
本站小编 FreeKaoyan/2018-01-23

华中师范大学2003年城市与环境科学学院 课程与教学论专业地理学科论方向 复试试题

一 论述题:每小题 20分

1 运用地理课程理论,说明现行中学地理课程的基本特征,并结合当前进行的“地理课程改革”,谈谈你的认识;

2 以一节中学地理教材为例,说明编制中学地理教材应坚持的基本原则;

3 联系实际说明影响学生地理课堂学习动机的主要因素,并论述激发学习动机的基本策略;

4 自选一段中学地理教材内容,设计3种或3种以上的教学策略,并说明设计思想(理由)。

二 专业外语(英译汉): 满分20分

Water Pollution

Everybody needs fresh water. Without water people, animals and plants cannot live. Although a few plants and animals can make do with saltwater, all humans need a constant supply of fresh water if they are to stay fit and healthy. Of the total supply of water on the Earth, only about 3 percent of it is fresh, and most of that is stored as ice and snow at the poles, or is so deep under the surface of the Earth that we cannot get to it. Despite so much of the water being out of reach, we still have a million cubic miles of it that we can use. That's about 4,300,000 cubic kilometers of fresh water to share out between most of the plants, animals and people on the planet.

Whether water is clean enough to use, or too polluted depends on many things such as where it is, whether there is enough for everyone to use, what we do with it, and how we deal with the water we have used before we let it run back to join the rivers and lakes.

The Developing World

In the developing world the biggest problem is the shortage of water and the lack of clean supplies. When water is very scarce people have to make good use of it. That might mean using the same source of water for drinking and cooking, a place to wash, a place to clean clothing, pots and pans and a place to let the farm animals drink as well.

The same water is used by many people for many different purposes, and each time the water becomes a little more polluted.

Imagine a river that is the only source of water for a series of farming villages along its banks. The people in the first village might be very careful and always get their drinking water from above the village, do all their washing a little further down stream, and let their animals drink in the river as it leaves their village. By being very careful and aware of basic hygiene they can try to stay healthy. They can do very little to protect themselves from dead animals decaying in the river further upstream, or from germs and parasites introduced to the water by wild animals. As the river leaves their village the water will have been polluted by washed bodies, food scraps from washed pots and pans, and body waste from the farm animals and village dwellers. The people in the next village will have to drink this polluted water, and will suffer from the diseases that accompany dirty water.

If an animal dies and falls into the only water supply for miles around, the people still have to drink the water. If the water is thick with mud and snails, but is the only water within reach, people have to drink it. Whether the water source is a river, a lake or a well, the problems are similar throughout the developing world; little piped and sterilized water, and not enough water to go round means that the same source has to be used for everything, and the risk of pollution and disease is very high .

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