
本站小编 文都教育/2015-04-16


  推荐信与求职信的最终目标是一样的,都是要得到某个职位或某份工作。这两类信的写法也很相似,求职信是直接说明自己胜任某份工作,推荐信是说明 他人胜任某份工作。因此在主体段落的写法上基本是相同的,事实上只要把求职信的第一人称换成第三人称就可以了。但是推荐信在开头和结尾与求职信略有不同。 开头要说明写信人与被推荐人的关系,结尾要借推荐人之口说“雇用他将会是一个明智的选择”,并表示“如需要更多的信息可与我联系”。




  Write a letter to a friend of yours to

  1) recommend one of your favorite movies and

  2) give reasons for your recommendation

  Your should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. User “Li Ming” instead. Do not writer the address.(10 points)


  Dear Jack,

  I am writing to you to recommend one of my favorite movie, 2012. I have sufficient reasons to introduce this movie to you and I dare say this is the best disaster movie ever.

  This movie is the one about love and life from the perspective of a thrilling story of the end of the world. The fast-paced, exciting story line kept me on the edge of my seat all the way through. What’s more, the special effects are breathtaking. The directing is absolutely neat. Finally, this movie will definitely change our attitude toward this world and the people around us. We will learn well that we all have duty to counter environment deterioration and guard human health and well being, and even have to learn to love those we now hate.

  I bet you will love this movie and wish you enjoy this fantastic movie.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming




  这部电影从世界末日的角度讲述了爱和生命的故事。紧凑、精彩的故事情节让我一直不能自已。特效扣人心弦,导演也是非常出色。这部电影一定会改变 我们对这个世界以及对周围人的看法。我们会意识到我们有责任去防止环境的恶化,捍卫人类的健康和幸福,我们甚至会学会去关爱我们现在还在恨的人。





  I would like to present…for your consideration in your search for a qualified manager。

  With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend…as an ideal candidate.

  I am writing to you to recommend…


  I would like to thank you for your attention to this letter and restate my support to Mr.…

  I would like to lend my support to…for his…

  Please do not hesitate to contact me if necessary.



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