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  1. 首先学员将接受系统的阅读训练(以商务和经济文章为主),掌握基本阅读技巧:略读、浏览、根据语境猜测词义以及跨行阅读;

  2. 其次,课堂上将按主题开展专门的沟通活动,让学员在模拟商务环境下练习措辞、熟悉句法和理解英语语言功能;

  3. 再次,我们要求学员通过课堂讨论、小组活动、辩论和英语演讲,学习并且展示他们的沟通和社交能力,使之与实际工作经验融会贯通,并且大量练习英语环境下的电话交谈、会议、社交、演讲和谈判技巧。



  诚信楼 229





  Email: SIMadmission@uibe.edu.cn


  150元人民币 / 小




  Business English Training Course For

  Sino-US School of International Management, UIBE

  Professor: Jiang, Chun (江春)

  Classroom: 诚信楼 229

  Learning hours: 54 hours

  Tel: 64495020 (O)

  A Few Words on Business English

  In this course we understand “Business English” as English For Specific Purposes (ESP) used in business contexts (Jones & Alexander 1994) or any business environment. Survey results on the experienced business people told us that common activities in business world, regardless of their industries or job titles, mainly consist of the following five categories: telephoning, meeting, socializing, negotiating and presenting. We refer to this category of English as “business English for professional purpose”. Another important area of business English is “business English for academic purpose” where people learn business English in order to prepare themselves for further MBA programs or E-MBA programs conducted in English either in China or USA. Therefore people who learn and practice Business English for either occupational or academic purposes can benefit in the following aspects:

  *Improve your overall communicative competence in English

  *Help you to be confident in public speaking and business writing

  * Get to know many professional and managerial level people

  * Enhance your personal career development

  Ø Course Description

  Language learning is not a knowledge-based but skill-based process. We assume students taking part in this course have already had a basic mastery of English in terms of grammar and vocabulary. This assumption determines the three objectives.

  1. Firstly students learn to have a good command of English in business and economics through systematic reading of business-related articles so that students learn some basic reading skills such as skimming, scanning, guessing the new words from the context and reading between lines.

  2. Secondly theme-based communicative activities will be organized in class so that students can have opportunities to practice the terminologies, sentence patterns and language functions that often appear in business field. This will enhance their ability in listening, speaking and interacting in English in general.

  3. Thirdly students should learn and demonstrate their communicative and interpersonal skills through class discussion, group work, debate, and presentation in English. They can combine what they have learned with their own personal experiences and practice the skills of questioning and answers, telephoning, meeting, socializing, presenting and negotiating in English. Hopefully students will be able to apply these skills in their future work.

  Ø Teaching Materials


  PASS Cambridge BEC 3新编剑桥商务英语(高级)经济科学出版社

  Many other supplementary materials will be distributed in classes.

  Audio and Video Aid: videos will be shown plus audio tapes

  Ø Teaching Methodology

  1. A theme-based, task-oriented communicative approach will be consistently adopted throughout the whole semester.

  2. Situational dialogues, group and class discussions, Q & A sessions, debate and presentations are the chief communicative activities to be conducted in class.

  3. Student-orientation and classroom-interaction are the two characteristics of the teaching methodology.

  Ø Course Requirement

  Students are required to read the articles assigned to them in the following teaching plan before each classroom session. They will also be required to prepare for some topics and tasks they will be asked to discuss or do in class. Every time they should refer to and follow their teaching plan and do the jobs assigned to them.

  Ø Evaluation Plan

  The evaluation will be based on two criteria:

  1. Classroom behavior in task fulfillment and participation (50%)

  2. Final examination (50%)

  Students are required to prepare a 15-minute long presentation together with Power point multimedia aid to introduce his/her company from the following points: establishment, product or services, unique value proposition or business model, marketing strategy and financial situation, management style, performances so far and future prospects.

  Ø Teaching Schedule

  1. Students’ needs and level analysis: orientation and getting to know each other, job and company description

  A self-introduction session; Talking and asking about the personal information; Introducing company and company products, services; Introducing industry and overall competitiveness.

  2. Work Roles and Company Structure (1a, 1b)

  Talking about jobs and duties; Talking about organizational structure

  Language: Report writing and different tenses

  3. Stocks & Shares and Mergers & Acquisitions (2a,2b)

  Talking about financial trends; Talking about mergers and acquisition

  Language: describing trends and linking words

  4. Trade Fairs and Entering a Market (3a,3b)

  Talking about trade fairs; Talking about doing business abroad

  Language: letter writing, articles

  5. Staff Motivation and Recruitment (5a,5b)

  Talking about motivation at work; Talking about recruitment

  Language: expressing opinions and reference words

  6. Corporate Culture and Cultural Diversity (6a,6b)

  Talking about company culture; Talking about cultural differences

  Language: agreeing and disagreement

  7. Industrial Espionage and Business Ethics (7a,7b)

  Talking about information security; Talking about business ethics

  Language: sequence markers, pausing techniques and conditionals

  8. Global Brands and Global Sourcing (8a,8b)

  Talking about global brands; Talking about suppliers

  Language: cause and effect and making suggestions

  9. Final Exam

  Students are required to prepare a 15-minute long presentation together with Power point multimedia aid to introduce his/her company from the following points: establishment, product or services, unique value proposition or business model, marketing strategy and financial situation, management style, performances so far and future prospects.

  Good Luck To Everyone


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