(2017)考研英语阅读理解精读100篇(基础版)在线阅读 印建坤 第4部分(2)

本站小编 辅仁网/2017-07-19




gorilla /gəˈrɪlə/ n. 大猩猩

inflate /ɪnˈfleɪt/ v. 使充气,使膨胀

strut /strʌt/ v. 高视阔步,趾高气扬地走

slump /slʌmp/ v. 使降低,使衰落

cringe /krɪndʒ/ v. 畏缩,蜷缩

chimpanzee /ˌtʃɪmpənˈziː/ n. 黑猩猩

salamander /ˈsæləmændə/ n. 蝾螈

tilt /tɪlt/ v. 使倾斜,使翘起

congenitally /kənˈdʒenɪtəli/ adv. 先天地,天生地

innate /ˈɪnˈeit/ adj. 与生俱来的,天生的,固有的

stigmatize /ˈstɪgmətaɪz/ v. 给…带来耻辱,污辱


Shame at being defeated is equally recognizable: the head bows, and sometimes the shoulders slump and the chest narrows too——something that is not a million miles away from the cringing postures associated with submission in animals, from chimpanzees to rats, rabbits and even salamanders.

主体句式:Shame at being defeated is equally recognizable.

结构分析:本句的主体句式比较简单,后面以冒号来引出详细说明,也就是说the head bows, and sometimes the shoulders slump and the chest narrows too都是用来说明shame的表现。下面破折号引导的不是一个句子,其核心成分只有一个词something,指的就是前面列出的各类表现。that引导的定语从句整个用来修饰something。这个定语从句的主干是that is not a million miles away from the cringing postures,后面associated with submission in animals用来修饰postures。



1. C 细节题。文章第二段开头指出“上周在北京展示了不同文化的确存在相似的自豪与羞愧的表现”,四个选项中只有alike 与similar的意思最为接近。要注意B选项 identical 这个词的意思是“完全一模一样的”,与similar的意思有所出入。该段中下一句话指出这些表现“出于本能还是后天习得”现在尚不得知,因此A和D的learnt和instinctive都不正确。

2. A 推理题。这道题可以采用排除法,首先C和D选项都没有提到全文的关键词pride and shame,所以可以很快排除。文章第二段中说很难确定自豪或羞愧的表现是“出于本能还是后天习得”,紧接着就介绍杰西卡和戴维的实验是为了研究这个问题。所以比较失明和视力正常运动员的行为不是目的,研究的根本目的是要说明自豪或羞愧的表现究竟是由文化决定还是先天形成的,因此答案为A选项。

3. D 细节题。从原文中我们可以看出,这项研究的结果发表在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences上,马上可以排除B和C选项,因为发表都是与出版物有关。而A项是科学研究指南,不会介绍最新研究成果。本文讲述的是一项最近进行的研究及其发现,此类文章通常刊登在学术期刊上,因此D才是正确答案。

4. B 细节题。文章第五段指出“人们可能是在夸耀自己的成就,确保自己的地位并获得所处社会群体的认同。类似地,羞愧表现出承认失利和对继续抗争的犹豫(如此可能有助于避免遭受进一步攻击),因此也可能是顺从的表现。”选项B很好地概括了这两点,是正确答案。A选项中提到的evolutionary progress是客观事实,而不是人们的主观态度,因此该选项不正确。C显然与研究发现不符。D的错误在于其表述的是人们在成功或失利前的心态。

5. C 推理题。本题考查对文章最后两段的理解。尽管这两段主要谈论的是文化的影响,但是文章最后一句话指出“这些都受文化的影响,但其根源都是彰显究竟谁是赢家”,也就是说本能仍然起着决定性作用,可见A的表述错误。而文化因素的存在也没有推翻该研究的结论,因此B也不正确。文章倒数第二段提到“先天失明的盲人在失败后会比后天失明者表现出更强烈的羞愧”,而从上一句话我们可以看出这是受了文化影响(西方社会崇尚个性或是自我表现),因此D也不正确。而最后两段主要说明的问题是,尽管自豪和羞愧的表现是一种进化形成的先天行为,但是文化与此还是息息相关。例如“在来自崇尚个性或是自我表现的西方社会的视力正常运动员中,羞愧的行为反应相对较弱”,也就是文化影响到了这种表现的程度轻重,所以可以推断出C是正确答案。









Unit 60

“Half the game is 90 percent mental,”Yogi Berra once said, or something like that, and science is now getting around to putting his aphorism to the test. Researchers including Debbie Crews of Arizona State University and John Milton of the University of Chicago have been studying patterns of brain activation——not in baseball players but in golfers, who make better subjects because they don't move around as much and the electrodes stay stuck to their heads. Yogi might have been surprised by the researchers' conclusion, though: the better the golfer, the less brain activity he shows in the seconds before he makes his shot.

