
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-11-03


姓 名:胡广志
性 别:男
职 称:研究员(自然科学)


目前职位:12/2014-今,中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所研究员、博士生导师;01/2015-今,瑞典于默奥大学客座教授。教育背景:09/2007-07/2010 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所 理学博士 (分析化学);09/2004-07/2007 安徽师范大学化学与材料科学学院 理学硕士 (分析化学);09/2000-07/2004 安徽师范大学化学与材料科学学院 理学学士 (化学专业)工作经历:09/2010-11/2014 瑞典于默奥大学(Umea Univeristy)物理系 博士后 主要获奖及荣誉:12/2010 中国科学院院长优秀奖;12/2010 中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生奖;01/2011-12/2012 瑞典Wenner-Gren博士后奖学金。




在Nature Communications, J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACS Nano, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Electrochemistry Communications, Electrochimica Acta, Journal of Materials Chemistry等国际知名期刊上发表学术论文36篇,被引用合计700多次(H-指数为17,Thomason Reuters统计数据)。

1. Guangzhi Hu, Florian Nitze, Eduardo Gracia-Espino, Jingyuan Ma, Hamid Reza Barzegar, Tiva Sharifi , Xueen Jia, Andrey Shchukarev, Lu Lu, Chuansheng Ma, Guang Yang*, Thomas Wagberg*, Small palladium islands embedded in palladium-tungsten bimetallic nanoparticles form catalytic hotspots for oxygen reduction, Nature communications, 5 (2014) 5253.

2. Eduardo Gracia-Espino, Guangzhi Hu(共同第一作者), Andrey Shchukarev, Thomas Wagberg*, Understanding the interface of six-shell cuboctahedral and icosahedral palladium clusters on reduced graphene ox-ide: experimental and theoretical study, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136 (2014) 6626-33.

3. G. Z. Hu, F. Nitze, X. Jia, T. Sharifi, H.R. Barzegar, E. Gracia-Espino, T. Wagberg*, Reduction free room temperature synthesis of a durable and efficient Pd/ordered mesoporous carbon composite electrocatalyst for alkaline direct alcohols fuel cell, Rsc Advances 4 (2014) 676-682.

4. Hamid Reza Barzegar, Guangzhi Hu (共同第一作者), Christian Larsen, Xueen Jia, Ludvig Edman, Thomas W?gberg, Palladium nanocrystals supported on photo-transformed C-60 nanorods: Effect of crystal morphology and electron mobility on the electrocatalytic activity towards ethanol oxidation, Carbon 73 (2014) 34-40.

5. Guangzhi Hu, Florian Nitze, Hamid Reza Barzegaar, Tiva Sharifi, Anja Mikoaajczuk Cheuk-Wai Taic, Andrzej Borodzinski, Thomas W?gberg*, Palladium nanocrystals supported on helical carbon nanofibers for highly efficient electro-oxidation of formic acid, methanol and ethanol in alkaline electrolytes, Journal of Power Sources, 209 (2012) 236-242.

6. Guangzhi Hu, Florian Nitze, Tiva Sharifi, Hamid Reza Barzegar, and Thomas Wagberg*, Self-assembled palladium nanocrystals on helical carbon nanofibers as enhanced electrocatalysts for electro-oxidation of small molecules, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (2012) 8541-8548.

7. Guangzhi Hu, Tiva Sharifi, Florian Nitze, Hamid Reza Barzegar, Cheuk-Wai Tai, Thomas Wagberg*, Phase-transfer synthesis of amorphous palladium nanoparticle-functionalized 3D helical carbon nanofibers and its highly catalytic performance towards hydrazine oxidation, Chemcial Physics Letters, 543 (2012) 96-100.

8. Guangzhi Hu, Long Chen, Yong Guo, Xiaolai Wang, Shijun Shao*, Selective determination of L-dopa in the presence of uric acid and ascorbic acid at a gold nanoparticle self-assembled carbon nanotube-modified pyrolytic graphite electrode, Electrochimica Acta, 55 (2010) 4711-4716.

9. Guangzhi Hu, Zhengping Zhou, Haoqing Hou, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Rhodium nanoparti-cle-loaded electrospun carbon nanofibers for highly selective amperometric sensing of hydrazine, Electrochemistry Communications, 12 (2010) 422-426.

10. Guangzhi Hu, Yong Guo, Quanmin Xue, Shijun Shao*, A highly selective amperometric sensor for ascorbic acid based on mesopore-rich active carbon-modified pyrolytic graphite electrode, Electro-chimica Acta, 55 (2010) 2799-2804.

11. Guangzhi Hu, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Ultrasensitive electrochemical sensing of the anticancer drug tirapazamine using an ordered mesoporous carbon modified pyrolytic graphite electrode, Bio-sensors and Bioelectronics 24 (2009) 3391-3394.

12. Guangzhi Hu, Long Chen, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Xiaolai Wang, Selective electrochemical sensing of calcium dobesilate based on the nano-Pd/CNTs modified pyrolytic graphite electrode, Talanta 78 (2009) 1211-1214.

13. Guangzhi Hu, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Simultaneous Determination of Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid Using the Nano-Gold Self-Assembled Glassy Carbon Electrode, Electroanalysis 21 (2009) 1200-1206.

14. Guangzhi Hu, Yonggen Ma, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Selective electrochemical sensing of cal-cium dobesilate based on an ordered mesoporous carbon-modified pyrolytic graphite electrode, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 633 (2009) 264-267.

15. Guangzhi Hu, Dapeng Zhang, Weili Wu, Zhousheng Yang*, Selective determination of dopamine in the presence of high concentration of ascorbic acid using nano-Au self-assembly glassy carbon electrode, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 62 (2008) 199-205.

16. Zhousheng Yang*, Guangzhi Hu, Xi Chen, Jun Zhao, Guangchao Zhao, The nano-Au self-assembled glassy carbon electrode for selective determination of epinephrine in the presence of ascorbic acid, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 54 (2007) 230-235.

17. Zhousheng Yang*, Guangzhi Hu, Yunchun Liu, Jun Zhao, Guangchao Zhao, Poly-(p-aminobenzene sulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode for selective determination of hydroquinone in the presence of catechol and resorcinol, Canadian Journal of Analytical Sci-ences and Spectroscopy 52 (2006) 11-17.

18. Guangzhi Hu, Yunchun Liu, Jun Zhao, Shiqiang Cui, Zhousheng Yang*, Yuzhong Zhang, Selective response of dopamine in the presence of ascorbic acid on L-cysteine self-assembled gold electrode, Bioelectrochemistry 69 (2006) 254-257.


相关话题/中国科学院 分析化学 理学 化学与材料科学学院 环境

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