

37. Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups (these attitudes include,but are not  confined to,attitudes toward crime and the law)and have revealed how the authorities administered justice. (3+ )
译文:象勒罗伊。拉迪里(Le Roy Ladurie)一类的史学家利用这些文献史料从中挖掘出某些个案史(case history)来,阐明了不同社会群体的态度(这些态度包括,但并非局限于,对犯罪和法律的态度),并揭示出当局是如何执行审判的。
解释:逗号以后的内容都是修饰逗号以前的case history的。在which引导的非限定性定语从句中有一个插入语(these attitudees includee, but are not confined to, attitudees toward crime and the law),我们可以看到这个插入语中又套了一个插入语but not confined to。
意群训练:Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups (these attitudes include,but are not  confined to,attitudes toward crime and the law)and have revealed how the authorities administered justice.

38. It can be inferred from the passage that a historian who wished to compare crime rates per thousand in a European city in one decade of the fifteenth century with crime rates in another decade of that century would probably be most aided by better information about which of the following? (5)
解释:句首的it是形式主语,其具体内容是从that开始到句子结束的全部内容。That从句中,主语a historyian之后修饰它的超长的定语从句是这个句子难以读懂的原因。Compare crime rates with crime rates中间被修饰第一个crime rates的两个修饰成分perthousand in a European city in one decade of the fifteenth century分隔得很远。在with之后的第二个crime rates后面,省略了与前面重复的per thousand in a European city。
意群训练:It can be inferred from the passage that a historian who wished to compare crime rates per thousand in a European city in one decade of the fifteenth century with crime rates in another decade of that century would probably be most aided by better information about which of the following?

39. My point is that its central consciousness-its profound understanding of class and gender  as shaping influences on people’s lives-owes much to that earlier literary heritage,a heritage that,in general,has not been sufficiently valued by most contemporary literary critics. (4)
解释:宾语从句中的主语和谓语被长插入语分开,造成阅读障碍。插入语中有一个固定搭配understanding of A as B,是把A理解成B的意思。不过本句中as的宾语不容易理解:shaping influences on people’s lives可以理解成“形成了对人们生活的影响”也可以理解成“对人们生活的塑造性(决定性)影响”。当然后面的理解是正确的,然而在阅读现场想要在瞬间做出正确判断,还有赖于考生的阅读理解力和词汇功底的深浅。插入语后面还有一个固定搭配:A owes much to B,指前者有很多东西是来自于后者,得益于后者的。
意群训练:My point is that its central consciousness-its profound understanding of class and gender  as shaping influences on people’s lives-owes much to that earlier literary heritage,a heritage that,in general,has not been sufficiently valued by most contemporary literary critics.
40. Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by techniques derived from studying the reactions of tissue cultures to biomaterials or from short-term implants.(5)
解释:主语the requirement后面带着一个长长的修饰主语的同位语;由于requirement的同位语中要求使用虚拟语气,所以其中的系动词成了原型(should be省略了should)。如此之长的修饰成分过后,谓语can be met与主语的关系已经很难理清了。从by开始的状语结构更为复杂;修饰techniques的后置的定语derived from studying the reactions of tissure cultures to biomaterials or derived from studying short-term implants实际上是由or所连接的两个固定搭配the reactions of tissure cultures to biomaterials;第二个derive from中还套了另外一个固定搭配the reactions of tissure cultures to biomaterials;第二个derive from则干脆把derive给省略了。此外,本句的专有名词奇多,这使得阅读的难度非常高。
意群训练:Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by techniques derived from studying the reactions of tissue cultures to biomaterials or from short-term implants

41. But achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and  nonliving matter requires knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other-an area that we have not yet explored thoroughly. (4) 但是,要想沿着原生和非原生物质之间的界面获取生理特性的必要匹配,需要某种知识,即什么样的分子控制着细胞彼此间的结合--而对这一领域,我们尚未进行充分的探索。
解释:本句这样的复杂修饰和插入语的作用差不多;主语achieving necessary matches之后的修饰成分in physical properties across interfaces between living and nonliving matter把主语和谓语requires分开。值得注意的是修饰宾主的of which molecules 中的which在此不是定语从句的引导词,而是一个形容词,意思是哪个。
意群训练:But achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and  nonliving matter requires knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other-an area that we have not yet explored thoroughly.

42. Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law-notwithstanding,of course,a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactments are concerned-that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena. (5) 伊斯兰法是一种如此不同于所有其它法律形式的现象--毋庸置疑,尽管就其主要内容和有积极意义的法规而言,与其它法律形式中的这种或那种形式存在着相当数量的且不可避免的巧合相似之处--以致于对它进行研究便显得不可或缺,以便充分理解有可能存在的法律现象的全部范围。
解释:这是一个被GRE考生尊称为No.题三大难文章之一的伊斯兰法中的臭名昭著的句子。本句插入语前后都不难,关键是如何对待这段插入语。首先,插入语很长,在原文中有四行。笔者在前面不只一次提醒读者,三行心目的插入语必须跳过,看懂前后的内容再回头来看插入语。插入语难懂的第一个原因是其中混有大量的抽象词和法律术语;还有一个重要原因,那就是它其实不是一个完整的句子。把插入语中所有的修饰成分扒光,只剩下一个单词:coinsidences,而主语和谓语it has则被作者省略。不管从哪个角度上来看,这句话中的那个插入语都极像是ETS布下的一个陷阱:首先,插入语的内容对理解文章毫无作用;其次,考试中对插入语也出题;第三,其实这句话中的插入语根本不必读。也可以根据插入语前后的内容用合理化原则的取非读法猜出其意思。插入语前后的内容是伊斯兰法与其他法律不同,插入部分以notwithstanding开关,又有of course,可见插入部分一定是让步证据,因此可以对前后的内容取非,猜出插入部分一定是在说伊斯兰法与其他法律有相同之处。句末的in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena中,包含一个倒装;正常语序的appreciate the full range of possible legal phenomena adequately中的副词adequately被提到appreciate的宾语之前。
意群训练slamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law-notwithstanding, of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactment are concerned-that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena.

43. (Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law.)Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel), the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora. (5) 尽管从历史角度来看,在古代以色列作为独立主权国家的犹太教法与大流散时期(Diaspora,即以色列被征服后古代犹太人被巴比伦人逐出故土)的犹太教法之间存在着一个明晰可辨的断裂,然则,《旧约全书》(Old Testament)后半部分中法律内容的精神与《犹太教法典》(Talmud)极为一脉相承,而所谓的《犹太教法典》,是指大流散时期犹太教法的主要典籍辑录之一。
解释:本句与上一句同来自于同一篇文章,本文的主题是伊斯兰法,但作者反复用犹太法来吓唬读者,同样ETS也未就此句话出题。这句话难读是因为两个原因:第一、作者在between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora一句中的and之后省略了Jewish law,使人看到of the Diaspora ancient Israel and of the Diaspora一句中的and之后省略了jewish law,使人看到of the Diaspora时搞不清楚在什么与什么之间;第二个难懂的原因,是文中出现了大量的专有名词、法律术语和历史背景。其实读者除了Israel 和Jewish两个单词有必要也有可能认识之外,其他单词既不需要了解也无法了解,像什么Diaspora(大流散时期)、Old Testament(旧约全书)、Talmud(犹太教法典)等奇怪名词,在非宗教国家的考生的大脑中,一点概念都没有,更不要说其英语的表达了。那么ETS的出题者在阅读文章中搞出这种东西来,不是有意违背公平出题原则之嫌了吗?其实出题者也并没有要求读者把这些内容搞清,只需知道前面那句话是一个判断句,说犹太法和伊斯兰法一致,后面这句话是对上面一句话的解释,因此肯定也在说它一致。再看第二句话的结构,上来就是一个用though表示的让步语气,我们可以看出在一个break between,那么逗号后就应该是省略了but的转折语气,该说没有break between,果然我们看到了very close to 的字样。我们也知道,既有让步又有转折时,作者强调转折之后的内容。所以这句话仍是在说犹太法一致。
意群训练:043 Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law(这是作者加的便于理解的话). Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora(the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel), the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora.

44. Islam,on the other hand,represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it;Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle,(examination)of legal subject matter that was far from uniform,comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories. (4) 另一方面,伊斯兰教则代表着与此前存在的阿拉伯异教(Arab paganism)的一种根本上的决裂;伊斯兰法是从宗教的角度,对各种杂乱无章、绝无共同点的法律内容进行考察所致的结果,而这些法律内容实际上是由前伊斯兰阿拉伯国家(Pre-Islamic Arabia)法律的不尽相同的组成部分以及由从被征服的土地上非阿拉伯民族借鉴过来的无数法律因素所构成。 (as it did )实际上是一句插入语。
解释:这句话是接着上面的那句话写下来的,是在说伊斯兰法的不一致。句中有三个插入语,都起到了一定的干扰作用。第一个是on the other hand,隔开了主语和谓语。第二个是from a religious angle,分开了examination of ,第三个as it did, 根本就是句废话,分断了动词comprise 和动词的宾语the various components。
意群训练:Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it; Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numberous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories
45. One such novel idea is that (idea) of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants’ natural constitution:specifically,the idea of inserting into  nonleguminous plants the genes,if they can be identified and isolated,that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Hence,(there is ) the intensified research on legumes. (5),此句最好能够熟读,更好的是背诵下来。(复杂修饰+插入+省略+倒装)这其中的一个新颖思想就是,在植物的染色体(chromosome)内注入并非是该植物自然构造一个部分的那些不相关联的因基:具体而言,这一思想是,在非豆科植物内注入这样一些基因,倘若这些基因可被辨识出来并被分离开来,而这些基因业已使豆科植物宜于充当那些具备固氮作用的细菌的寄主。由此,对豆科植物的研究日趋深入。
解释:本句的难度以倒装为主,复杂为辅;然而二者相互借力,难度更大,而且本句中有两个省略,就更令读者头痛。句子一开始的One such novel idea is that of 之中的that of, 是that idea of 的省略形式。此外容易理解,后面开始变难。Inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes(that are not a part of the plants' natureal consttution)看上去不舒服的原因,是作者在此用了一个便装;正常语序应该是:inserting discrete genes(that are not a part of the plants' natureal constitution) into the chromosomes of plants, 即把非此植物的genes插入到该植物中。之所以倒装,是因为discrete genes加上复杂修饰的成分以后太长之故。同样,后面的the idea of inserting into nonleguminous plants the genes, if they can be identifyied and isolated, that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria一句,正常的语序也是the idea of inserting the genes, if they can be identifyied and isolated, that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitro-fixing bacteria into nonleguminous plants,即把便利豆科植物成为固氮菌的寄主的基因(如果它们能够被找到并分离出来的话)插入到非豆科植物的基因中去。这一回。Genes之后不但有定语从句的复杂修饰,而且在genes和that从句之间还有一个不短的插入语,增加了阅读难度。最后的一句话,Hence, the intensified research on legumes, 其实也不是一句话,只是一个词:research。作者省略了there is ,其实引处即便看不清语法结构,作者的意思还是可以懂的。因此,笔者在前面强调的“如果可以看懂意思,不必去分析语法”,在实战的应用中有其意义;GRE和GMAT中很多表达其实不严格遵守语法,或者有考生不懂的语法,读者处心积虑地研究它们,不但没有实战意义,而且还令读者徒增烦恼。本句是GRE和GMAT考试中集各种语言现象之大成者,包括了几乎所有的难句类型,希望读者一定把这句话读熟;有心者最好能把它背熟,一定对提高你的阅读能力有好处。
意群训练:One such novel idea is that (idea) of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants’ natural constitution:specifically,the idea of inserting into nonleguminous plants the genes,if they can be identified and isolated,that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Hence,(there is ) the intensified research on legumes.

