70天攻克考研英语词汇 DAY 63

匿名 免费考研网/2006-05-28

DAY 63

  lion/lain/ n.

  I have never seen the terrible lions before.

  猜一猜 A. 狮子B. 动物C. 老虎D. 大象

  翻译 我以前从没见过可怕的狮子。

  reptile/reptail/ n.

  Frogs do not belong to reptile.

  猜一猜 A. 爬行动物B. 两栖动物

  C. 哺乳动物D. 节肢动物

  翻译 青蛙不属于爬行动物。

  sword/sd/ n.

  Hes sharpening his sword for the fight.

  猜一猜 A. 刀B. 枪C. 木棍D. 火药

  翻译 他正在为打斗而磨刀。

  近义词 blade 刀口,刃;knife 小刀

  float/flut/ v./n.

  Ann made a boat with paper and let it float down the river, hoping it would send

  her pure love to her sweet heart.

  猜一猜 A. 浮动, 漂浮B. 流, 流动

  C. 飞翔, 翱翔D. 闪亮, 发光

  翻译 安妮用纸做了一只小船并让它顺水漂流, 她希望这只小船会将她纯洁的爱带给她



  float (发音记忆 → 浮了的) → 漂浮, 浮动

  check/tek/ n.

  The doctor is going to check your chest.

  猜一猜 A. 脑部B. 胸部C. 腿D. 腰

  翻译 医生将检查你的胸部。

  词义扩展 n. 箱,柜The burglar broke all of the chests in the bedroom and too

  k away everything he wanted. 小偷破开了卧室所有的箱子拿走了他想要东西。

  derive/diraiv/ v.

  He derived great pleasure from invention, thats why he chose to be an inventor


  猜一猜 A. 创造B. 生产C. 取得D. 破坏

  翻译 他从发明创造获得了很多快乐,因此他选择做一名发明家。

  分析 de + rive

  from + river(河) → 取得,导出,引申

  词组 derive...from ① 导出He derives a new calculating method from that theo

  ry. 他由那条理论导出一种新的计算方法。 ② 由…来Thousands of English words deriv

  e from Latin. 成千上万的英文单词来自拉丁文。

  finish/fini/ v.

  Mary still didnt finish this book.

  猜一猜 A. 完成B. 阅读C. 借阅D. 归还

  翻译 玛利还没有看完这本书。

  分析 fin+ ish

  to end 结束+ 动词词尾 → 完成

  词义扩展 n. 结束,完成,最后阶段At the finish of the play, most of the audie

  nces were touched. 到这部戏剧的结尾部分,很多观众都被感动了。

  preface/prefis/ n.

  The preface of the book was written by a famous writer.

  猜一猜 A. 序言B. 目录C. 高潮D. 结尾

  翻译 这本书的序言是由一个著名作家写的。

  分析 pre+ face

  在…之前+ 表面 → 在书面之前写的 → 序言

  slope/slup/ n.

  It is very dangerous to park on the slope.

  猜一猜 A. 平原B. 草地C. 沼泽D. 滑坡

  翻译 把车停在滑坡是很危险

  词义扩展 n. 倾斜,斜度a 800 slope800度的斜坡

  v. (使)倾斜slope the mirror to the west 把镜子向西边斜

  近义词 incline 斜坡

  verify/verifai/ v.

  His statement has to be verified.

  猜一猜 A. 听取B. 证实C. 模仿D. 宣传

  翻译 他的话还有待查证。

  分析 ver+ ify

  真实地 + 动词后缀 → 使…变得真实 → 证实

  brand/brnd/ n.

  He tried to persuade the storeowners to stock less of his rivals brands.

