
exam8 exam8/2007-10-05


  I’d like to get some green tea.


  A   Do you know where I can find a good shop for Chinese tea?

  A   你知道我在哪里可以找到卖中国茶的好商店吗?

  B   Yes.  There are lots of good places.  What exactly do you want to buy?

  B   是的。有很多卖茶的好地方。你想买什么样的茶?

  A   I’d like to get some green tea and some jasmine tea.  And I’d also like to get a Chinese teapot.

  A   我想买一些绿茶,还有一些茉莉花茶。我还想买一只中国茶壶。

  B   OK, I know one or two very good tea shops.

  B   好的,我知道一两家好的茶叶店。

  A   Thanks. That would be really helpful.

  A   谢谢。那太好了。

  注释   Notes

  To ask someone about a place, you can say: Do you know where...e.g.Do you know where I can find a good bookshop?

  向某人询问某地,你可以问:Do you know where...? (你知道在……吗?)。例如:Do you know where I can find a good bookshop? (你知道我在哪里可以找到好书店?)。

  Remember how to say you would like to do something:I’d like to buy some green tea.

  记住这样说你愿意做某事:I’d like to buy some green tea(我想买一些绿茶)。

  重要的短语和句子   Key phrases & sentences

  Do you know where I can find a good shop for Chinese tea?


  There are lots of good places.


  What exactly do you want to buy?


  I’d like to get some green tea and some jasmine tea. 


  I’d also like to get a Chinese teapot.


  I know one or two very good tea shops.


  That would be really helpful.那太好了。


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