46. It is one of nature’s great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants’ leaves are bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas.(3+)下述情形真可谓是自然界的一个莫大讽刺:土壤中所能获得的氮肥量往往对植物的生长构成了一个上限,虽然植物的叶子被沐浴在一片氮气的海洋中。
解释:It是形式主语,其真正的内容是that之后的由even though连接的两个句子。其实本句的真正难度倒不在于句子的结构,而是对于其意思的理解:尤其是文科同学,可能缺乏必要的背景知识,就更不容易读懂。句中的set an upper limit on plant growth直译为”给植物的生成设立一个上限”,其真正的意思是“限制了植物的生长”;因此the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth之中的availability一定指的是氮的供给之少。整句话的意思是,土壤中的氮植物能够利用,却太少;而空气中虽有大量的氮,植物却不能利用,这岂不是自然界开的一个大玩笑。
意群训练:It is one of nature’s great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants’ leaves are bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas.

47. Unless they succeed,the yield gains of the Green Revolution will be largely lost even if the genes in legumes that equip those plants to enter into a symbiosis with nitrogen fixers are identified and isolated,and even if the transfer of those gene complexes,once they are found, becomes possible. (4) 除非他们能取得成功,不然的话,绿色革命的产量收益将在很大程度上损失殆尽,即使豆科植物中使这些植物有条件进入到与固氮细菌共生关系的基因可被辨识出来和分离开来的话,且即使这些基因综合体(gene complex),一旦被发现之后,其移植得以成为可能的话。
难句类型:复杂修饰、插入语 ◎大宝考研版权所有,拒绝转载◎DRyxFerXCG
解释:主句比较简单,而后面跟着的由and连接的两个表示让步的条件状语从句就相对复杂,第一个从句是用一个修饰主语的定语从句that equip those plants to enter into a symbiosis with nitrogen fixers把主谓隔开;第二个从句则运用了插入语once they are found把主谓隔开。
意群训练:Unless they succeed,the yield gains of the Green Revolution will be largely lost even if the genes in legumes that equip those plants to enter into a symbiosis with nitrogen fixers are identified and isolated,and even if the transfer of those gene complexes,once they are found, becomes possible.
48. Its subject(to use Maynard Mack’s categories)is "life-as-spectacle," for readers,  diverted by its various incidents,observe its hero Odysseus primarily from without;the tragic Iliad,however,presents "life-as-experience":readers are asked to identify with the mind of  Achilles,whose motivations render him a not particularly likable hero. (5) 其主题〔若借鉴梅纳德。迈克(Maynard Mack)的两个分类范畴的话〕是“人生作为外部景象”,因为读者的注意力被作品那形形色色的事件所分散,主要是从外部来观察其主人公奥德修斯(Odyssus)的;然而,富于悲剧色彩的《伊利亚特》所表现的则是“人生作为内心体验”:读者被要求与阿基琉斯(Achilles)的心灵产生共鸣,而其行为动机却致使他变作一个并非特别惹人喜爱的主人公。(从分号后的语句推理出前面的意思) 注:hero:主人公;without:外部;likable:有吸引力的
请思考:如果看不懂分号前的without的意思,是否可以用合理化原则根据分号后的那句话推理出其意思? ◎
解释:本句中尽管也存在一些复杂修饰和插入的内容,但是本句话之所以难懂,与其说是因为这些东西的影响,倒不如说是因为用词的抽象和语义的难以理解。作为一篇文学评论型的文章,文章中充斥着一些很抽象的词汇;本句话中就有subject/category/spectacle/divert/incident/hero/primarily/without/present/identify/motivation/particularly/likable等。背过这些单词的中文释义,并不意味着在阅读中能够清楚地理解其真正含义。对于抽象词的训练方法,请参见附录中<阅读抽象词提速法>。这里仅解释几个对于这句话最重要的单词:hero:在此不是指英雄,在文学评论型的文章当中,此单词的意思是主人公。 Without:在此处是一个熟词僻义,意思是外部,等于outside。 Likable:不可望文生义,它不是像什么东西的意思,而是有吸引力的意思,其同义词有pleasant或attractive. 本句中,对于理解全句起到最大影响的,就是能否正确理解without这个单词,然而问题在于,如果不认识without的熟词僻义,是否可用合理化原则根据分号后的那句话推理出其意思?根据紧跟着分别的however,我们可以推断出分号前后的两句话所说的内容截然相反,因此可以从I戏剧的描述中推出,without的意思应该是不去认同其主人公的内心世界。
意群训练:Its subject(to use Maynard Mack’s categories)is "life-as-spectacle," for readers,  diverted by its various incidents,observe its hero Odysseus primarily from without;the tragic Iliad,however,presents "life-as-experience":readers are asked to identify with the mind of  Achilles,whose motivations render him a not particularly likable hero.

49. Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement: before maturity one eye migrates,so that in an adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head. (3+) 在一条成年比目鱼身上显著存在的诸多不对称(asymmetry)特征中,最为吸人注目的是眼睛的摆位:在成年之前,一只眼睛发生移动,因此在成年比目鱼身上,两只眼睛均位于头部的同一侧面。
解释:本句的倒装本质上与我们早就的一种倒装结构是一样的,即形容词放在句首时,主语和谓语倒装。本句的主干的正常语序应该是:Eye placement is most striking;倒装后成了Most striking is eye placement。但是这种倒装在GRE考试中出现,又有了新的特色,被提到句首的Most striking被长长的状语among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish与后面的主语和表语分开,造成阅读困难。
意群训练:Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement: before maturity one eye migrates,so that in an adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head

50. A critique of Handlin’s interpretation of why legal slavery did not appear until the 1660’s suggests that assumptions about the relation between slavery and racial prejudice should be reexamined , and that explanations for the different treatment of Black slaves in North and South America should be expanded .(4) 一个对于H的关于为何法律上的奴隶制没有在17世纪60年代以前出现的原因所作解释的批评显示,关于奴隶制和种族偏见之间的关系的假说应当重新检查,而且显示出,对于在北美和南美之间的对黑怒的不同处理的解释应当被扩展。
难句类型:复杂修饰、省略 解释:句子的主干清楚:A critique suggests that…, and suggests that…。但是因为句子的结构复杂、修饰成分多,再加上后面的and 之后的suggests被省略,所以句子的结构很难被读出来的。 本句的suggest不再是暗示,而是显示、说明的意思,其同义词有point,indicate,imply。本句的两个suggest之后的宾语从句都根据语法要求使用了虚拟语气。
意群训练:A critique of Handlin’s interpretation of why legal slavery did not appear until the 1660’s suggests that assumptions about the relation between slavery and racial prejudice should be reexamined , and that explanations for the different treatment of Black slaves in North and South America should be expanded .

51. The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands,islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle,are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the mid-ocean ridge system, whose source,most geologists contend,is the upper mantle. (5 -) 对于地幔分层论点来说,最好的证据乃这样一个确认的事实,即在那些海洋岛屿--这些岛屿据信是源于由下层地幔升上来的地幔柱状溶岩流(mantle plume)--上发现的火山岩石,是由与海洋中部山脊系统的物质根本不同的物质构成的,而这一海洋中部山脊系统的成因,大多数地质学家论辩道,为上部地幔。
解释:本句前面的主干并不算难,即the evidence is the fact that,难就难在fact之后说明fact 的同位语从句。此从句中既有大段插入语,又有从句,较为难读。同位语从句的主语是volcanic rocks,主语后面的found on oceanic islands是分词修饰volcanic rocks的;islands后面又有一个说明islands的同位语islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle,此同位语实际起到一个分隔主谓的同位语的作用。其后是谓语动词are composed/of fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, most geologists contend, is the upper mantle。句中有一些专有词汇。如果抛开文章不说,单看这一个句子,则句首的layered mantle thesis就难以理解。但是如果读者能够读懂句子的大致意思,看到layered mantle thesisr最有力证据就是其材料fundamentally different from… the upper mantle,这应该可以推测出,既然不同于上层地幔,则这个理论一定是在说地幔有不同的层面。
意群训练:The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands,islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle,are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the mid-ocean ridge system, whose source,most geologists contend,is the upper mantle.

