
本站小编 免费考研网/2015-04-30

2013年北师大外国语言学考研真题回忆版 共13题,满分150分
1. Define the following term (4*5=20 points)
1) Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
2) T-unit(平均句子长度)Terminal Unit(超纲题)
3) Foregrounding
4) Curriculum developmet
5) Content validity
2. 把音素按照三种不同的方式加以描述 (5points) < t,d,p,b,t,f,Ʒ,ʃ>
Voiced or voiceless
Place of articulation
Manner of articulation
3. 关于antonymy 的分类(5 points)
分为 complementary antonym &Converse antonyms Alive:dead husband:wife presenrt: absent belove:above Befeore:after empolyer:employee seller:buyer。。。。
4. 关于几个宾语的分析10分
She smiles a sad smile
John likes Mary
John climbed the mountain
He builds a house
5. Malinowski 和 Boas Spir 的理论异同是什么?10'
6. Krashen的Input-hypothesis内容以及该理论对于二语习得的启示、10'
7. what is sampling in observational class? Give an example 15' 8. construal in cognitive lingulistics ;types of construal\(ATTENTION; JUDEJEMANT; PERSPECTIVE)10'
9.关于 interpersonal function;emotive function ; phatic communion;peformative function题目中已经给出了 definition,问这几个语言的功能之间的关系 Similarities and differences15'
10.communicative teaching 的theoretical basis ;dimensions of communicative compentence.15'
11,从halliday的系统功能语法中你能获得关于教学的哪些启示?15' 12,inflectional morpheme / derivational morpheme 的区别?10' 13,美国结构结构主义语言学派与英国功能系统语言学派的异同15' 北师今年一改往年的重基础理论记忆的风格,引入了一些课外的概念,并且注重对基础理论的实际运用,难度有所增加。望考生备考时注意。。。

一、What is assimilation,给3组例子,指出每组具体是assimilation中的velarization, nasalization,dentalization的哪一种" 二、6 types of noun plurality and list them in phonemic description(/z/, /s/, /iz/三、The 6 properties of sentence subject,cite examples四、what is referential theory. Tell about its drawbacks
五、List 5 types of image schema,cite examples. Explain why it is important.
六、ways of speech and thought representation
七、Linguistic corpus, how it applies in (1) Speech research (2) Lexical research (3) semantics research (4) sociological research (5) psychological research
八.What are the Relational Process of the transitivity of the Systemic-Functional Grammar
九、Explain and comment on “when in Rome do as the Romans do", "Put yourself in other shoes", "One culture's meat is another culture's poison"
十、conversational implicature,主要是关于violation of Grice four maxims and cite examples
十一、compare and contrast
(1) Extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation"
(2) Item facility and item discrimination in testing
(3)Quantitative research and qualitative research
十二、What is portfolio assessment,how to do a portfolio assessment and what is its importance
十三、about interlanguage theory如何帮助我们学习的,
十四、Task-based approach in teaching and explain(1)task design (2) teachers' role (3) students' role
十五、about ways for continued investigation by teachers

1,define the terms(5个,每个5分)
the displacement of language
distinctive features of phonology
cognitive metaphor
foreground in literature
phrase grammar in GT grammar
2.compare and contrast(3个,每个5分)
top-down process and bottom-up process
extroversion and introversion
coherent and cohension
3. acculturation theory舒曼的文化渗透理论
4. state spair-whorf theory, do you agree with it?
5. state cooperative principle of Grice,and what's the aim of Relevance theory ,为什么会在CP后出现关联理论
6。what is cognitive variable? Does it facilitate or constrain the language learning?
7.observe a English class,你用什么标准来检测上课效果,举出至少五个。
8.what is functional grammar of the systemic functional grammar?
9.the native language determine or influence 2nd language learning,agree or not ,give your reason.
10"wanting to learn is better than having to learn",你认为这句话对吗?你会怎样把这种理念应用于英语教学中。


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