
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-12-31




powern.权力 fame n.名望 sensitivityn.敏感性

ambition n.雄心 endeavorn./v. 努力 determinationn.决心

innovationn.创新 passionn.激情 willpower/persistencen.毅力

challenge n.挑战 open-mindedness心胸开阔 iron-mindednessn.坚强的意志

striving spiritn.进取精神 contentment/satisfaction n.满足 courage n.勇气

money-worshipn.拜金 well-beingn.好的生活 strength n.力量、长处

hard workn.勤奋 contribution n.贡献 symbols of success成功的象征

self-independence 自立 self-esteem 自尊 self-discipline/control自律/控

self-confidence自信 self-realization/actualization自我实现

positive attitude正面的态度 high social status很好的社会地位

aggressiveadj.有进取心的 diligent/industriousadj.勤奋的 braveadj.勇敢的

arrogantadj.傲慢、自大的 energeticadj.精力充沛的 conceitedadj.自以为是的

intelligentadj. 智慧的 frustrated adj.挫败的 gloomy/depressed adj.沮丧的

persistent adj.坚持的 successful adj.成功的 creative adj.有创造力的

optimistic adj.乐观的 pessimistic adj.悲观的 sociable adj.善交际的

make the riffle成功 triumph over成功、胜利 make one's own way成功

seize/take opportunity抓住机会 achieve/accomplish success 获得成功

think independently 独立思考 realize one's dream/hope 实现梦想/希望

overcome difficulties 克服困难 alleviate the stress/pressure缓解紧张/压力

pursue/seek happiness追求幸福 be satisfied/content with满意

with heart and soul全心全意地 enhance comprehensive quality提高综合素质

widen one's knowledge增长见识 withstand challenges 经得住挑战

strengthen mutual cooperation增强相互合作

adopt an overall point of view树立全局观点

underestimate one's abilities 低估某人的能力

attribute/owe one's success/failure to 把成功/失败归因于

draw useful lessons from 从…中吸取教训

concentrate/focus one's attention on/upon 把注意力集中于…

be confronted with danger/difficulties 面临危险/困难

work for the well-being of the people为人民谋幸福

sense of honor/achievement/responsibility/inferiority/superiority/happiness荣誉/成就/责任/自卑/优越/幸福感

相关话题/写作 方案 创新 生活 核心