52. Some geologists,however,on the basis of observations concerning mantle xenoliths, argue that the mantle is not layered,but that heterogeneity is created by fluids rich in "incompatible elements" (elements tending toward liquid rather than solid state)percolating upward and transforming portions of the upper mantle irregularly,according to the vagaries of the fluids’ pathways. (4+)但是,某些地质学家,以对地幔捕虏岩体(xenolith)所作的观察为依据,指出地幔并非是分层排列的,相反,地幔的异质性是由那些富含“不相容成分”的流质构成的,这些成分趋向于流体而非固体的状态,自下而上渗透扩散,并依照这些流质流向的任意性,不规则地将上部地幔的某些部分予以改变。
解释:本句的主句中有一个长插入语however,on the basis of observations concerning mantle xenoliths,割裂了主谓,但句子的主要难度还是在that引导的宾语从句中,从句中有由but 所连接的两个句子,一起延续到句末。首选是rich in incompatible elements修饰fluids;后面又有一个同位语和一个分词结构,都是修饰incompatible elements的,最后还有一个状语来修饰那个分词结构,层层修饰,比较复杂。
意群训练:Some geologists,however,on the basis of observations concerning mantle xenoliths, argue that the mantle is not layered,but that heterogeneity is created by fluids rich in "incompatible elements" (elements tending toward liquid rather than solid state)percolating upward and transforming portions of the upper mantle irregularly,according to the vagaries of the fluids’ pathways.

53. Fallois proposed that Proust had tried to begin a novel in 1908, abandoned it for what was to be a long demonstration of Saint-Beuve’s blindness to the real nature of great writing , found the essay giving rise to personal memories and fictional developments ,and allowed these to take over it a steadily developing novel. (5 -) F认为,P在1908年试图开始写一部小说,又为了写一部批判S-B的伟大作品的真正本质的视而不见的长篇的证明而放弃了这部小说,其后又发现这一论文又勾起了其个人记忆及小说情节的萌生,使得后者取而代之形成了一部稳定展开的小说。
解释:本句来自历来被GRE考生尊称为所有GRE文科文章中难度第一的普鲁斯特的追忆似水年华,这篇文章的难度远远高于现在计算机考试的题目。普鲁斯特是公认的意识流小说的先驱,据笔者推测,本文的原作者必定是研究普鲁斯特的大家,因此其文章必然带有思维的跳跃,、不连贯性、时空颠倒等意识流手法:经过ETS的改编后,虽然可读性略有啬,然积重难返、无法救药,于是堕落成一篇流水帐文章。从本句的结构来看,也可以表现作者的这种叙事风格:本句从that引导的宾语从句开始,实际上是以普鲁斯特的意识流向为线索,以列举的方式描述其动机的变化,从一开始的写别的小说,其英文为Prout had tried to…, abandoned…,found…,and allowed..。但是因为abandoned之后的状语for…的结构复杂、用词抽象,所以这个结构不太容易被看出来。Blindness在此不是指真盲,而是指缺乏辨认能力difficult to discern, make out,or discover,视而不见。Give rise to 这个词组的意思是引起,使发生。
意群训练:Fallois proposed that Proust had tried to begin a novel in 1908, abandoned it for what was to be a long demonstration of Saint-Beuve’s blindness to the real nature of great writing , found the essay giving rise to personal memories and fictional developments ,and allowed these to take over in a steadily developing novel.

54. The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels,from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently. (5)各种有意义的联系在所有的层次上,自抽象的理性至深刻的梦幻般的情感,层出不穷并不断重新组合排列;正是这些有意义的联系的丰富性和复杂性,致使普鲁斯特难于将它们错落有致地安排好。
解释:请原谅笔者在此所做中文翻译的艰涩难懂,为了让读者能够更好地理解句子的结构,本书尽量把中文翻译与英文原文的语序相对应,而且尽可能的不用意译。为了达到这个目的,可以说绞尽脑汁,但本句之难懂也全非笔者之故,原文作者使用了大量的抽象词。本句仍然来自于上面说过的这篇关于普鲁斯特的文章。句中的主语是The very richness and complexity,其后的修饰成分长达三行,of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings,其中还夹杂着插入语,有效地分开了主语和谓语。其实本句虽然结构也比较复杂,但是不见得比前面的句子复杂得多,其真正的难点,还在于句子中大量的抽象词的使用。由于笔者在附录中所提到的原因,抽象词可以严重地占据大脑资源,因此带有大量的抽象词的结构复杂的句子就更为难懂,比如本句就是一个很好的例子,复杂修饰与抽象词狼狈为奸,句意另人难以理解。
意群训练:The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels,from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently.
55. But those of who hoped, with Kolb, that Kolb’s newly published complete edition of Proust’s correspondence for 1909 would document the process in greater detail are disappointed. (4) 但是我们当中的那些希望(也算上K本人)K新出版的P1909年书信的全集能够更加详细的记录下这一过程的人都大失所望。
解释:本句中从句套从句,致使主语those of us与谓语的距离很远,而且中间的成分又极多,使得句子很难读懂。修饰主语those of us的定语从句who hoped之中又套了一个宾语从句,宾语从句的主语complete edition又被一前一后的两个定语所修饰,之后才依次是宾语从句的谓语、宾语:主句的系动词、表语。
意群训练:But those of us who hoped, with Kolb, that Kolb’s newly published complete edition of Proust’s correspondence for 1909 would document the process in greater detail are disappointed

