英语语法新思维高级教程——驾驭语法 第5部分(13)

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-12-19

55. C。本题考查作状语的独立分词结构。

56. C。这题有难度。本题是考查独立主格结构,这里是由“with+名词+不定式”构成的。因为I同时充当to do的逻辑主语,因而这里的不定式不需要被动to be done,而要用主动to do。

57. C。首先是find somebody doing,然后分词chatting充当伴随状语,修饰sit。

58. C。分词作状语,表示伴随状况。

59. B。本题考查作状语的独立分词结构。逻辑主语others与分词是被动关系,所以该用过去分词built。

60. B。这题有难度。首先是carrying现在分词作状语,修饰answered,表示伴随状况。其次,过去完成进行时had been reading表示“刚刚结束的动作”。有兴趣的读者可以参看“中级语法”中的完成进行时态内容,其中对这个句子有详细解释。

61. C。本题考查作状语的独立分词结构。其中seated是表示被动,由seat somebody得来,这与汉语思维表达习惯不同,值得注意。

62. B。答案来自于make up one's mind搭配。

63. A。这里是三个并列的过去动作,不是分词。

64. B。考查分词的主动与被动。因为delegates与assemble是主动关系,而problems与discuss是被动关系,所以分别用现在分词和过去分词。

65. D。这题有些难度。其实这里being是一个动名词,不是现在分词。读者可参看第7章有关动名词与现在分词的区别。

66. C。letters与write是被动关系,所以用过去分词。

67. B。考查compare...with...搭配。

68. A。这里spawn是谓语。其后都是分词或从句。定语从句that drift about修饰larvae。

69. A。考查分词构成的复合形容词。这里是“副词+过去分词”构成形容词,故只有A正确。

70. B,改为written。

71. A,改为Written。

72. B,改为employing。

73. C,改为made。

74. D,改为affected。

75. D,改为taking。

76. A,改为reflect。

77. A,改为removing。

78. C,改为make。

79. C,改为derived。

80. C,改为arguing。

81. C,改为admired。

82. B,改为composers visiting。

83. C,改为giving。

84. C,改为campaigning。

85. B,改为going up。

86. D,改为located。

87. C,改为composed。

88. A,改为living。

89. B,改为called。

90. A,改为Compared。

91. A,改为Discovered。

92. B,改为having。

93. A,改为allowing。

94. C,改为seeming。

95. A,改为sound-producing。考查复合形容词的构词法。这里是“名词+现在分词”构成的形容词。

96. A,改为hydrogen-filled。考查复合形容词的构词法。这里是“名词+过去分词”构成的形容词。

97. C,改为family-run。考查复合形容词的构词法。这里是“名词+过去分词”构成的形容词。

98. B,改为naturally。考查复合形容词的构词法。这里是“副词+现在分词”构成的形容词。

99. C,改为most poorly-taught。考查复合形容词的构词法。这里是“副词最高级+过去分词”构成的形容词。

100. D,改为skinned。考查复合形容词的构词法。这里是“形容词比较级+名词+ed”构成的形容词。

第七章 从句与非谓语

Exercise 7.1.1

1. The student denied having cheated on the exam.

2. The president's being involved in the fraud is obvious. Or the president's involvement in the fraud is obvious.

3. I consider this a far-reaching event. Or I consider this event far-reaching.

4. His losing the game came as a surprise to everybody.

5. His working all night in the rain caused him to catch a bad cold.

6. The boy is worried about the possibility of failing in the exam.

7. Trying sending her girlfriend flowers every day is the only way he can think of to gain her favor.

8. I remember his once offering to help us if we ever got into trouble.

9. You must tell me the truth. I insist on your telling the truth.

10. Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.

11. Children's objecting to their parents remarrying has become a prevalent social problem.

12. The teacher said that he wouldn't tolerate my arriving late every day.

13. The girl's being educated in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.

Exercise 7.1.2

1. The plumber told me how to fix the leak in the sink.

2. Please tell me where to meet you.

3. I don't know whether to believe him or not.

4. Sam is getting dressed to go to a party, but is having trouble deciding on what clothes to wear.

5. He found two shirts he liked, but he had trouble deciding which one to buy.

6. I was tongue-tied. I didn't what to say.

7. Going to the school dance is a lot of fun. But sometimes, deciding who to go with isn't easy.

8. A: I don't know what to buy for her birthday. Got any suggestions?

Exercise 7.2.2

1. The train approaching the station is from Shanghai.

2. The woman living next door is very friendly.

3. The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet.

4. The scientists researching the causes of cancer are making progress.

5. Our school has a library built in 1900.

6. The car causing the accident drove off.

7. We lived in an apartment overlooking the sea.

8. Oceans continually lose by evaporation much of the river water constantly flowing into them.

9. Tornadoes(龙卷风)occur most often in the spring when hot winds rising over flat land encounter heavy, cold air.

10. I don't think he is the best man to do the job.

11. He thought that it might not be the best time to ask his boss for a raise.

12. Trains leaving from this station take an hour to get to London.

13. Clint was the only person to survive the air crash.

14. He was the last man to leave the sinking ship.

15. Be sure to follow the instructions given at the top of the page.

16. The psychologists studying the nature of sleep have made important discoveries.

17. The conclusion presented in that book states that most of the automobiles produced by American industry have some defect.

18. There is almost no end to the problems that face a head of state.

19. The photographs that were published in the newspaper were extraordinary.

20. Did you get the message that concerns the special meeting?

21. The woman who is waiting to see you has applied for a job here.

22. The plane that is flying overhead is traveling north.

23. The sunlight that comes through the window wakes me up early every morning.

24. Two-thirds of those that are arrested of car theft are under twenty years of age.

25. The man who is serving at the counter is very helpful

26. This job will suit students who want to work during the holidays.

27. There's someone who is knocking at the door.

28. Customers who complain about the service should see the manager.

29. Passengers who are traveling on planes shouldn't smoke.

Exercise 7.3

1. 因主语不同,不能简化

2. After turning to the corner, I saw a tile fall off the roof.

3. 因主语不同,不能简化

4. 因主语不同,不能简化

5. 因主语不同,不能简化

6. Before coming to class, I had a cup of coffee.

7. After having finished breakfast, he left the house and went to his office.

8. After having completed her shopping, she went home.

9. Alex hurt his back while chopping wood.

10. You should always read a contract before signing your name.

11. 因主语不同,不能简化

12. Since arriving here, we have made many new friends.

13. After looking at the map, we tried to find the right street.


1. D 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. B


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