
exam8 exam8/2007-10-05



  What age is your son?


  A   What age is your son?

  A   你儿子多大?

  B   He’s 22.

  B   他22岁。

  A   And your daughter?  How old is she?

  A   你女儿呢?她多大?

  B   She’s 19.  She’s in her first year at university.

  B   她19岁。她上大学一年级。

  A   What is she studying?

  A   她在学什么?

  B   She’s studying History.

  B   她在学历史。

  注释   Notes

  To ask someone’s age, you can say: What age is your son or How old is your daughter?

  要问某人的年龄,你可以说:What age is your son? (你的儿子多大?) 或者How old is your daughter? (你的女儿几岁?)。

  To describe what someone is studying or learning, you can say: She’s studying History;I’m learning English.

  要描述某人在学什么或者研究什么,你可以说:She’s studying History(她在学历史);I’m learning English (我在学英语)。

  重要的短语和句子   Key phrases & sentences

  What age is your son? 你儿子多大?

  He’s 22.他22岁。

  And your daughter? 你女儿呢?

  How old is she? 她多大?

  She’s 19.她19岁。

  She’s in her first year at university.


  What is she studying? 她在学什么?

  She’s studying History.她在学历史。


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