
本站小编 FreeKaoyan/2018-01-23

2001 年上海外国语大学英语综合试题答案
I Cloze
(1)Either (2)than (3) and (4)speak (5) parents (6)each (7)own (8)with (9)Otherwise
(10)difference (11) by (12)With (13)masculinity (14)by (15)femininity
II Sentence Matching
III Summary
Many American Presidents have to shake hands with others in a public situation. And
for western people who are traditionally accustomed to this way of greeting, they have
to shake hands for the sake of politeness. Even though the hand-shaking manner of
greeting was unsanitary, it nevertheless has a “magic” effect on the person being
shaken by a celebrity. What’s more, hand-shaking is far better than the greeting
manner of some tribes who clasp each other’s genitals.
IV Reading Comprehension
V Writing
It is widely acknowledged that history is a masterpiece of enlightenment, recording
vicissitudes of the world, among them noble deeds as well as crimes, great
intelligence as well as follies, marvelous triumph as well as misfortunes.
Bewilderment by the evils of the mankind gives rise to such a statement to the effect
that history is little more than a register of crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.
There is no lacking of people who agree to the above saying, believing that history
can teach them nothing but the abominable behaviors of the ancestors, who
committed violent crimes, lived with outrageous follies, and eventually stricken by a
string of misfortunes that are invited at the wake of their evilness. Kept in the dark
until the advent of their ignominious death, they never saw the brilliance of the history,
brimming with mankind’s vanquish over nature, noble and selfish deeds,
enlightenment and inspiration, honesty and devotion, which together draw a
magnificent picture of history.
History is full of great heroes, who endowed us with abundant fruits of man, no
matter in the field of philosophy, literature, or politics. Rousseau, the Swiss-born
French philosopher and political theorist, is considered the most important forerunner
of romanticism. He advocates primitivism, attributing superior virtue to primitive
civilization. What’s more, his works inspired the leaders of French revolution and
influenced the movement of Romanticism. As a philosopher, he tried to combine
Christianity with rationalism and materialism. His “natural education” and thought of
the freedom between teachers and students serve as the source of modern pedagogical
movement. In literature, history bestows Charles Dickens on us. Dickens, the great
English novelist with wide popularity, is known for the essential realism of his
portrayal of life among the poor and the lower middle class of England. Thank to him,
the voices of the poor were heard and their lives became known to the rest of the
world. In politics, Martin Luther King, Jr. is no doubt a hero, who is the foremost
runner of the civil rights movement of his time and a life long advocate of non-violent
resistance to segmentation. He was recognized for his efforts to bring peaceful change
to the US and was awarded the Nobel Peace Price in 1964.
The stories of numerous great heroes are brilliant registers of history, from which
we learn and admire. Yet history is also dotted with ugly veil, form which we should
draw experience and prevent us from committing the same old mistakes. In a word,
history is a book, a good half of which is good and a small half is evil. Together they
push forward the on-going development of mankind, who will be written into the
book of history as the passage of time.
VI Grammar
1. He mustn’t pass the test last week.
2. Your remarks must be the last straw that constitutes his ultimate indignity.
3. The paparazzi may directly caused Princess Diana to die.
4. It shall be desirable that every man and woman contribute to the environmental
5. He mustn’t commit the embezzlement.
6. It must be the postman at the door.
7. They may have heard the news by now.
8. Actually: you don’t have to write such a long essay. The professor only asked
for four or five hundred words.
9. You must have left your bag on the subway.
10. They have to sell their house in order to pay the debts.
The cohesive devices used in this passage are as follows. Firstly, repetition. The word
“aloneness” in the first sentence is repeated in the second sentence. Secondly,
pronouns like “they” in the fifth and seventh sentence, referring to the people
mentioned in the above sentences. Thirdly, conjunctional words, such as “and”, “on
the other hand”.

相关话题/考研真题 英语综合 上海外国语大学 试题答案