

  Listening Comprehension: Get familiar with the words or phrases given below, and then listen to the tape until you can complete the talk.

  Topic: Government attitude towards the Internet

  Category: Phone-in


  step in:插手,卷入


  enforcement:实施,强制执行,这里的law enforcement指政府的执法机构

  Presenter: _________________, Congress ________________ that said, ___________________ right? And then the court _________ and said, no this is _____ and ever since then, _______________________________, does the government ____________ in this? Your _____________ is involved not only in trying to ___________________ for parents but also to ____________ public policy.

  Guest: Right.

  Presenter: What are your _______ about the role of government in helping to ____ us ______ what may be _________?

  Guest: Well I think the ___ of government is_______________ as it is ___________, and we've really _____ a strategy of __________________________________. That _______ the public _____________________, the parents, the teachers, the librarians, the technology industry _______________ ---- ___________________________, implementing the _____, developing the ____, and then the government _________________ doing their part.

  Topic: Caller ID

  Category: Advertisement


  caller ID:(电话)来电显示对方号码

  Kinda: kind of


  display:展示,a free display unit指免费的展示件

  Announcer: If you don't have caller ID from Sprint, it's kinda like _____________________ you really don't want there.

  Man: Look, I really don't want…oh, Uncle Buzz.

  Uncle: Elliot! Give Buzzy a big ___! Come over here! What's for dinner, ______________!

  Man: Uncle Buzz!

  Announcer: Caller ID from Sprint gives you the ____ and ________ of who's calling, so you decide whether to answer. That means you can ________________…But never ____ the important ones.

  Woman: Elliot!

  Man: Veronica!

  Woman: I've changed my mind. Hold me, kiss me.

  Announcer: Call toll-free 1-877-ID-Caller and get ______________ when you _____ Caller ID. Available in most areas. __________. Restrictions apply.

  Man: Out! Out! Everybody out! Not you, Veronica.

  Announcer: From ______________ that _____ all your communication needs: Sprint -_____________________.


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