
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-03-10


  互信 mutual trust

  Mutual trust and confidence are the foundation atone of all friendship .


  诚信 credibility

  We should speed up the establishment of a social credibility system .


  品德 morality

  Personality includes morality , character , interests and self-qualification , reflecting a person's whole spirit .

  个性包括品德、品格 、爱好、 自我修养等,能够反映一个人的整个精神面貌。

  创新 innovation

  We must press ahead with the building of a national innovation system .


  共赢 all-win

  We will continue to work hard to develop with all other countries and regions in the world an economic relationship that features cooperation , mutual benefit , all-win and common prosperity .


  欺诈 fraud

  This will put a premium on fraud .


  代价 cost

  If it is not being achieved or if it or if it is being achieved at a very heavy cost , which is politically not sustainable , then the government must look for other options .


  社会文明 social civilization

  Labor is the motivation of social civilization , and it is the initiative source that creates wealth .


  假冒伪劣产品 fake commodities

  Fake commodities can bring about great loss to both country and private property .


  社会危害 harm to society

  Therefore , fake diplomas disturb the normal order of job markets and do great harm to society .


  学术造假 academic cheating

  Academic cheating refers to the phenomenon of cheating in academic works , or in other words academic dishonesty .


  诚实为上策 Honestly is the best policy

  "Honesty is the best policy" was his creed in all his business dealings .


  减少浪费 reduce waste

  We must pursue every possible opportunity to improve efficiency and reduce waste .


  促进改革 promote reform

  We will unswervingly promote reform and opening up and strive for breakthroughs in key areas and crucial links .


  减轻负担 reduce the burden of……

  We need to reduce the burden of taxes that impoverish the economy .


  调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure

  To adjust the industrial structure is one of the strategies for economic development and one of the measures to promote the market economy in China .


  物质文明、精神文明一起抓 pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress

  形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的良好社会风尚 form civilized , healthy and science-upholding social practice


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    推荐信模板  Dear _______ ,  ① It affords me much pleasure to recommend _______(被推荐人姓名)to you . ② During his/her graduate years he/she was _______(能力). ③ As his/her _______(与被推荐人关系)I found him/her _______(优点).  ④ His/Her performance in the school years was outstanding . ...
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