
新东方 /2007-11-24

  1. [A] between [B] before[C] since[D] later

  2. [A] after[B] by[C] during[D] until

  3. [A] means[B] method[C] medium[D] measure

  4. [A] process[B] company[C] light[D] form

  5. [A] gathered[B] speeded[C] worked[D] picked

  6. [A] on[B] out[C] over[D] off

  7. [A] of[B] for[C] beyond[D] into

  8. [A] concept[B] dimension[C] effect[D] perspective

  9. [A] indeed[B] hence[C] however[D] therefore

  10. [A] brought[B] followed[C] stimulated[D] characterized

  11. [A] unless[B] since[C] lest[D] although

  12. [A] apparent[B] desirable[C] negative[D] plausible

  13. [A] institutional [B] universal[C] fundamental[D] instrumental

  14. [A]ability[B] capability[C] capacity[D] faculty

  15. [A] by means of[B] in terms of[C] capacity[D] faculty

  16. [A] deeper[B] fewer[C] nearer[D] smaller

  17. [A] context[B] range[C] scope[D] territory

  18. [A] regarded[B] impressed[C]influenced[D] effected

  19. [A] competitive[B] controversial[C] distracting[D] irrational

  20. [A] above[B] upon[C] against[D] with


  1.答案:[A] between

  此题属于语法题。先项[A] between表示“在……之间”。考生可能熟悉between作介词的用法,却不了解其实它还可作为副词,例如:We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon, and we have lunch between. 我们上午有四节课,下午有两节课,期间我们进午餐。本题主要考查副词的用法。上文中提到了20世纪电视的发展及15、16世纪印刷术的传播,下文则讲到了这两个时间之间民生的一些事情。因此,根据上下文的关系,应选择[A] between。选项[B] before表示“在……之前”,既可作介词,也可作连词,例如:Before the class, I went over the lesson. 又如:Before the discussion began, I had a cup of tea. 选项[C] since 表示“既然”,可作介词、连词,也可作副词,例如:I haven’t written home since Christmas. 又如:I have been at his bedside since he became ill. 再如:Things have not changed very much since. 选项[D] later 表示“后来”例如:a week later. 这三个选项都不符合题意。


  2.答案:[D] until

  此题属于词语搭配题。读完此句,考生可以发现本句的主要结构是it was not until...that...,这是固定搭配,not until用于强调,例如:It was not until you told me that I knew he was the famous singer. 故选[D] until.其余选项:[A] after, [B] by和[C] during都与本题的语意不符。

  3.答案:[C] medium

  此题属于语意搭配题。选项[C] medium表示“媒体”。根据考生的常识不难判断本句中的主语newspaper应该属于medium(媒体)的一种。选项[A] means 意为“方法,手段”;选项[B]method意为“方法”;选项[D] measure意为“措施”。

  4.答案:[B] company

  此题属于语意搭配题。上文中的in the wake of the pamphlet and the book意为“伴随首小册子和书籍的出现”,据此可以判断与此相对应的应该是in the company of the periodical(伴随着期刊的兴起)。所以[B]是正确答案。选项[B]是正确答案。选项[B]:in the company of意为“在……的陪同下,伴随着”,例如:I traveled Egypt in the company of two teachers.(我在两个老师陪同下游览了埃及。)选项[A]:in the process意为“在进行中”,例如:The new library is in the process of being decorated.新图书馆正在进行装修。选项[D]: in the light of意为“鉴于,依据……看来”,例如:In the light of the accident, we have put off the meeting till next week. (鉴于这次事故,我们已经把会议推迟到下个星期。)选项[D]:in the form of意为“以……的形状”,例如:Te cookies were in the form of stars.(那些饼干的形状都像星星。)


  5.答案:[B] speed

  此题属于词语搭配题。本题主要考查动词短语的含义,这是考查的一个重点。选项[B]:speed (up)意为“加速”,例如:The train gradually speeded up.(火车逐渐加速了。)不难看出本句的含义是“在15世纪到20世纪之间,从火车、电报、电话到汽车、飞机、交通,通信业的变革速度越来越快”,故选[B]。选项[A]:gather (up)意为“收集”,例如:gather up one’s papers; 选项[C]:work (up)意为“逐步发展”,例如:work up to a climax(渐至高潮);选项[D]:pick (up)意为“捡起,学会”,例如:pick up a few words.

  6.答案:[A] on

  此题属于词语搭配题。选项[A] on可表示“持续地”,例如:He coughed on the whole night. lead on则表示“带头,走在前面”,例如:If you lead on, we will follow behind.原句很长,考生可通过分析句子结构来理解其含义。我们可以发现主语是communications revolution,而beginning与leading两个分词结构作状语,因此所填的空格要与leading这个关键词有关。因此[A]符合题意,是正确答案。选项[D]off跟在lead之后表示“开始”,例如:She led off with a song.(她以唱歌开始。)其他的选项[B]out和[C]over都不能与lead搭配。

  7.答案:[D] into

  此题属于语法题。选项[D]into意为“进入”,强调动态,例如:work far into the night。上文中有through the telegraph...,下文是the 20th century world, 说明革命一直持续直到进入20世纪,故选[D]。选项[A]of可表示所有、所属关系,例如:the legs of a chair。选项[B]for意为“为了”,例如:Do more exercise for the good of your health. 选项[C] beyond意为“超越”,例如:The town has changed beyond my recognition.


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