
本站小编 福瑞考研网/2017-04-04

paperback     [ˈpeɪpəbæk] n.平装本,简装本
tame         [teɪm] adj.驯化的,驯服的,温顺的 ~animails
tan          [tæn] n.棕黄色,黄褐色 buy some shoes in tan
tax          [tæks] n.税(款)Half of his wages go in tax
abrupt        [əˈbrʌpt]adj.  突然的,意外的  an abrupt departure
acute        [əˈkju:t] adj.尖锐的,敏锐的  an acute thinker 
versatile      [ˈvɜ:sətaɪl] adj. 多才多艺的 a ~ man
versus       [ˈvɜ:səs] prep.(介词)诉讼,竞赛等中以……为对手 The match tonight is China ~ Japan
blunt         [blʌnt] adj.钝的  The sun was blazing down and the heat was oppressive.
Blush        [blʌʃ] (因害羞、激动、窘困)脸红  blush with(或for) joy
abide        [əˈbaɪd] vt.遵循(…by);容忍  The one thing she cannot abide is lying.
delight       [dɪˈlaɪt] n. 高兴,快乐:To the teacher’s great delight , all his students passed the examination.
deliver       [dɪˈlɪvə(r)] vi. 投递,传送,运输:deliver the mail
demonstrate   [ˈdemənstreɪt] vt.论证,证明 :demonstrate a philosophical principle
accelerate     [əkˈseləreɪt] vt. 加速,增速  accelerate one’s steps
thread        [θred] n.线,线状物 cotton ~
thrill         [θrɪl] vt.使非常兴奋,使非常激动 It’s a sight that never fails to ~ me
thrive        [θraɪv] vi.兴旺发达,繁荣 His business is thriving
abuse        [əˈbju:s]n. vt.  滥用  abuse one's authority(office) 
stream       [stri:m] n. 小河,溪流 on the banks of a ~
stress        [stres]n.压力,紧张 Not all of us can cope with the ~es of modern life
stretch       [stretʃ] v. 伸直,伸长 He yawned and ~ed himself
stride        [straɪd] vt.& vi. 阔步前进,大踏步走He strode to the platform
temper       [ˈtempə(r)] n. 心情,脾气 be in a good~
tempt        [tempt] vt.  引诱,诱惑 Nothing could ~ me to do such a thing
strain        [streɪn] vt.& vi 拉紧,绷紧 If you ~ the elastic any more, it will break
strap         [stræp] n. 带,皮带 silks ~s
strike        [straɪk] vi.打击,撞  A stone struck me on the head
string        [strɪŋ] n.细绳,线,带 She took the parcel and started to undo the string
strip         [strɪp] vi.&vt剥去,除去 The wind stripped the tree of all its leaves
access       [ˈækses] n.入口,出口; 接近,进入;接近(或进入)的机会  have regular and immediate access to the President
tip          [tɪp] 末端,尖端 the tips of the fingers
toast        [təʊst] n.干杯;烤面包,吐司 two slices of ~】
token       [ˈtəʊkən] n.&vt.表示,标志,象征He did that as a ~ of good faith
torture      [ˈtɔ:tʃə(r)] n.&vt拷打,拷问 ~ a confession from a prisoner
accommodate[əˈkɒmədeɪt] vt.使适应,使符合一致  accommodate oneself to changed circumstances
unfold      [ʌnˈfəʊld] vt.& vi. 展开,打开  ~ a newspaper
uniform     [ˈju:nɪfɔ:m] n.制服;adj.不变的,相同的,均匀,统一的 a ~ temperature
unify       [ˈju:nɪfaɪ] vt.使成一体,统一 become a unified nation
adhere      [ədˈhɪə(r)] vi&vt  黏附,附着  Paste is used to make one surface adhere to
adjacent    [əˈdʒeɪsnt]adj.  临近的,毗邻的(to)  a city and its adjacent suburbs
adjoin      [əˈdʒɔɪn] vt.& vi.  贴近,与...毗邻  His house adjoins the lake.
