
海天教育 /2009-11-05

  [D] Some form of discrimination is too subtle to recognize。

  28. The 4th paragraph suggests that

  [A] questions are often put to the more intelligent students。

  [B] alphabetically disadvantaged students often escape form class. 

  [C] teachers should pay attention to all of their students. 

  [D] students should be seated according to their eyesight。

  29. What does the author mean by “most people are literally having a ZZZ” (Lines 2-3, Paragraph 5)?

  [A] They are getting impatient。

  [B] They are noisily dozing off。

  [C] They are feeling humiliated。

  [D] They are busy with word puzzles。

  30. Which of the following is true according to the text?

  [A] People with surnames beginning with N to Z are often ill-treated。

  [B] VIPs in the Western world gain a great deal from alphabetism。

  [C] The campaign to eliminate alphabetism still has a long way to go。

  [D] Putting things alphabetically may lead to unintentional bias。


  26. What does the author intend to illustrate with AAAA cars and Zodiac cars?


  [A] A kind of overlooked inequality.  某种被忽视的不平等。

  [B] A type of conspicuous bias.  某种显而易见的偏见。

  [C] A type of personal prejudice.  某种个人的偏见。

  [D] A kind of brand discrimination.  某种品牌上的歧视。

  【答案】 A

  【考点】 判断题。

  【分析】 本题考查作者的写作意图,即作者用这两个例子试图来证明什么问题。通常人们只有在需要证明某个方面的问题时才会引用例子,那么作者用这两个例子究竟是为了说明什么问题呢?其实考生在读完第一段之后就应该比较清楚作者的意图了,即他正在试图证明按字母排序这一隐蔽的不公平现象。[B]“某种显而易见的偏见”错在“显而易见”。[C]“某种个人的偏见”错在“个人”。[D]“某种品牌上的歧视”是故意在偷换概念,举这两个例子不是为了说明哪一个品牌好,而是为了证明字母顺序主义的存在与危害。

  27. What can we infer from the first three paragraphs?


  [A] In both East and West, names are essential to success。


  [B] The alphabet is to blame for the failure of Zoë Zysman. 

  Zoë Zysman的失败应该归咎于字母表。

  [C] Customers often pay a lot of attention to companies’ names。


  [D] Some form of discrimination is too subtle to recognize。


  【答案】 D

  【考点】 文章结构与举例说明题。

  【分析】 考生只有通读作者要求的这三段,才能够得出正确结论。第一段提出“字母顺序主义”这一说法,第二段举例说明这种现象在生活中的表现,第三段举例说明“字母顺序主义”在名人身上的体现。在上题中说过,举例都是为了证明某个观点,也就是说,第二和第三段都是为了证明第一段提出的论点。从几个关键的单词、词组“insidious”,“unaware”以及“less well known”我们可以推断出正确选项[D]“某种歧视过于微妙以至于难以被人发现。”。选项[A]显得过于绝对。将某一个人或者某一类人的失败全部归咎于字母是有失偏颇的,文章中只是说,由于名字靠后,有一些学生可能容易被老师忽视,从而导致学习的失败,但是这不能说明都是字母的责任,而且这一点已经不在前三段了。选项[C]这一说法也是以偏概全,文中只是说顾客容易受到字母排序的影响从而注意到排名靠前的出租车公司而已。


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