
本站小编 福瑞考研网/2017-01-09

1) describe the pictures,
2) deduce(推理)the purpose of the drawer of the pictures, and
3) suggest counter-measures(对策).
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
As is shown in the pictures, we can see clearly that with the rampancy of commercial fishing, the number of fishes considerably decreased. In one picture, there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900. On the contrary, in 1995 there was only one fish, but many fishing-boats.
The purpose of this picture(修正为the two pictures或the pictures与第一段一致)is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decrease (可换为decline、reduction、shrinkage、shrinking)of ocean resources. Owing to over-fishing the number of fishes has obviously decreased(可换为declined、reduced、shrunk). If we let this situation go as it is, we won't know where fish is in the future. (一般说我不知道,你不知道,他不知道用一般现在时就够了:Idon'tknow不管过去,现在,未来都用这个形式,于是改为:will be in the future。)By that time, our environment will suffer a great destruction.(提示:By +未来时间:将来完成时对应结构是:will have done即我们将已经……)
Therefore, it is imperative for us to takedrastic(firm) measures. For one thing, we should appeal to our authorities to make strict laws to control commercial fishing. For another, we should enhance(cultivate) the awareness of people that theoceanresources are very vital(重要的)to us. Only in this way can we protect our ocean resources. Also I believe that we humans can overcome this difficulty, and we will have a brilliant future.

1、describe the picture
2、deduce the purpose of the drawer of the picture
3、Suggest your countermeasures
 owing to 由于…原因
 clear-cutting 砍伐森林
 rampant 过度的
 wildlife 野生动植物
 If we let this situation go as it is, our environment will suffer a great destruction.
 It is imperative for us to take drastic measures.
 …we should appeal to our authorities to make strict laws to control clear-cutting.
 On the other hand/For another, we should also enhance our awareness that forest resources are vital to us.
 Only in this way can we…
 Also I believe that we humans can overcome this problem/difficulty, and we will have a bright future.

A. Study the following cartoon carefully and write and essay in about 200 words.
B. Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II.
C. Your essay should meet the requirements below:
1.Describe the cartoon and the message conveyed
2. Draw a conclusion and give your comment on the cartoon
Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world. As is shown in the cartoon, two cars are giving off waste gas and three people trying to avoid breathing in the poisonous gas by masking their face with their hands. The poisonous gas sent off by factories, domestic appliances and automobiles has made the air unhealthy for people to breathe.
There is no denying that automobiles are indications of civilization, progress and development; nevertheless, automobiles cause the serious problem of air pollution. Scientists have warned that unless effective measures are taken, the problem of pollution will eventually get out of hand(除非采取有效的措施,否则问题将会失控). Actually, people are showing a real(可替换为growing)concern over(固定搭配) the problem. For example, there is an increasingly loud voice from the public for firm action against pollution from automobiles.
Indeed, the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our descendants. In my opinion, we should work out concrete solutions to the problem of pollution from poisonous gas given off by automobiles. For example, the automobiles should be equipped with a device which can dispose of waste gas.
I concrete solutions to the problem of pollution from poisonous gas given off by automobiles. For example, the automobiles should be equipped with a device which can dispose of waste gas so as to prevent it from polluting air. Only in this way can we really solve the problem of air pollution caused by automobiles.(优点:在文末用倒装句展现句型的丰富多变)
give off: 排放send off:排放
waste gas:废气 poisonous gas:有毒气体
用手捂住脸:cover my face with my hands masking their face with their hands.
家用电器:domestic appliances household appliances
不可否认的是:there is no denying that
……是……的标志:are indications of或者用is an indication of 又或者是 are indicative of
……是……的象征:is a symbol of同样有:be symbolic of
导致严重问题cause the serious problem
同义词:严重的severe; severe problem严重的问题;severe consequence严重的结果; grave
严厉果断的措施:firm action坚决果断的:drastic所以也可替换为:drastic measures
在我看来:in my opinion制定出:work out制定法律:make laws

A. Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in about 200 words.
B. Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II.
C. Your essay should meet the requirements below:
 1. Describe the cartoon and the message conveyed
 2. Draw a conclusion and give your comment on the cartoon.
Today, the earth's deserts are spreading and getting larger and desertification is a serious problem
facing the world. The major reason for this is irresponsible cutting down of trees. As is shown in the first cartoon, when people cut down trees desert forces on(沙漠以巨大的动力向前推进,势不可挡)and becomes irrepressible.
People cut down trees for various reasons (重复) but they may forget that trees play a vital part in water and soil conservation(水土保持). Trees can preserve moisture(储存湿度,水分)and fertility(养分,土壤的肥沃度,来源于 fertile)in the soil, protect soil against erosion and prevent fertile land from becoming desert. Therefore when people cut down all of the trees, the earth lies bare and dry in the hot sun, and desert is inevitable.
Desertification can lead to many other serious problems which may threaten the existence of human beings, such as a reduction of arable land, terrible droughts (旱灾)and famine(饥荒). In order to prevent desertification, people have to plant trees, as the second cartoon shows. The time when people plant trees is the time when desert retreats. People should not cut down trees any more, as is done in the first cartoon, but rather, they should plant more trees, and only in this way can desertification be finally defeated. (文章结尾倒装句型可使文章丰富多彩)

压制,克制:repress; 可以压制的:repressible; 失控的:irrepressible 同义:get out of hand
fertile land,fertile soil肥沃的土地 ; nutrition食物的营养; soil erosion土壤侵蚀;
可耕作的:arable ; 可耕地的减少:reduction of arable land

第三部分 考研写作的训练方法
1. 卡片记忆:把难记的单词,长单词,偏词,怪词记在卡片上,在平时多看几遍,从而轻松的就记住了。
2. 通过阅读记忆:在上面记住的基础上,通过大量阅读,不断应用,不断重复,不断检验,便可以牢牢的记住了。
3. 经常自测:譬如利用单词表,先看英语说汉语意思,其中不熟的,没记住的,单独摘出来或标记出来; 再反过来,看英语说汉语,也把不熟的和没记住的标出来,对这些反复的记忆。
4. 寻找考研伙伴,互相测试 :每天互相考一下,把难记的,长的,偏的,怪的多考一考,利用互相的竞争意识,来激发学习的欲望,从而但到记忆的目的。
二. 学以致用:在记住的基础上不断练习,达到熟能生巧的效果。
 译文一:People usually think
 译文二:It is universally acknowledged that
 译文三:It is generally accepted that
译文四:It is widely believed that
 译文一:It goes without saying that
 译文二:There is no denying that
译文三:There is a common belief that
译文:It is universally acknowledged that internet is playing an increasingly important rolein our informationsociety.
译文:It goes without saying that internet is playing an increasingly important role in our information society.
译文:It is universally acknowledged that Beatles is the greatest rock-band in theBritish history.
 译文:There is a common belief that Beatles is the greatest rock-band in the British history.
三.把书读透:面对大量的优秀的权威的资料,书籍,买了好多,但是每本都浅尝辄止,这样做是根本没有效果的。我们从多个英语学习成功人士的事例中总结出来的方法是,选定一本喜欢的书,认真地把它读透,把里面的每个单词,每个优秀的句子,包括磁带都钻研透,这样的话 应该会有巨大的飞跃。


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