
新浪考试 /2008-01-26


  It goes without saying that this drawing aims at revealing a thought-provoking phenomenon around us: cooperation serves as the best weapon when we face difficulties and challenges in life. In this cartoon, handicapped as they are, two young adults help each other to step forward bravely, and their crutches are left behind. Obviously, the two courageous men will not need their crutches any more and will keep walking.

  The two young men in the cartoon symbolize those who choose to cooperate and support each other when they are in hardships. I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the fact that a great many students motivate and encourage each other when they are in the process of preparing for the National Postgraduate Entrance Examination. The overwhelming pressure from this exam may make some students doubtful about their chances to pass it. However, they soon regain the confidence and courage after cheering each other up, for they know it clearly that only cooperation and team work can make it possible for them to go through in face of anxieties and insecurity.

  The value of team work and cooperation can best be manifested only in adverse situations, and we could make achievement as long as we will bind together as a team. I am fully convinced that failure is the only destination waiting for us if we lose our faith in each other.


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