新新写作30天第17天 主题句训练(2)



  Passage 4.


  Route to Success

  No sweet without sweat.

  幸福来自汗水。1). You must always be diplomatic so that you do not put people in a defensive position. When people are forced into a defensive position, they close their minds and will not listen to you. Whenever possible, it is better to deal with problems calmly and logically, and without hostility.

  2). People should be more civilized. Scolding, accusing, and threatening will only make the person as mad as you are at him, and nothing will be solved. In fact, it will probably create even more problems! Say things in a way that doesnt hurt peoples feelings. Remain calm and logical on the outside. But inside you must have strength and intensity.

  3). Let the other person know that you want to help solve his problem as well as you own, so that everyone will be satisfied and no one will be angry or hurt. Try this way and you will be a successful one.


  1.答案〖〗In order to be successful in your dealings with people , you must use that right approach.解析〖〗从题目可知这是一篇关于我们都很熟悉的话题的小文。但要提醒大家注意的是,当我们在做类似的题目或者遇到类似的考题,审题时一定不要陷入思维模式的惯性中。也就是说不能完全以我们个人的相对狭隘的思路来左右文章,而应跟随文章作者的思路往下走;根据作文的具体要求审题、拟稿。现在让我们来分析一下第一段,该段从正、反两方面阐述与人交际时正确方法的重要性。再根据标题和段落中的具体内容我们可以判断该主题句内容应为“与人交往时取得成功的方法”。

         2.答案〖〗It is rarely helpful to get angry and emotional.解析〖〗在谈论正确的待人接物方法问题之后自然会涉及到与人交往时应避免的一些情况及不应持有的态度,这也是第二段的主要内容。那么它的主题句就可以被确定为“愤怒和情绪化对良好人际关系的确立没有帮助”。

         3.Better the last smile than the first laughter.

  宁可最后微笑,不要首先狂喜。答案〖〗In dealing with a problem, be nice and understanding.解析〖〗热情、积极地对待别人、帮助别人解决问题你就会很成功。在最后一段中作者将与人交际中正确的做法,即到底应该怎样做才会得到人们相应的良好回应做了阐述,那么这一部分的中心内容可以归纳为:解决问题时要做到亲切且善解人意。


  Heal the World


  Heal the World

  Theres a place in your heart / And I know that it is love / And this place could be / Much brighter than tomorrow / And if you really try youll find / Theres no need to cry / In this place youll feel / Theres no hurt or sorrow / There are ways to get there / If you care enough for the living

  Make a little space / Make a better place / Heal the world / Make it a better place / For you and for me / And the entire human race

  There are people dying / If you care enough for the living / Make a better place / For you and for me / If you want to know why / Theres a love that cannot lie /Love is strong /It only cares for joyful giving / If we try / We shall see in this bliss /We cannot feel fear or dread / We stop existing and start living / Then it feels that always / Loves enough for us growing

  So make a better world / Make a better world /Heal the world / Make a better place / For you and for me / And the entire human race

  There are people dying / Make a better place / For you and for me / And the dream we were conceived in / Will reveal a joyful face / And the world we once believed in / Will shine again in grace /Then why do we keep strangling life / Would this earth, crucify its soul / Though its plain to see / This world is heavenly / Be Gods glow / We could fly so high / Let our spirits never die in my heart /I feel you are all my brothers/ Create a would with no fear / Together well cry happy tears / See the nations / Turn their swords into plowshares /We could really get there / If you cared enough for the living / Make a little space / To make a better place

  这是著名的美国歌手Michael Jackson的一首风靡全球的歌曲,这首歌能在刚推出的时候,马上风靡全世界,不断升温,销量千万,当然与Michael本身富有磁性的嗓音、鬼使神差的舞步有关,但是也不能埋没歌词的莫大功劳以及歌词中所表达的人类的美好愿望。A bad things never dies.



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