Crews, a sports psychologist who studies putting——even the minimal agitation of a chip shot can upset her experimental apparatus——has found that a key difference between amateurs and pros lies in the left hemisphere. This is the seat of logic, analysis, verbal reasoning and the kinds of thoughts——Maybe I should just kind of squinch over a little more to the left——that you never imagine crossing Tiger Woods's mind. Professionals, once they've determined how to make a shot, follow an invariable routine that renders conscious thought unnecessary. “How you think is probably more important than what you think,”Crews says. “Quieting the left hemisphere is really critical.”

Or, to put it another way, when Milton asked some LPGA golfers what they thought about just before taking a shot, they answered: nothing. To test this, he rounded up a half-dozen pros and an equal number of amateurs and had them imagine making a specific shot——a wedge shot of 100 yards to the green, with no wind——while monitoring their brains in a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine. “The professionals are just much more specialized and efficient,”Milton says. “You put in a quarter and you get your shot.”The amateurs, by contrast, showed more total brain activation, involving more areas of the brain. In particular, amateurs activated the basal ganglia——involved in learning motor functions——and the basal forebrain and amygdala, responsible for, among other functions, emotions. “They're not fearful or anxious,”Milton says, “but they get overwhelmed by details, by the memories of all the shots they've missed in the past.”Some of his subjects worried about hitting the ball into the water, which was curious, because he hadn't even mentioned a water hazard in describing the imaginary shot to them.

Professional athletes, as a rule, know how to keep focus, although there are exceptions, like Chuck Knoblauch, the Yankee second baseman who suddenly lost the ability to make a routine throw to first base. Milton is already trying to apply these lessons to stroke and other rehabilitation patients who have to relearn skills like walking; he recommends putting more emphasis on visualization and improving mental focus. In many aspects of life, it seems, half the game really is 90 percent mental.


注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象为2004年真题Text 4(个别题目顺序加以调整)。

1. The views of Yogi Berra and researchers including Crews and Milton are______.

A) similar

B) identical

C) opposite

D) complementary

2. We can learn from the text that the difference between pros and amateurs lies in______.

A) the activity of the left hemisphere

B) the way of their thinking

C) the ability to control one's brain

D) the ability to forget the past failures

3. Tiger Woods, according to the text, is probably______.

A) a researcher

B) a professional baseball player

C) a sports psychologist

D) a professional golf player

4. What is the key to the success of golfers according to the text?

A) Not to think of anything related to your past losses.

B) Quiet your left hemisphere and think of nothing.

C) Try to activate your whole brain.

D) To be more specialized and efficient.

5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A) What the researchers have found proves Yogi Berra's words.

B) Baseball player should do as Yogi Berra said.

C) Mentality plays a very important role in many aspects of life.

D) Sports and medicine share some common principles.




get around 绕过,规避;到处走动,到处旅游;散布,流传

aphorism /ˈæfərɪz(ə)m/ n. 格言,警语,谚语,箴言

putting /ˈputɪŋ/ n. (高尔夫球)打球入洞

agitation /ædʒɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 搅动;激动;焦虑

chip shot (高尔夫球)打出滚地球,让球滚进球洞

pro /prəʊ/ n. 专业人员;职业人员

verbal reasoning 言语推理

squinch /skwɪntʃ/ v. 斜眼;挤紧;蹲下

LPGA 美国女子职业巡回赛(Ladies Professional Golf Association)

functional magnetic resonance imaging machine 功能磁谐振成像机

put in 打击;花时间

basal ganglia /ˈgæŋglɪə/ 基底神经节

motor /ˈməʊtə(r)/ adj. 运动神经的;肌肉运动的

visualization /ˌvɪʒʊlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ n. 形成思维图像;视觉化;具体化;想象


Researchers including Debbie Crews of Arizona State University and John Milton of the University of Chicago have been studying patterns of brain activation——not in baseball players but in golfers, who make better subjects because they don't move around as much and the electrodes stay stuck to their heads.