  猜一猜 A. 经营B. 业务

  C. 商标,牌子D. 名声

  翻译 他试图说服这些商店老板少贮存竞争对手的货物。

  联想记忆 [汉]白兰地(酒) → [英] brandy (原义“烧酒”) → [生] brand

  (原义“烧”) 打烙印于;铭记

  词义扩展 v. ① 使铭记The frightful experiences of the two world wars are bra

  ced in the memory of the whole world. 两次世界大战的可怕经历深深铭刻在世界人民心

  中。 ② 打火印,烙印Ancient criminals had the brand of villain in their looks.


  circus/sks/ n.

  It is said that a famous circus will come to our town.猜一猜 A. 学者B. 政治C

  . 明星D. 马戏团

  翻译 据说一个有名的马戏团要来我们镇。

  词义扩展 n. 马戏场,杂技场There are three tigers and four monkeys in the cir

  cus. 这个马戏场有三只老虎和四只猴子。

  plentiful/plentiful/ a.

  There are plentiful fruit supplies in the market.

  猜一猜 A. 新鲜B. 美味C. 大量D. 稀有

  翻译 市场上有大量的水果供应。

  近义词 abundant;lavish

  ticket/tikit/ n.

  Could you spare me a ticket for the concert?

  猜一猜 A. 节目单B. 票、入场券

  C. 传票D. 支票

  翻译 你能匀一张音乐会的票给我吗?

  词义扩展 n. (交通违章)罚款传票Mr. Green got a speeding ticket and was fine

  d 20 dollars. 格林先生接到一张超速驾驶罚单,被罚20美元。

  seat/sit/ v.

  They put down their belongings and seated themselves on the ground.

  猜一猜 A. 使坐下B. 躺下C. 站立D. 座位

  翻译 他们放下行李,席地而坐。

  词义扩展 n. ① 座位,底座a plastic seat in the garden 花园里的塑料椅 ② 所在

  地,场所Shanghai is one of the seat of commerce in China. 上海是中国的一个商业中


  seminar/semin/ n.

  Will you attend the seminar tonight in your department?

  猜一猜 A. 聚会B. 舞会C. 餐会D. 研讨会

  翻译 你今晚会参加你们系里的研讨会吗?

  letter/let/ n.

  Our teacher wrote a letter of recommendation for me especially.

  猜一猜 A. 信B. 小说C. 杂志D. 论文

  翻译 老师特地为我写了封推荐信。

  词义扩展 n. 字母,文字There are 26 letters in the alphabet. 字母表里有26个字


  cradle/kreidl/ n.

  I help rocking the cradle to make the baby asleep.

  猜一猜 A. 摇篮B. 箱子C. 床D. 自行车

  翻译 我帮着摇摇篮哄孩子入睡。

  词义扩展 n. 发源地Huang River is the cradle of Chinese civilization. 黄河是


  lend/lend/ v.

  Banks lend money to students to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to purs

  ue further study.

  猜一猜 A. 贷款B. 发放C. 赊欠D. 催款

  翻译 银行贷款给学生,以确保每个人都有深造的机会。

  词组 lend itelf to 适宜于,对…有用Her celestial voice lends itself to being

  a singer. 她那有如天籁般的嗓音适合于做歌唱家。

  less/les/ a.

  More haste, less speed.

  猜一猜 A. 更小的B. 更快的

  C. 恒定的D. 可变的

  翻译 欲速则不达。

  词义扩展 ad.更少地,更小地Would you speak less quickly? I cant follow you

  fully. 你能说的不那么快吗?我不能完全听懂你的话。

  词组 no less than ① 决不少于,不亚于,不次于I made no less contribution tha

  n you in this game. 在这次比赛中,我做的贡献决不比你少。② (和…)一样He is no

  less active than he used to be in spite of personal tragedy. 尽管有悲剧发生在他


  porch/pt/ n.

  So many people crowded at the porch, listening to the speech given by the presid


  猜一猜 A. 门廊B. 走廊C. 凉台D. 大厅

  翻译 很多人挤在门廊那听总统的演讲。

  sensor/sens/ n.

  We have to order many sensors from that company to meet our needs of the planed

  production.猜一猜 A. 传感器B. 原料C. 人力D. 资金

  翻译 我们需要从这家公司定购大批的传感器才能达到原计划的产量。

  tanker/tk/ n.

