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  1. 考研英语写作中的常见错误


  (1) Today, students who take part in social practice become more and more.

  (2) Light will be more powerful when the circumstances is more dark.

  (3) As a university student, we can study hard science knowledge.

  (4) In remote country, some children cant go to school because no money.

  (5) If we help others without thinking whether others need, it perhaps decrease others confidence.

  (6) I think the best way to show love is our suitable help when others are facing with difficulty and need our helps.

  (7) In the picture below, in the dark full situation, a little of spark enlightens the dark.

  (8) We offer love, more important, we need love.

  (9) But for my roommates help I couldnt live up not only in physics but also in spirits.

  (10) Lets hold our hands to build our country filled in love hearts.


  ■ 审题不清,致使文章内容偏离主题。如在2002年考试中,有些考生将作文的主题定位为“中国的民族服装为何受西方人喜爱”,偏离了“文化融合”这一主题。我们知道,依据作文的评分原则,若文章内容不切题,则不管语言如何规范、用词如何准确,都会被判为零分。

  ■ 内容空洞,言之无物,东拉西扯,无明显主题。

  ■ 汉语思维,逐字翻译,中式英语。很多考生在写英语作文时,习惯于先用汉语进行构思,然后再将汉语译成英语。结果文章中出现很多中式英语,令人难以理解。大家最熟悉的一个典型例子是:Good good study, day day up (好好学习,天天向上)。

  ■ 词汇量小,用词不准确,词不达意。如do some contribution中的do就属于用词不准确,应该用make。

  ■ 语法错误较多,主要表现为主谓不一致,第三人称单数不加s,以及时态语态、名词单复数、句子完整性方面的错误。这些错误在考生看来可能无关紧要,但直接影响着作文的整体质量。

  ■ 句子单调,句型单一,句式缺少变化。

  ■ 不会使用起承上启下作用的过渡词语,文章缺乏连贯性。


  1) 词汇错误


  (1) 拼写错误


  ...flower cuircling her head and Chinese Changming lock in her chest...

  In its long history it beared excellent culture,...

  In the past, we are stranged to see a person in other countries costume while now we are very familiar with this.

  What I accomplished today party attribute to all of them giving me a hand to my school work.

  With the development of saciety, ...

  enviroment pollution,

  We could do anything happyly.

  If we have a family fulling of people who love you, ...

  (2) 近形异义词(词组)混用

  英语中有很多单词(词组)词形非常相似,但词义却相差甚远,使用起来往往容易混淆。这是考研英语作文中另一词汇方面的常见错误。这些词(词组)的混用或误用经常会引起歧义,有时甚至会产生相反的意思。如contribute to 和attribute to意思就完全相反,但考生常将二者混淆;其他容易混淆的词还有:

  confirm (确认) —— conform (使……适合)

  economic (经济的) —— economical (节约的)

  courage (勇气) —— encourage (鼓励)

  transmit (传送) —— transform (转换)

  liter (升、公升) —— litter (乱丢、乱扔)

  consist of (由……组成) —— consist in (存在于……)

  belong to (属于) —— belong in (应归入……)

  (3) 搭配不当


  误: to solve the question

  正: to solve the problem (or: to answer the question)

  误: pay attention on

  正: pay attention to

  误: Many changes have happened.

  正: Many changes have taken place.

  误: on my opinion

  正: in my opinion

  (4) 用词不当

  许多考生由于词汇量有限,或单词掌握得不够牢固,因此不能正确使用已学过和已经记住的单词,出现用词不当、词不达意等问题。 例如: the naive spark, enlighten the dark, a happy home, calm gulf, health knowledge等。

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