
本站小编 免费考研网/2017-06-08


姓名: 张文 性 别: 男 院 系: 经济管理学院
行政职务: 专业技术职称: 教授 导师类别: 硕士生导师
从事专业1: 管理科学与工程 从事专业2: 工商管理 从事专业3:
最后学历: 最后学位: 博士 任硕导年月: 2012-07
任博导年月: 是否院士: 否 是否国务院学科评议组成员: 否
毕业院校: 日本先端技术大学院 毕业专业: 087100 管理科学与工程 毕业时间: 2009-03-03
办公电话: E-mail: zhangwen@mail.buct.edu.cn 是否停招: 否
◇ 个人简历:
张 文 Email:zhangwen@mail.buct.edu.cn 地址:北京市朝阳区北三环东路15号北京化工大学化纤楼406 工作经验: 2014.06-至今 北京化工大学经济管理学院 教授 2011.12-2014.05 中国科学院软件研究所 副研究员 2009. 5-2011.11 中国科学院软件研究所 助理研究员研究方向:大数据管理,数据挖掘,互联网舆情分析研究项目(主持): 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2014.1-2017.12),“基于群体记忆的开源软件缺陷预测、诊断和定位研究(61379046)”,负责人。 2. 国家青年科学基金项目(2012.1-2014.12),“基于网络潜在群体的开源软件缺陷解决研究(71101138)”,负责人。 3. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目(2012.1-2014.6)。“基于主题追踪与情感分析的互联网舆情监测研究(4122087)”,负责人。 4. 教育部留学归国科研启动基金项目(2010.3-2013.3),“基于经验库挖掘的软件质量预测研究”,负责人。发表论文期刊论文: 1. W. Zhang, Y. Yang, Q. Wang: A Comparative Study of absent Features and Unobserved Values in Software Effort Data. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 22(2): 185-202, 2012. (World Scientific, SCI) 2. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida, X. J. Tang, Q. Wang.:Text Clustering Using Frequent Itemsets, Knowledge-based Systems, 23(5), 379-388, 2010. (Elsevier, SCI) 3. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida, X. J. Tang: Using Ontology to Improve Precision of Terminology Extraction from Documents, Expert Systems with Applications, 36(5), 9333-9339, 2009.( (Elsevier, SCI) 4. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida, X. J. Tang.: A comparative study of TF*IDF, LSI and multi-words for text classification. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(3), 2758-2765, 2011. (Elsevier, SCI) 5. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida, X. J. Tang: Improving effectiveness of mutual information for substantival multiword expression extraction. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(8), 10919-10930, 2009. (Elsevier, SCI) 6. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida, X. J. Tang: Text classification based on multi-word with support vector machine, Knowledge-based Systems, 21 (8), Dec. 2008, pp. 879-886. (Elsevier, SCI) 7. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida, X. J. Tang: Distribution of multi-words in Chinese and English Documents, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 8(1), 249-265, 2009. (World Scientific, SCI) 8. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida, X. J. Tang, T. B. Ho: Augmented Mutual Information for Multi-word Extraction, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 5(2), 543-554, 2008. (SCI) 9. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida, X. J. Tang: Text classification toward a Scientific Forum, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 16(3), 356-379, 2007. (Springer, SCI, EI) 10. 张文, 唐锡晋, 吉田武稔.:AIS-基于文本挖掘的增强型Web信息处理技术,系统工程理论与实践,30(1), 96-104 (2010).(EI) 11. 张文, 唐锡晋:一种基于Web内容挖掘的信息支持工具, 管理评论, 18(9), 21-26 (2006). (中文核心期刊) 国际会议论文: 1. S. Wang, W. Zhang, Y. Yang, Q. Wang: DevNet: Exploring Developer Collaboration in Heterogeneous Networks of Bug Repositories. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2013. 2. X. Xie, W. Zhang, Y. Yang, Qing Wang: DRETOM: developer recommendation based on topic models for bug resolution. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering (PROMISE 2012), 19-28, September 11-17, 2012, Lund, Sweden. 3. W. Zhang, Y. Yang, Q. Wang: An Empirical Study on Identifying Core Developers using Network Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies (EAST 2012), 43-48, September 11-17, 2012, Lund, Sweden. 