2008年考研英语阅读理解冲刺重点预测25篇 (第9篇)

印建坤 /2008-12-27


The idea that shopping is the new politics is certainly seductive. You probably go shopping several times a month, providing yourself with lots of opportunities to express your opinions. If you are worried about the environment, you might buy organic food; if you want to help poor farmers, you can do your bit by buying Fairtrade products; or you can express a dislike of evil multinational companies and rampant globalisation by buying only local produce. Sadly, it's not that easy. There are good reasons to doubt the claims made about three of the most popular varieties of “ethical” food: organic food, Fairtrade food and local food. People who want to make the world a better place cannot do so by shifting their shopping habits: transforming the planet requires duller disciplines, like politics.


Organic food, which is grown without man-made pesticides and fertilisers, is generally assumed to be more environmentally friendly than conventional intensive farming. However, farming is inherently bad for the environment: since humans took it up around 11,000 years ago, the result has been deforestation on a massive scale. But following the “green revolution” of the 1960s greater use of chemical fertiliser has tripled grain yields with very little increase in the area of land under cultivation. Organic methods, which rely on crop rotation, manure and compost in place of fertiliser, are far less intensive. So producing the world's current agricultural output organically would require several times as much land as is currently cultivated. There wouldn't be much room left for the rainforest.

Fairtrade food is designed to raise poor farmers' incomes. It is sold at a higher price than ordinary food, with a subsidy passed back to the farmer. But prices of agricultural commodities are low because of overproduction. By propping up the price, the Fairtrade system encourages farmers to produce more of these commodities rather than diversifying into other crops and so depresses prices—thus achieving, for most farmers, exactly the opposite of what the initiative is intended to do. And since only a small fraction of the mark-up on Fairtrade foods actually goes to the farmer—most goes to the retailer—the system gives rich consumers an inflated impression of their largesse and makes alleviating poverty seem too easy.

Surely the case for local food, produced as close as possible to the consumer in order to minimise “food miles” and, by extension, carbon emissions, is clear? Surprisingly, it is not. A study of Britain's food system found that nearly half of food-vehicle miles (ie, miles travelled by vehicles carrying food) were driven by cars going to and from the shops. Most people live closer to a supermarket than a farmer's market, so more local food could mean more food-vehicle miles. Moving food around in big, carefully packed lorries, as supermarkets do, may in fact be the most efficient way to transport the stuff.

What's more, once the energy used in production as well as transport is taken into account, local food may turn out to be even less green. Producing lamb in New Zealand and shipping it to Britain uses less energy than producing British lamb, because farming in New Zealand is less energy-intensive. And since the local-food movement looks suspiciously like old-fashioned protectionism masquerading as concern for the environment, helping poor countries is presumably not the point.


注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象:第1~3题模仿2000年真题Text 1第1~3题;第4~5题分别模仿1999年真题Text 1第4题和Text 4第4题。


1.In the author’s eyes, the view of seeing shopping as a political event is _______.

  [A] very helpful

    [B] not practical

    [C] simply nonsense

    [D] quite harmful


2. According to the author, what may be the chief reason the disadvantage of organic food?

  [A] It cannot yield enough food

    [B] It is involved with some kind of political event.

    [C] It is directly responsible for the global deforestation.

    [D] It is not necessarily environment-friendly.


3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the author?

  [A] Most benefit from fair-trade fool goes to farmers.

    [B] Fairtrade food encourages farmers to grow as many different produces as possible.

[C] Fairtrade food fails to fulfill its original design.

    [D] Fairtrade food can effectively involve consumers to help reduce poverty.


4.The author’s attitude towards the issue of local food seems to be _______.


  [A] approving

    [B] objective

    [C] indifferent

    [D] ironic


5. It could be inferred from the text that _______.

    [A] local food might increase, instead of decrease, carbon emissions.

    [B] fairtrade food can encourage people to be more generous.

    [C] local food helps to save energy used in transportation.

    [D] local food aims against the practice of trade protectionism.







seductive [si`dQktiv] adj. 诱人的           compost [`kRmpRst] n. 混合肥料, 堆肥

organic [R:`^Anik] adj. 器官的, 有机的    subsidy [`sQbsidi] n. 补助金, 津贴

rampant [`rAmpEnt] adj. 猖獗的, 蔓生     fraction [`fr`kFEn] n. 小部分, 片断

ethical [`eWikEl] adj. 伦理的, 伦理学的     inflate [in`fleit] vt. 使膨胀, 使得意

pesticide [`pestisaid] n. 杀虫剂            largesse [`lB:dVes] n. 慷慨

fertiliser [`fE:tilaizE] n. 肥料(尤指化学肥料) alleviate [E`li:vieit] vt. 减轻(痛苦等), 缓和 (情)

inherent [in`hiErEnt] adj. 固有的, 内在的   emission [i`miFEn] n. 散发, 发射

deforestation [di9fRris`teiFEn] n. 采伐森林  lorry [`lRri] n. 卡车

triple [`tripl] v. 增至三倍                masquerade [9mAskE`reid] vi. 化装; 冒充, 伪装



By propping up the price, the Fairtrade system encourages farmers to produce more of these commodities rather than diversifying into other crops and so depresses prices—thus achieving, for most farmers, exactly the opposite of what the initiative is intended to do.


主体句式  The Fairtrade system encourage farmers to … rather than …

结构分析  本句结构复杂:首先,句子开头的状语与后面的内容存在因果关系;其次,句子的主体是在对两方面的问题进行比较,由rather than连接着两个部分;而最后破折号后面的部分是一个长定语,与前面的内容又存在因果关系。在阅读的时候,一定要先理清主次,然后把各部分之间的修饰和限定等关系看清楚,才不至于出错。

句子译文  通过提高价格,公平贸易体系鼓励农民生产更多的“公平贸易产品”,而不是生产多样性的农产品,因此将导致价格下跌——这样一来,对于大多数农民来说,最终的结果正与他们的预期相反。



1.B. 推理题。文章第一段最后一句话中作者称“人们希望让世界变得更加美好,但要实现这个愿望,仅仅依靠改变购物习惯是不可能的——改变世界还是要靠比较乏味的方式,比如政治”,这说明作者认为把购物作为政治活动的观点是不实际的。


2.D. 细节题。文章第二段中提到有机食品的环保性并不比传统农业更强,而反而可能由于其推广而增加对于农田的需求,最终导致对环境的破坏,因此答案为D。A错误的原因是,只要有足够的农田,通过生产有机食品也能够满足需求。C错误的原因是有机食品的生产到目前为止还不是去森林化的主要原因。


3.C. 细节题。文章第三段开头指出“公平贸易食品旨在提高贫困农民的收入”,但是通过分析发现大部分利润都被零售商赚走了,因此公平贸易食品在实践中没有实现其原来的设计目标。


4.D. 态度题。文章最后一句话中指出“本地食品运动看起来更像传统贸易保护主义一种经过了掩饰的形式”,所以可以看出作者对本地食品运动的描述语气充满了讽刺的意味。


5.A. 推理题。文章第四段开头提到,“本地食品”的目的在于通过缩短运输里程来减少二氧化碳的释放,但在经过一番分析之后,作者得出的结论是“因此本地食品越多,可能就意味着“食品运输里程”越长”,因此答案为A。









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