56. Now we must also examine the culture as we Mexican Americans have experienced it , passing from a sovereign people to compatriots with newly arriving settlers to , finally ,a conquered people - a charter minority on our own land. (5 -) 现在我们必须也按照我们墨西哥裔的美国人的经历来审视这个文化,我们的经历是从一个主权的民族变成了新来的定居者的同胞,在最终沦落成为一个被征服的民族--在我们自己的土地上的契约的少数民族。
解释:主句中的as we Mexican Americans have experienced it 是examine的状语,说明审视的角度;后面直至句尾的分词结构又是experience的状语,详述了经历的具体过程。就是这个分词有些难懂,因为我们熟知的结构是from…to…没有见过,也没有想到过后面居然还有一个to,因此看到这个套了一个插入语的newly arriving settlers to , finally, a conquered people的时候头脑发生混乱,不明所以、不知所措。这里的to还是与前面的from搭配的,也就是说,原文的结构是from…to…to…
意群训练:Now we must also examine the culture as we Mexican Americans have experienced it , passing from a sovereign people to compatriots with newly arriving settlers to , finally ,a conquered people - a charter minority on our own land.

57. It is possible to make specific complementary DNA’s (cDNA’s)that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messenger RNA’s (mRNA’s)of the peptide hormones. If brain cells are making the hormones,the cells will contain these Mrna’S. If the products the brain cells make resemble the hormones but are not identical to them,then the cDNA’s should still bind to  these mRNA’s,but should not bind as tightly as they would to mRNA’s for the true hormones. (4) 科学家可以制造出特异的(specific)互补DNA’s(cDNA’s),以此作为分子探子(molecular probe),探觅出肽激素的信使RNA’s(mRNA’s)。如果大脑正在制造着肽激素,则细胞就会含有这些信使RNA’s.假若细胞所制造的产品类似于肽激素但并非与这些肽激素全然相同,那么,互补cDNA’s应仍然和这些信使mDNA’s粘结的程度。含有这些mRNA’s的脑细胞然后就可以被分离开来,研究者可对其信使RNA’s进行解码,以确定它们的蛋白质产品究竟是什么,并确定这些蛋白质产品在何种程度上类似于真正的肽激素。
解释:与其他的难句不同的是,心上的英文不止一句。笔者之所以在本句中不设标志和翻译,是因为这三句话从结构和意思上来说并不难。然而很少有人能够真正的一次把这段话读清楚,原因在于两个容易混淆的单词cDNA’s和mRNA’s在文中交替出现,而且相互作用;再加上brain cell和hormones从中捣乱,更难读清楚原文的意思。原文的主要意思如下:可以用cDNA’s来探测mRNA’s。如果脑细胞产生了荷尔蒙,则其中必有mRNA’s意味着可用cDNA探测荷尔蒙。如果脑细胞制造的不是真荷尔蒙,则可以用cDNA’s与其中的mRNA’s附着的情况来确定此荷尔蒙的真假。
意群训练:It is possible to make specific complementary DNA’s (cDNA’s)that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messenger RNA’s (mRNA’s)of the peptide hormones. If brain cells are making the hormones,the cells will contain these Mrna’S. If the products the brain cells make resemble the hormones but are not identical to them,then the cDNA’s should still bind to  these mRNA’s,but should not bind as tightly as they would to mRNA’s for the true hormones.
58. The molecular approach to detecting peptide hormones using cDNA probes should also be much faster than the immunological method because it can take years of tedious purifications  to isolate peptide hormones and then develop antiserums to them. (4) 采用cDNA探子来测定肽激素的这一分子生物学方法同时也应该比免疫学的方法速度来得快,因为对于免疫的方法来说,需耗费好几年枯燥的提纯进程,方能将肽素分离了出来,然后再培养出针对它们的抗血清。
解释:主语后的修饰成分同样隔开了主语和谓语,但本句的难度主要在because从句中。按照一般的习惯,作为从句主语的it应该指主句的主语,但本句的主句是一个比较结构,A should be faster than B because it…,此处it也可以指B。但是因为这种指代不符合和我们以前所形成的习惯,所以阅读现场不得不边读边根据句意来判断,这就增加了阅读理解的难度。现场阅读时,类似antiserums的这种专有名词不必理会,仅需从词头anti推出这是一个反p荷尔蒙的东西即可。
意群训练:The molecular approach to detecting peptide hormones using cDNA probes should also be much faster than the immunological method because it can take years of tedious purifications  to isolate peptide hormones and then develop antiserums to them.

59. Nevertheless, researchers of the Pleistocene epoch have developed all sorts of more or less fanciful model schemes of how they would have arranged the Ice Age had they been in charge of events.(3+)然而,研究P时代的研究者发展除了各种各样的或多或少有些奇怪思想的模型系统,用来显示如果由他们来决定地质事件的话他们将会如何安排冰川纪。
解释:句末的由how引导的名词性从句中包括了双重的倒装,正常的语序本来是:If they had been in charge of events, they would have arranged the Ice Age in certain model schemes。本句中由于arrange的方式被提前,就造成了arrange的动作执行者也要提前,前面的if they had been 则必须后置;这样一来又造成了if被省略,成为had they been的倒装结构。 另外,作者为了表达其对于这些研究者的模型的负态度,并炫耀其幽默感,在本句中使用了虚拟语气,并使用了fanciful这个词以表示这些研究的不负责任、异想天开的幼童心理。
意群训练:Nevertheless, researchers of the Pleistocene epoch have developed all sorts of more or less fanciful model schemes of how they would have arranged the Ice Age had they been in charge of events.

