
复旦大学 /2009-05-05

  Good afternoon, my dear professors. I am glad to be here for this interview. It is my great pleasue to introduce my self to all of you. my name is***, 27years old, born in ganzhou, jiangxi province. I gratuated from jiangxi medical college, my major is clinical medicine. Because of my deligence in study, I gained the schoalarships each year, and in 2000, I gloriously took part in the Chinese Communist Party。

  After gratuation, I went to work in TaiZhou hospital. It lies in LuQiao, Zhejiang probvince. it is a general hospital and the center of medicine for taizhou people. In the first two years, as a house suegeon, I accepted the normal and strict training. In 2003, I acquired the licence for practitions, at the same year, I am cheerful to be distributed to the deparment of cancer surgery. During the clinical practice, I have more and more interst in oncology, but, I knew deeply that I haye no adequate knowlege to be competent to the clinical practice. Furthermore, I believe that a qualified cancer surgeon should have abandful, systimatic and full——scale medical knowlege and must experience more normal and strict training. So, I determined to pursue the master's degree in fudan university. In order to prepare well to the tests for entrance for postgratuation, I Quit my job in July, 2005 and try my best to be ready for the tests. Now all my hard work has got a good result since, I have got a chance to be interviewed by all of you。

  I always believe that a docter will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learing. I am a deligent, studious, and creative person. Of course, if I am given a chance to study in fudan university, I will study harder, and, with your guidance and help, I wish I can, someday, like you, devote myself to the great cause of conquering the tumor. That's all, Thank you for your attention。


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