thrust      [θrʌst] vt.& vi推,刺,戳,插,挤He was ~ into power
update     [ˌʌpˈdeɪt] vt. 更新,使现代化 ~a textbook
upgrade    [ˌʌpˈgreɪd] vt. 提高,使升级,改善 ~ products and services
uphold     [ʌpˈhəʊld]vt. 举起,高举 He upheld his clenched hand
upright     [ˈʌpraɪt] adj. 挺直的,垂直的 an ~ seat
tick        [tɪk] n.(钟声等发出的)滴答声
tilt        [tɪlt]vt&vi.使倾斜,使倾倒 Tilt your head back so that I can look down your throat
toss       [tɒs] vt.& vi. 扔,抛,掷 The children tossed the ball to each other
tough     [tʌf]adj. 坚韧的,牢固的 Some plastic are as ~ as metal
tow       [təʊ]vt.拖,拉,牵引 tow a damaged ship into port
abstract    [ˈæbstrækt] adj. 抽象的  A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.
absurd     [əbˈsɜ:d]adj. 荒谬的,荒唐的  The idea that number 14 brings bad luck is absurd.
uproar     [ˈʌprɔ:(r)]n. 骚乱,骚动The public ~ over unclear-radiation hazards continues to mount
utilize      [ˈju:təlaɪz]vt.利用 ~ solar energy
utter       [ˈʌtə(r)]vt. 发出(声音等),说,吐露 ~ the truth
vacant      [ˈveɪkənt] adj. 未被占用的 a ~ seat in a bus
vague       [veɪg]adj. 含糊的,不明确的,模糊的 a ~ answer
slip        [slɪp] vi&vt. 滑倒,滑落,滑行 She ~ed on the wet stones and fell
slit         [slɪt]vt. 切开,撕开  ~ the envelope open
slope       [sləʊp]vi. 倾斜,有坡度 The ground ~s down sharply at this point
impact      [ˈɪmpækt] n. 冲击,撞击:the impact of light on the eye vt.挤入,压紧; 撞击; 对…产生影响;
impair       [ɪmˈpeə(r)] vt.削弱,减少:The output of produce was impaired by the bad weather
impartial     [ɪmˈpɑ:ʃl]adj. 公正的,无偏见的:A judge should be impartial
implement    [ˈɪmplɪment]n.工具,器具,用具:new types of farm implements
sly          [slaɪ] adj.狡猾的,偷偷的 a ~answer
smash       [smæʃ] vt. 打碎,打破,摧毁 The ball ~ed the window
snatch       [snætʃ] vt. 夺得,一把抓住 The thief ~ed her handbag and ran off
immune      [ɪˈmju:n] adj.免除的,豁免的:Nobody is immune from criticism
sting         [stɪŋ] vt.&vi刺,螫,叮  A bee stung him on the neck
stir          [stɜ:(r)] vt.& vi.使微动,移动 A breeze ~red my hair
stitch        [stɪtʃ] n.一针,针脚 Make your ~es closer together
sue          [su:] vt.& vi控告,起诉 ~ sb for slander
summary     [ˈsʌməri] n. 总结,概要 This book has a ~ at the end of each chapter
superb       [su:ˈpɜ:b] adj. 极好的,一流的,杰出的 ~ science and engineering
superficial    [ˌsu:pəˈfɪʃl]adj.表面的 a ~resemblance
superfluous   [su:ˈpɜ:fluəs]adj.过多的,剩余的,多余的a ~remark
ventilate      [ˈventɪleɪt] vt.使通风,使空气流通 ~ a room
venture      [ˈventʃə(r)]n.冒险,冒险行动,投机行动take a ~ in oil
uncover      [ʌnˈkʌvə(r)] vt. 揭开,揭露 ~ a dish of food
supervise     [ˈsu:pəvaɪz] vt.& vi 监督,管理,指导 ~ sb’s every move


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