60. This succession was based primarily on a series of deposits and events not directly related to  glacial and interglacial periods,rather than on the more usual modern method of studying biological remains found in interglacial beds themselves interstratified within glacial deposits. (4)这一序列演替(succession)所依据的,主要是一系列与冰川期和间冰期并不直接相关的地质沉积物和地质事件,而不是依据更为普遍的现代方法,去研究间冰层(interglacial bed)中所发现的生物残留物,而这些间冰层本身又在冰川沉积物发生间层化(interstatified)。
解释:句子中的rather than 之后省略了与前面重复的being based,直接加上了介词on。Modern method后面的部分都是修饰method的。其中的remains既可以作动词也可以作名词,此处是名词的用法,biological remains指的是类似于动物化石之类的遗迹。读到这里我们看到了句子的难点,themselves既可以指前面离得很远的modern method(当然,在语法上来讲单复数不一致),也可以指前面离得较远的biological remains,亦可以指紧挨着的interglacial beds,到底是指代哪一个,只有通过理解句意,才能确定在此处指biological remains。
意群训练:This succession was based primarily on a series of deposits and events not directly related to  glacial and interglacial periods,rather than on the more usual modern method of studying biological remains found in interglacial beds themselves interstratified within glacial deposits

61. There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social  relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need,or between those already satiated and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging.(5) 人们试图对这些禁忌作出解释,所依据的要么是那些正置身于某一身体需要满足的人与那些并置身于某一身体需要之满足的人之间的,要么是那些早已酒足饭饱的人与那些正在不知羞耻地狼吞虎咽失之间的不相称的社会关系。
解释:前面的主架构There have been attempts to explain these taboos很简单,从in terms of inappropriate social relationships开始句子变难,ralationship后面跟着一个一直延续到句末的长长的修饰成分,其中有两个固定搭配,either…or…和between…and…,不但如此,原文把这两个搭配又套在一起,变成了either between…and…,or between…and…;再加上每一个between…and之后都是those who这样的结构,就愈发令人眼花缭乱了。
意群训练:There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social  relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need,or between those already satiated and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging.

62. Many critics of Family Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,where a "romantic" reading receives more confirmation. (5) 研究艾米丽。勃朗特(Emily Bronte)小说《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)的许多文学评论家,将小说的第二部分视作一种对比物,即使没有将第一部分予以逆转的话,也是在对第一部分作出一种诠释评判,而在小说第一部分中,一种“浪漫的”的读解能获得更为充分的确证。
解释:上面的翻译中为了符合中文习惯不得不把修饰the first part的where引导的定语从句翻译到中括号以外。本句主要难在两个地方,一个是插入语if it does not reverse如何理解,另一个是counterpoint的意思是什么。产生,插入语的位置比较讨厌,把comments on the first part这样一个连贯的说法割成两段,增加了阅读的难度。而且它的意思容易理解错;if既可以理解成如果的意思,也可以理解成即使的意思。如果理解成即使的意思,则上下文的意思则要理解成即使不反对第一部分,也要给予第一部分一个负面的评论。然而此处不能这样理解,因为that之前的counterpoint的意思不是相反、对立,而是指和谐的组成部分的意思。这个词来源于一个音乐术语,指音乐中的对位法、旋律配合,引伸为形容两个不同的东西彼此和谐一致,同义词是harmony。因此文中的if it does not reverse的意思是假如不反对第一部分,则是与第一部分和谐一致的评论的意思。这种情况下,插入语纯属废话。
意群训练:Many critics of Family Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,where a "romantic" reading receives more confirmation.
63. Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does(15) encourage attempts to unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts. (4+)诚然,这些因素的存在并不能证明作者对小说架构的意识可与亨利。詹姆斯(Henry James)的那种意识相比拟;然则,任何力图将小说所有形形色色的因素统一起来的做法,在某种程度上注定是无法令人信服的。 Granted that:大家都统一、当然,表让步,=admitted , of course.
解释:本句的结构固然复杂,但造成最大的阅读难度的,主要还是对一些抽象词的理解。正面是对一些关键词汇的解释: ◎大宝考研版权所有,拒绝转载◎SoDMLxw4Vi
Granted that出现在句首,其意思是大家都同意、当然,实际上是一种让步语气,等于admitted,of course。 ◎大宝考研版权所有,拒绝转载◎t1DGV8GDSK
Need not argue中的argue在此不是表示常用的那个辩论、争论的意思,而是表示意味着或证实的意思,其同义词是maintain或prove。Camparable的词义有两个,除了读者熟悉的that can be compared之外,还有一个意思是worthy of comparison,其同义词是as good as。本文中用的是后面的那个意思,对于这个词义的理解,后面的第18题考到了。
意群训练:Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does(15) encourage attempts to unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts.

