

五、 考研英语写作模拟试题(50篇)

  A应用文模拟试题 (15篇)

  Practice 1


  An English newspaper has recently started a forum for the readers to discuss on the question of “Is it possible to find love online?” Write a letter to the editor, stating your point of view, and explain why.

  Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)



  (Inside Address)

  Dear Editor,

  Thank you for providing a special column for the discussion on net romance. As far as Im concerned, I think online love may be possible but it is dangerous.

  I have had friends who have “fallen in love" with someone online and when they met it was a huge letdown because they had fallen in love with their perception of each other or the best qualities of each other. Its easy to make yourself sound really good online and only the best of you comes across.

  To make things worse, some people will lie online because they think they will never be found out. It is too dangerous. You can never fully trust anyone on the Internet.

  Yours faithfully,

  Li Ming



  Useful Expressions:

  (1) Thank you for providing a special column for the discussion on...

  (2) As far as Im concerned, I think...

  (3) it was a huge letdown

  (4) ...they had fallen in love with their perception of each other or the best qualities of each other.

  (5) to make yourself sound really good online

  (6) only the best of you comes across

  (7) To make things worse...



  (Inside Address)

  Dear Editor,

  Im very glad to join the discussion on romantic love online. Personally, I think it is definitely possible to find our soul mates online.

  I chat online quite often. I have even had several dates on the Internet. We send each other pictures and I met a couple of them. We were just curious about each other. Now we are not lovers but we are good friends. I think we should learn to trust people. Only when we trust others can we expect others to trust us. Online love allows you to really know the person before you ever meet.

  Love can be found in many strange places, why not online?

  Yours truly,

  Li Ming



  Useful Expressions:

  (1) Im very glad to join the discussion on...

  (2) Personally, I think it is definitely possible to...

  (3) I think we should...

  (4) Only when we trust others can we expect others to trust us.

  (5) Online love allows you to...

  Practice 2


  Your friend Wang Wei is about to graduate from university with honors. Write a letter of congratulations to him based on the following notes.

  1) His accomplishment is due to his hard work.

  2) You accept his invitation to attend his graduation ceremony.

  3) Express your best wishes for the future.

  Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)



  (Inside Address)

  Dear Wang Wei,

  I was so delighted to hear the good news of your graduation from Tsinghua University with honors. You certainly have done a very good job in the past four years of your studies and I know how hard you have worked. Without sufficient financial support from your family, you have to work temporarily all the time. Thank you for inviting me to attend your graduation ceremony. Ill certainly be present on time. Tsinghua University is one of the best universities in China and I am sure the campus achievements will lead you to a great future of your career. Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes for your future success.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming



  Useful Expressions:

  (1) I was so delighted to hear the good news of...

  (2) You certainly have done a very good job...

  (3) Thank you for inviting me to...

  (4) graduation ceremony

  (5) ...the campus achievements will lead you to a great future of your career.

  (6) Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes for your future success.

  Practice 3


  Your friend Wang Wei is going to open a company of his own. Write a letter of congratulations to him based on the following notes.

  1) Its Wangs dream to start his own business.

  2) He has done a lot for that and deserves what he has achieved.

  3) You express all your good wishes to him.

  Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)



  (Inside Address)

  Dear Wang Wei,

  I read in todays evening paper that after five years with Carl Ware Co. Ltd, you are branching out for yourself and opening your own agency.

  Its wonderful to know that you have achieved the goal you set for yourself. Your years of hard work has finally paid back. It proves once again that a good man always gets ahead. I would like to add my congratulations to the many you must be receiving. Im sure the new agency will be a great success. I sincerely hope you will find in this new venture the happiness and satisfaction you so richly deserve.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Ming



  Useful Expressions:

  (1) ...after five years with Carl Ware Co. Ltd, you are branching out for yourself and opening your own agency.

  (2) have achieved the goal you set for yourself

  (3) pay back

  (4) a good man always gets ahead

  (5) add my congratulations to the many you must be receiving

  (6) be a great success


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