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教授 博士生导师




返回内蒙古大学任教,目前为内蒙古大学化学化工学院教授 、博士生导师


王晓晶博士近五年主持各类项目12项,包括国家自然科学基金项目2项,国家教育部春晖计划项目2项,国家教育部科技重点项目1项,教育部留学人员科研启动基金项目1项,内蒙古自治区自然科学基金重点项目1项,内蒙古人才开发基金项目1项,内蒙古教育厅科学研究项目1项。以第一作者在J. Phys.Chem.,J. Photochem.,J. Mol. Catal.,J. Phys. Chem. B,Sur. Sci.,J. Organomet. Chem.,Chem. Phys.,J. Mol. Struc. Theochem.等国内外刊物上发表40多篇学术论文,其中SCI收录论文18篇,研究成果受到国内外同行的关注,论文被国外同行多次引用,近几年在各种国内和国际学术会议作邀请报告和口头报告共20多次。2006年获得内蒙古自治区第九届青年科技创新成果奖(不分等级),2008年获内蒙古大学科技创新成果二等奖1项、三等奖1项,2009年获得内蒙古自治区自然科学奖一等奖1项。2008年入选内蒙古自治区321人才工程二层次人选。


1、国家自然科学基金项目,项目名称:内蒙古自治区钽资源在光催化方面综合利用的试验和理论研究, 批准号:20863004,时间: 2009.01-2009.12,主持人:王晓晶。


3、教育部科技重点项目,项目名称:稀土氧化物添加剂对半导体光催化材料能带隙调控作用的研究,时间: 2006.01-2008.12,主持人:王晓晶教授。

4、教育部“春晖计划”, 项目名称:稀土增强、染料敏化太阳能电池材料研究与开发,批准号:Z2007-1-01034,时间:2008.01-2010.12,主持人:王晓晶教授。

5、教育部“春晖计划”, 项目名称:甲烷催化燃烧反应机理及吸附脱附过程的研究,批准号:Z2004-2-15028, 时间: 2005.01-2007.12,主持人:王晓晶教授。

万元 批准号:206023,B类 批准日期:2006年1月1日

6、教育部留学人员科研启动基金项目,项目名称:环保光催化材料的设计、合成与相关技术研究, 批准号:教外司(2006)331号,时间:2006.01-2008.12,主持人:王晓晶教授。


8、内蒙古人才基金,项目名称:纳米半导体光催化材料的合成以及结构性能研究, 批准号:1300020205,时间:2005.01-2007.12,主持人:王晓晶教授。


10.环保/能源一体化功能光催化材料的设计、合成与相关技术研究, 内蒙古大学高层次引进人才启动基金项目, 2004-2006,主持人王小晶教授。

11.半导体光催化材料能带隙的调控规律研究以及新型光催化剂的合成, 内蒙古大学531人才科研预研基金, 2005-2007,主持人王小晶教授




1、分子材料平台的建立及新型光电功能材料的研制和开发,内蒙古自治区自然科学奖 一等奖,内蒙古政府,2009年







1.M. Han, X. Wang,, Y. Shen, C. Tang, G. Li, R. L. Smith,,Preparation of Highly Active, Low Au-Loaded, Au/CeO2 Nanoparticle Catalysts That Promote CO Oxidation at Ambient Temperatures. J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 2010, 793。

2. X. Wang, H. Bai, Y. Meng, Y. Zhao, C. Tang, Y. Gao, Synthesis and Optical Properties of Bi3+ Doped NaTaO3 Nano-Size Photocatalysts Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,10, 2010,1.

3. X. Wang, W. Wang, P. Han, M. Kubo, A. Miyamoto, Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Non-metals (N, F, P, Cl ,S)-doped Cubic NaTaO3 by Density Functional Theory, Advanced Materials Research, 79-82,2009, 1245.

4.Xiaojing Wang, Wei Wang, Peilin Han, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto,Quantum chemical molecular dynamical investigation of alkyl nitrite photo-dissociated on copper surfaces,Applied Surface Science,254(21),2008,6991.


6.Xiaojing Wang, Yajun Wang, Chen Lv, Momoji Kubo,Akira Miyamoto,Investigation of the photo-dissociation reactions for alkyl nitrite by quantum chemical molecular dynamics program “Colors-Excite” Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry
187(1), 2007, 119.

