
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-03-11



  Dear _______ ,

  ① Allow me to introduce to you the bearer , _______(被介绍人姓名), daughter of an intimate friend of mine, who is going to your city to study toward the end of this month.

  ② His /Her performance in the school years was outstanding . ③ First , he/she had taken _______(课程)and showed great talents in _______(某个领域). ④ In addition , he/she has a very pleasant personality . ⑤ He /She has developed a strong sense of _______(能力或优点), and working with him/her is always _______(心情). ⑥ I can state that he/she has all the qualities of being _______(职位).

  ⑦ I must apologize for any inconvenience caused and look forward to hearing from you .

  Sincerely yours ,

  Li Ming


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