4. W. Zhang, Y. Yang and Q. Wang.: Handling missing data in software effort prediction with naive Bayes and EM, In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering (PROMISE 2011), 2011. (EI) 5. W. Zhang, Y. Yang and Q. Wang.: Network Analysis of OSS Evolution: An Empirical Study on ArgoUML Project. In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution and the 7th annual ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution (EVOL/IWPSE 2011), 71-80, 2011.(EI) 6. W. Zhang, Y. Yang and Q. Wang.: On the Predictability of Software Efforts using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2011), 5-14, 2011. (Best Paper Award) 7. W. Wu, W. Zhang, Y. Yang and Q. Wang.: DREX: Developer Recommendation with K-Nearest-Neighbor Search and Expertise Ranking. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2011), 389-396, 2011. 8. W. Zhang, Y. Yang, Q. Wang and F. Shu.: An Empirical Study on Classification of Non-Functional Requirements. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), 81-87, 2010. 9. W. Zhang, Y. Yang and Q. Wang: Absent Features or Missing Values, In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2010), 6-11, 2010. 10. D. Wang, W. Zhang, J. Chen, Y. Yang and Q. Wang: EXPRE: a repository for managing software data and experience. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2010), 2010. 11. W. Wu, W. Zhang, Y. Yang and Q. Wang.: Time series analysis for bug number prediction. In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Mining (SEDM 2010), 589 – 596, 2010. 12. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida and X. Tang: Text Classification Using Semi-supervised Clustering. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering (BIFE 2009), 197-200, 2009. 13. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida, X. J. Tang: Improving Precision of Inter-document Similarity Measure by SVD on clusters, Proceedings of The Twenty-second International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE-2009), LNAI, 2009. (EI) 14. W. Zhang, X. J. Tang, T. Yoshida: A Comparison of SVD, SVR, ADE and IRR for Latent Semantic Indexing, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, (2009). (EI) 15. W. Zhang, T. Yoshida, X. J. Tang: Text Classification with Support Vector Machine and Back Propagation Neural Network, Proceedings of The 2007 International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), LNCS 4490, 150-157, 2007. 16. X. J. Tang, Y. J. Liu, W. Zhang: Computerized Support for Idea Generation during Knowledge Creating Process. In: Khosla, R. J. Howlett, and L. C. Jain (eds.): Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (proceedings of KES’2005, Part IV), LNAI, 3684, 437-443. (SCI) 国内会议: 1. 张 文, 唐锡晋: 知识发现与求知模式, 第8届全国青年管理科学与系统科学学术会议, 2005年5月21-22日,优秀论文,南京. 发明专利: 1. 张 文,吴文金,杨叶,王青:一种软件缺陷报告修复方法. 中华人民中华人民共和国国家知识产权局. 专利号:201110209093. 2. 张 文,谢锡浩,杨叶,王青:一种缺陷跟踪系统的软件缺陷报告自动分发方法. 中国, 中华人民共和国国家产权局. 专利号:201310092736.1. 3. 张 文,杨叶,王青:一种新增软件工作量的预测方法. 中华人民中华人民共和国国家知识产权局. 专利号:2011100838941.
◇ 本人从事的主要研究方向:

◇ :在国内外核心期刊上发表学术论文情况

论文题目 刊物名称 刊物国家 收录情况 卷期 排名
Text Clustering Using Frequent Itemsets Knowledge-based Systems 国外 SCI 23(5) 1
Using Ontology to Improve Precision of Terminology Extraction from Documents Expert Systems with Applications 国内 SCI 36(5) 1
A Comparative Study of absent Features and Unobserved Values in Software Effort Data International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 国外 SCI 22(2) 1
AIS-基于文本挖掘的增强型Web信息处理技术 系统工程理论与实践 国内 EI 30(1) 1
一种基于Web内容挖掘的信息支持工具 管理评论 国内 18(9) 1

相关话题/软件 信息 技术 北京化工大学 毕业