7.Xiaojing Wang, Yajun Wang, Chen Lv, Momoji Kubo,Akira Miyamoto,Investigation of the dissociative adsorption for cyclopropane on the copper surface by density functional theory and quantum chemical molecular dynamics method,Surface Science 601( 3), 2007, 679.

8. Xiaojing Wang , Chen Lv , Michihisa Koyama, Momoji Kubo , Akira Miyamoto,Investigation of charge transfer and structural distortions during photo-inducted excitation of cuprous bis-2,9-dimethyl-1,4 10-phenanthroline complex by density functional theory, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 691(4), 2006,551.

9.Xiaojing Wang , Wei Wang , Michihisa Koyama, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto,A density functional investigation of charge transfer and structural distortions of cuprous(I) bis-phenanthroline under photo-induced excitation,Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 179(1-2), 2006, 149.

10. 张瑞芳,王小晶,王威,图亚,氯代二苯并二噁英光谱性质的理论研究,计算机与应用化学, 23(6),2006,554.

11. 图亚,王小晶,王威,张瑞芳,环丙烷在铜表面解离吸附过程的理论研究,内蒙古大学学报, 37(3),2006,267.

12.Xiaojing Wang, Chen Lv, Michihisa Koyama, Momoji Kubo, and Akira Miyamoto,“A Theoretical Investigation of the Photo-induced Intramolecular Charge Transfer Excitation of Cuprous(I) Bis-phenanthroline by Density Functional Theory” J. Organomet. Chem. 690(1), 2005,187.

13.Li Lu, Liping Li, Xiaojing Wang, and Guangshe Li, Understanding of the Finite Size Effects on Lattice Vibrations and Electronic Transitions of Nano r-Fe2O3,J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 2005,17151.

14. Lv C, Wang XJ, Govindasamy A, Momoji Kubo, and Akira Miyamoto,“Tight-binding quantum chemical calculations of electronic structures of indium tin oxide” JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 44 (4B), 2005, 2806.

15. Lv C, Wang XJ, Agalya G, Momoji Kubo, and Akira Miyamoto,“Photocatalytic oxidation

dynamics of acetone on TiO2: tight-binding quantum chemical molecular dynamics study” ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 244 (1-4), 2005, 541.

16. Agalya G, Lv C, Wang XJ, Momoji Kubo, and Akira Miyamoto,

“Theoretical study on the electronic and molecular properties of ground and excited states of ethylenedioxythiophene and styrenesulphonic acid” APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 244 (1-4), 2005, 195.

17.Xiaojing Wang, Chen Lv, “A theoretical study on the cyclopropane adsorption onto the copper surfaces by density functional theory and quantum chemical molecular dynamics methods”; Journal of Molecular Catalysis. A, Chemical 220 (2),2004,189.

18.Xiaojing Wang, Chen Lv, Schihera Koyama, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “ excited state and photo-induced catalysis” Catalysts & Catalysis 46,2004,161.

19. Chen Lv, Xiaojing Wang, Michihisa Koyama, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “On the photocatalysis of TiO2 as investigated by Accelerated Quantum Chemistry Method”, Transactions of the material research society of japan. 29(6) ,2004, 2705.

20.Huifeng Zhong , Xiaojing Wang, Masaki. Fushimi, Akira Endou , Momoji Kubo, Parasuraman. Selvam , Akira Imamura , Akira Miyamoto, “Tight-Binding Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Study of the Propylene Polymerization by Ziegler Natta catalyst”, Transaction of the materials research society of japan 29(8), 2004, 3735.

21.Xiaojing Wang, Chen Lv, Andou Akira, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “Study on the Excitations of Ligand-to-Metal Charge Transfer in the Complexes Cp2MCl2 (Cp=?h-C5H5, M=Ti, Zr, Hf) by Density Functional Theory”, J. Organomet. Chem. 678, 2003, 156.

22.Xiaojing Wang, Takami S., Kubo M., and Miyamoto A., “A Theoretical Study on Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Cyclopropane in Ground- and Excited- states”, Chem. Phys. 279, 2002, 7.

23.Xiaojing Wang, Wan X. H., Zhou H., Takami S., Kubo M., and Miyamoto A.; “Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Dimers Cu2, Ag2, and Au2 by density functional theory, J. Mol. Struc. Theochem. 579, 2002, 221.

