

Part I Vocabulary and Grammar (40 points)

Directions: The following 40 short statements are provided each with four items. You are to choose for each the best word or phrase in place of the underlined or missing part. Please write your answer on the answer sheet by marking the corresponding letter in each case.

1. The police the witness about the accident.

A. question B. ask C. interrogate D. inquire

2. The salesman his product when challenged.

A. sold B. spoke of C stood up for D. stood for

3. She makes a rather living as a novelist.来源:考

A. precarious B. precautionary C. cautious D. precocious

4. She the chance to spend a whole day with her father. . * '

A. jumped on B. jumped at C. jumped with D. jumped up

3. The car to avoid hitting the old man.

A. swerved B. rambled C. scurried D. curtailed

6. Anyone who has a sore throat should from alcohol.

A. abstain B. retain C. detain D. pertain

8. Despite a whole night's emergency treatment, the boy’s condition is still critical and his life is now hanging by a

A. thread B. cord C. string D. rope

9. The film was banned officially- because of the language and scenes it contained.

A. decent B. optimal C. obscene D. vicious

10. China will continue to to control population growth and improve the living standard of Chinese people.

A. stride B. contrive C. strive D. stripe

11. He avowed his commitment to those ideals.

A. acknowledged B. converted C. conformed D. renounced

12. The political dissident was accused of instigating a plot to overthrow the government.

A. devising B. supporting C. funding D. provoking

13 I wish you two would stop bickering. 来源:考

A. complaining B quarreling C. bargaining D murmuring

14. The defendant is facing severe verdict despite the appeal for clemency by his lawyer.

A. forgiving B. release C. leniency D. impartiality

15. The little boy listened, enthralled by the Captain’s story.

A. fascinated B. swindled C. shocked D. bored

16. I was impressed by his expertise on landing craft.

A. encouragement B. special skill C. shrewdness D. eloquence

17. Your action is a breach of our university regulations.

A. observation B. violation C. creation D. attack

18. Subsequent events vindicated his policy.

A. predicate B. swing C. dilate D. verify来源:考

19. Drug smuggling carries a mandatory death penalty in most countries in the world.

A. impulsive B. multicolored C. obligatory' D. laughable

20. Morality, for him, was doing what is expedient.

A. undesirable B. unavailable C advantageous D. inappropriate


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