
exam8 exam8/2007-10-05



总结:Rajat Nag 写成了Ragat Nog

The Asian Development Bank was created in 1966, two years after the African Development Bank. Today both of them are talking about needed reforms to better serve their member countries. Last month we looked at the issues in Africa where there is still widespread need for development aid.

The situation is different for the Asia-Pacific area. The Asian Development Bank was created to raise money from rich industrial nations for loans to support economic growth. Now there are surpluses in Asia, and less and less need for those loans.

(Rajat Nag) is managing director general of the bank; we called him in Manila. He says the bank is debating how to deal with the two faces of Asia. Economic growth in many countries has been great, 10 percent a year in China, for example. The bank's members have about 2 trillion dollars in savings that could be invested. Yet more than six hundred million people in Asia are still without clean water.
Rajat Nag为亚发行总经理,我们给身在马尼拉的他打了电话,他表示该行正在商讨如何处理亚洲的这种两面性,亚洲许多国家的经济增长是非常迅速的,比如中国的增长速度为每年10%,该行的成员国已拥有了约2兆可用于投资的美金储备,然而有6亿多亚洲人民仍缺乏洁净的用水


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