24.Wan X. H., Wang X. J., Luo Y., Takami S., Kubo M., and Miyamoto A., “Theoretical investigation on functionalization of alkanes by a rhodium complex catalyst”, Organometallics, 21, 2002, 3703.

25 Xiaojing Wang, Wan Xiaohong, Hui Zhou, Takami Seiichi, Kubo Momoji, Miyamoto Akira, “Theoretical study on the low-lying excited state of molecules”, Symposium of Japan Chemistry Society, OSAKA, Japan, P138 (2001,3).

26. Xiaojing Wang, Xiaohong Wan, Takami Seiichi, Kubo Momoji, Miyamoto Akira, “ Research on the Excited and Ground state of Transition Metal Dimers”, Symposium on the computational chemistry, TOKYO, Japan, P80 (2001, 6).

27.Xiaojing Wang, Zhou Hui, Seiichi Takami, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “ Research on the electronic structure and spectroscopic properties of excited state of some transition dimers”, Symposium on the catalytic science, BEPPU, Japan, p367 (2001 , 9)

28.Xiaojing Wang, Seiichi Takami, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “Study of the Electronic Spectroscopic Properties of some organometallic Complexes” Symposium on the catalytic science, KOUBE, Japan, P315 ( 2002,3)

29.Xiaojing Wang, Wan Xiaohong, Seiichi Takami, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “Study on the Excited State Dynamics. An Application to the System of Cyclopropane Adsorbed on the Copper Surface” Symposium of Japan Chemistry Society, YOKOHAMA, Japan, P452 ( 2002,3)

30.Xiaojing Wang, Hui Zhou, Seiichi Takami, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “Study of the LMCT (ligand to metal charge transfer) Excited states to Ti, Zr and Hf Bent Metallocenes by Density Functional Theory”, Forth international conference on the advanced catalytic science and technology, TOKYO, Japan, P563 ( 2002,7).

31.Xiaojing Wang, Seiichi Takami, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “Theoretical Study on Electronic Structures and Activation Processes of Cyclopropane Adsorbed on Copper Surface”, Symposium on the catalytic science, HAMAMATSU, Japan, p367 (2002 , 9).

32.Xiaojing Wang, Seiichi Takami, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “Study of the Charge Transfer Transition and the Mechanism of Photochemical Reaction for the Cuprous Bis-phennanthroline Compounds”, Symposium of petrochemistry, TAKAYAMA, Japan, P420 ( 2002,10).

33.Xiaojing Wang, Lv Chen, Akira Endou, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “Study of The Excited State and Excitation Process of The Photosensitive Materials for a Series of Cuprous Bis-phenanthroline by The Method of Density Functional Theory” Symposium on the catalytic science, YOKOHAMA, Japan, p76 (2003 , 3).

34.Xiaojing Wang, Lv Chen, Akira Endou, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “The theoretical simulation of electronic properties and dynamics behaviors of the photolysis reaction for the molecules alkyl nitrite” Symposium on application of physics, YOKOHAMA, Japan, p783 (2003 ,3)

35.Xiaojing Wang, Lv Chen, Akira Endou, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “Theoretical study of the excited state and electronic absorption spectra of the semiconductor clusters” Symposium on the catalytic science, Tokyo, Japan, p262 (2003 ,9)

36.Xiaojing Wang, Lv Chen, Michihisa Koyama Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto, “Quantum chemical investigation of excited state and photo-induced catalysis” Symposium on the catalytic science, Osaka, Japan, p161 (2004, 3)

37.Xiaojing Wang, Hongliang Bai, YanHong Zhao, Changhe Tang, You Gao,Synthesis and study on their optical properties of Bi3+ doped,第二届全国掺杂纳米材料发光性质学术会议论文集,P45

38.王晓晶,韩明媚, Preparation of the Au/CeO2 catalysts with the lower Au loading for low temperature CO oxidation,2009年中国固体科学与新材料学术研讨会会议论文集, P28

39、Peilin Han, Xiaojing Wang, YanHong Zhao,Changhe Tang,The control of band gap by doping foreign element in NaTaO3,第二届多功能材料与结构国际会议论文集(The 2nd International Conference on Multi-function Material and Structures),P1235。

40、王晓晶,唐长河,掺杂改性纳米NaTaO3 光催化剂制备及光催化性能研究,中国固体材料学会会议论文集,P50

相关话题/材料 内蒙古大学 人才 结构 化学