主体句式:Researchers have been studying patterns of brain activation.

结构分析:本句虽是个长句,但句子结构并不复杂。主语是researchers,后面跟的是include的现在分词形式作后置定语来修饰主语;破折号之后的句子成分起到进一步解释说明的作用;who引导从句来修饰golfers,从句中又有because引导的原因状语从句。需要注意make、as much和stay的用法。make在这里的意思是“成为”,as much的意思是“同样,同样多”,stay同其他许多表状态的动词一样,比如lie, keep, stand, etc.,后面跟形容词表示所处的状态,stuck在这里是形容词,意思是“卡住的,不能动弹的”。



1. C 细节题。Yogi Berra的观点是“Half the game is 90 percent mental”,他强调了比赛中精神因素的重要性,而研究人员的发现是“the better the golfer, the less brain activity he shows in the seconds before he makes his shot”,这句话的意思是说,越是好的运动员,他在击球之前数秒钟内的大脑活动越少。这跟Yogi Berra的观点是完全不一样的,所以“Yogi might have been surprised by the researchers' conclusion”。

2. A 推理题。原文对应信息是:“a key difference between amateurs and pros lies in the left hemisphere”。

3. D 细节题。在文章第一段就介绍了做这一研究的是Crews和Milton,他们把研究对象定为高尔夫运动员;后来又进一步介绍Crews是“a sports psychologist who studies putting”,在这里“putting”的意思是“(高尔夫球)打球入洞”,从这里我们可看出Crews是一位体育心理学家,专门研究高尔夫球比赛中击球入洞问题。根据上下文,Tiger Woods应该是一位高尔夫运动员,属于Crews的研究范围。

4. B 细节题。文章第一段介绍研究结果:高尔夫球手的球技越高,他在击球之前几秒钟内的大脑活动就越少。第二段继续指出“职业球手一旦决定击球,他们会按照一种视有意识的思想为多余的固定不变的常规行事”,并引用研究人员的话:“让大脑左半球平静下来的确是极其重要的”,由此可见答案应该为B。

5. C 推理题。原文对应信息是:“In many aspects of life, it seems, half the game really is 90 percent mental.”从这句话我们可看出心理作用对日常生活的意义重大。


约吉·贝拉曾经说:“半数的比赛90%的是心理战”,或类似这样的话,而科学目前正在寻找检验他的格言的时机。研究人员——其中包括亚利桑那州州立大学的黛比·克鲁斯和芝加哥大学的约翰·米尔顿—— 一直在研究(不是棒球球员的,而是高尔夫球球手的)大脑活动方式。高尔夫球球手之所以是更好的研究对象在于他们不怎么移动,这样,电极就可以一直贴在他们头上。但研究人员得出的结论或许会使约吉惊讶不已:高尔夫球手的球技越高,他在击球之前几秒钟内大脑活动就越少。




Unit 61

Launching people into space may make headlines but it does little useful science. So when George Bush redirected America's space agency, NASA, away from scientific research and towards a manned return to the moon in 2004, many scientists were disappointed. Now the agency has finally offered some small morsels of comfort in the form of four projects that could accompany efforts for a lunar return.

The most exciting of these is the plan for a radio telescope that could be placed on the far side of the moon. Such a device would look back at the early universe to the time when large-scale structures such as galaxies and stars formed. A lunar-based radio telescope would be able to detect long wavelengths that cannot be sensed on Earth because they are absorbed by the outermost layers of the planet's atmosphere. Moreover by pointing the telescope away from the din of shorter-wavelength radio waves that are used for communication on Earth, astrophysicists would be able to see the early universe in unprecedented detail.

Finding alien life might also be possible with such a telescope. It would be able to map the magnetic fields of stars and exoplanets (planets that circle stars outside the solar system). It is the magnetic field of the Earth that protects its inhabitants from being bombarded by high-energy particles from space that would otherwise leave the planet sterile. Detecting a magnetic field surrounding an Earth-like exoplanet would prove a promising sign for finding extraterrestrial life. The proposal, led by Joseph Lazio, of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington. D.C., is to create an array of three arms arranged in a Y-shape, each of which would be 500 metres long and contain 16 antennae. Each arm would be made of a plastic film that could be rolled out onto the surface of the moon, either by robots or by astronauts.
