of contract.

2).from the perspective of the economy,insurance is a system of transfering risk.

3).from the perspective of the society,insurance is a kind of behavior that helps each other.

7.what’re the social functions of insurance?

1).spreading out risks

2).compensating for loss

3).investment and providing for a better utilization of capital

4).social management

8.what are the characteristics of insurance?

1).from the perspective of the legal,insurance is legal.

2).from the perspective of the economy,insurance is commercial.

3).from the perspective of the society,insurance is helpful.

9.what are the differences between the commercial

insurance and the social insurance?

1).the applicant who buy a commercial insurance is volunteer,but the social insurance is bought by a compulsive way.

2).the premium of the commercial insurance is paid by the applicant only,but the premium of the social insurance is paid by the applicant,the company that the applicant work in and the government.

10.what are the categories of insurance?

1).life insurance

2).health insurance

3).accidental insurance

4).properity insurance

5).liability insurance

6).credit insurance

11.what’s the definition of reinsurance?

reinsurance is an economical behavior caused by the insurer to transfering risk,because the insurer concerns the loss will have a bad effect on the stability of company.

12.what’s the definition of deductive clause?

insurance proceeds are payable only after the

insured has paid a certain amount of the loss.

13. what’s the definition of coinsurance clause?

coinsurance clause is used by judging if the sum of money compared with the insurance benefit is enough in property insurance,for example,there is an 80% coinsurance clause,if the sum of insurance has become 80% of the insurance benefit,the insurer will regard it as an enough sum proposal.

14. what’s the definition of duty clause?

the parties to an insurance contract are obligated to perform the duties imposed by the contract.

15. what’s the definition of subrogation clause?

if an insurance company pays a claim to an insured for liability or property damage caused by a third party,the insurer succeeds to the right of the insured to recover from a third party.

16.what’s the definition of insurance contract?

insurance contract is an agreement which stipulates rights and obligations of applicants and insurers.

17.what’s the definition of the principle of insurance interest?

insurance interest clause means that the applicant and the insured must have interest of subject-matter insured.

18.how to affirm the insurance interest in the property insurance?

if a person has some rights of one thing,such as ownership,rights of possession,right to use,creditor’s rights and so on,the person has the insurance interest of the thing.

19.what’re the significances of the principle of insurance interest ?

1).to prevent the behavior of gamble

2).to prevent moral risk

3).to limit the highest sum of money that the insurer pays to the insured

20.what’s the definition of the principle of utmost good faith?

the principle of utmost good faith means that the two parties of the contract should told the other all important details which can affect the insurer whether to accept a insurance and to increase the premium ,and they can’t do any spurious behavior.

21.what’s the definition of the obligation of notification?the two parties of the contract should notify the other all important details in written form or by verbal way before signing the contract .

22.what’s the applicant’s obligation of notification?

1).before signing the contract,the applicant should answer the insurer’s questions according to the facts

2).after signing the contract and in the period of validity,if the level of risk increases,the applicant should notify the insurer.

3).if the subject-matter insured has been transferred or the details of contract has been changed,the applicant should notify the insurer.

4).after the peril,the applicant should notify the condition of subjet-matter insured to the insurer in time.

23.what’s the definition of pledge?

pledge means that the applicant should guarantee whether to do something and whether something exits or not.

24.what’re the definitions of waiver and estoppel?

1).waiver means that one party of the contract notifies or indicates that he will give up certain right.2).estoppel means that if one party of the contract has given up certain right ,he couldn’t ask for the right again.