64. This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis(although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger),but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that,ultimately,resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. (5) 这倒不是因为这样的一种解释必定会僵化成为一个命题(尽管对这部或任何一部小说的解释中,僵化死板总是一种危险),而是因为《呼啸山庄》拥有一些极难驾御的因素,以其无可辩驳的力度,最终拒绝被囿于一个囊括无遗的解释中。
训练:This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis(although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger),but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that,ultimately,resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation.

65. The isotopic composition of lead often varies from one source of common copper ore to another,with variations exceeding the measurement error;and preliminary studies indicate  virtually uniform is topic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source. (4)铅的同位素构成经常在一种普通铜矿石来源与另一种铜矿石来源之间存在差异,其差异程度超出测量误差;而最初的研究表明,对于来自单独一个铜矿石来源的铅来说,其同位素构成几乎是毫无二致的。
解释:本句是一个怪异的现象的典型例子:句子的结构谈不上复杂,所用单词也不难,但是除非读者有理工科的科研(最好是材料科学的科研)背景,否则句子虽然能够得读下来,但是却搞不清句子说的是什么意思。首先,句子中出现的一些词汇虽然也都比较常见,但是在理科文章中出现,就有了专有名词的意味,同时还带有很抽象的学术含义,笔者称之为专业抽象词,如isotopic composition;source;variation;measurement error;preliminary study等。认识这些单词,并不意味着懂得它们在文章的意义和作用。比如说measurement error,大家都可以望文生义地理解成测量错误、测量误差,但是在对文章的阅读中这种字面上的理解是远远不够的。其实此处强调的并不是测量中出现的错误和毛病,而是指那些每次测量都会发生的、永远也无法避免的、在测量值和实际值之间的正常的差异。因此,本句话的真实含义也难以理解。句子只是罗列了一堆事实,而作者真正想说的意思是什么呢?其实variations exceeding the measurement error的言外之意是这些不同variations是真正有意义的不同,而不是试验的误差;那么不同矿源的铜矿的铅同位素成分真的不同,相同的矿源的铅同位素几乎相同,就意味着我们可以通过测量铅同位素的成分来确定铜矿的矿源(挖掘地)。
意群训练:The isotopic composition of lead often varies from one source of common copper ore to another,with variations exceeding the measurement error;and preliminary studies indicate  virtually uniform is topic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source
66. More probable is bird transport,either externally,by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers,or internally,by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds. (3+) 更有可能的是鸟类运输:或者是通过外部途径,即由于种籽偶然粘附在羽毛上;或者是通过内部方式,即由于鸟类吞食果子并随后将种籽排泄出来。

解释:句首有一个倒装,正常语序是bird transport is more probable。后面的句子中由于插入部分的频繁出现使句子显得十分凌乱。
意群训练:More probable is bird transport,either externally,by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers,or internally,by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds.

67. A long-held view of the history of English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to a more imperial policy , dominated by expansionist militarist objectives , generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution . (4+)
难句类型:复杂修饰、插入语 ◎大宝考研版权所有,拒绝转载◎W1ienIwYrI
解释:主架构简单,可是主语和表语从句都不让人省心。句子的主干其实就是:A long-held view has been that..。但是主语A long-held view之后却是修饰它的一个三层的定语:of the history of the english colonies that became the United States。系动词has been之后所接的表语从句其实不止一个,其实原句是用了and来连接两个并列的表语从句,has been that…and has been that…。后面的has been照例被省略。
意群训练:A long-held view of the history of English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to a more imperial policy , dominated by expansionist militarist objectives , generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution .

68. It is not known how rare this resemblance is,or whether it is most often seen in inclusions of silicates such as garnet,whose crystallography is generally somewhat similar to that of diamond;  but when present,the resemblance is regarded as compelling evidence that the diamonds and inclusions are truly cogenetic. (4) 现在尚不知这种类似稀少到何种地步,也不知道是否它最常见于象石榴石一类的硅酸盐内含物中,而这类物质的晶体结构普遍地在某种程度上类似于金刚石的晶体结构。但一旦存在,这种类似就被视作极有说服力的证据,证明金刚石与内含物确是同源的。
意群训练:It is not known how rare this resemblance is,or whether it is most often seen in inclusions of silicates such as garnet,whose crystallography is generally somewhat similar to that of diamond;  but when present,the resemblance is regarded as compelling evidence that the diamonds and inclusions are truly cogenetic.

69. Even the "radical" critiques of this mainstream research model,such as the critique developed in Divided Society,attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonial minority. (4+)即使是对这一主流研究模型的“激进”批评,诸如《分裂的社会》(Divided Society)一书中所提出的那种批判,亦将少数民族同化问题过分机构地与经济和社会移动性的因素联系起来,因此无从阐明波多黎各人作为一个殖民地少数民族的文化从属关系。
解释:本句实际上是由and连接的两个句子,阅读的一个难度在于,and之后省略了they(此处指前面的主语the radical critiques,)而are thus able to 又与前面离得太远,使读者难以找到主语。另外,句中的固定搭配attach A to B和illuminate C as D当中的A、B、C,全部既长又抽象,理解起来较为困难。
意群训练:Even the "radical" critiques of this mainstream research model,such as the critique developed in Divided Society,attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonial minority


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