  The tanker sailed off for the north coast.

  猜一猜 A. 游船B. 油船C. 舰D. 飞机

  翻译 这艘油船开始向北岸驶去。

  cluster/klst/ n.

  In rain forest there are numerous clusters of bush and plants.

  猜一猜 A. 种类B. 簇,群

  C. 有害的D. 艳丽的

  翻译 热带雨林里有无数的灌木丛和植物。

  分析 clus+ ter

  shut down, close + 动词后缀 → 群集,丛生

  大头巧计 clus与class 发音相似,ter是动词后缀,同学们挤在一起,自然是群集,成


  词义扩展 v. 群集,丛生The garden clustered so many jungles and wilds that no

  one dares to enter it in evening. 这个花园荆棘野草丛生,晚上没人敢进去。

  bind/baind/ v.

  The hostages were bound and gagged.

  猜一猜 A. 填充B. 补C. 粘贴D. 捆,束缚

  翻译 人质被捆住并堵住了口。

  近义词 fasten; secure; tie

  get/et/ v.

  Each of us got a gift on the Christmas Eve from Christmas father.

  猜一猜 A. 赠送, 派发B. 争取

  C. 得到, 获得D. 借入

  翻译 圣诞前夜, 我们每个人都从圣诞老人那儿得到了一份礼物。

  词义扩展 v. ① 使, 使得His offensive words got me angry. 他冒犯的话使我很生

  气。 ② 变得,成为You would get much more fat if you kept on eating so much. 你再

  这么吃下去会更胖的。 ③ 到达I am afraid to say that we cant get there on time

  because of the postponed flight. 因为班机延误, 我们恐怕不能准时赶到了。

  词组 get across 解释清楚, 使人了解You should get you idea across before pers

  uading others. 在劝说别人之前你应该先让别人理解你的意思。

  get along / on which ① 进展The project is getting on very well as we expected.

  工程像我们预期的那样进展顺利。 ② 相处融洽Our new teacher is hard to get along w

  ith. 我们的新老师很难相处。 ③ 生活,过活How are you getting on these days? 你


  get around / round ① 走动,旅行The following ten years, he got around almost th

  e whole country. 在接下来的十年里他差不多走遍了整个国家。② (消息)传开The bad

  news always gets around more quickly. 坏消息总是传的比较快。

  get around / round to 找时间做,开始考虑

  He got around to having chat with me no matter how busy he was. 不论多忙他都会找


  get at 得到,接近The book is too high to get at. 书放得太高了,拿不到。

  get away 脱离,离开She cant accept the fact that he has already got away. 她无


  get down ① 从…下来get down from the bed 从床上下来 ② 写下来get down what one

  have heard. 把听到的写下来。

  get down to 开始,着手Next week I will get down to your case. 下个星期我将着手处


  get in ① 进入The ship will get in in five minutes. 船五分钟后进港。 ② 收获,收

  集get in sources 收集原料

  get into 进入,陷入get into a dilemma 陷入两难

  get off ① 从…下来get off the bus 下车 ② 离开get off for Beijing 动身去北京

  get out of 逃避get out of the responsibility to the death 逃避对死者该负的责任

  get over 克服,(从病中)恢复过来I believe the difficulty would be got over if you

  try your best. 我相信只要你努力就一定会克服困难。

  get the better of 占上风,胜过This is the key for us to keep getting the better

  of the enemy on the battle. 这是我们在战场上制胜的关键。

  get through ① 结束,完成There are still many things for me to get through, whic

  h make me confused. 我还有很多事要做,这些都把我搞闷了。 ② 接通电话I will get y

  ou through later on. 一会儿我就帮你接通。

  get together 集合,聚集get together on the ground 在操场上集合

  get up ① 起床He gets up very early every morning. 他每天早上很早起来。 ② 增加

  ,增强The rain is getting up. 雨越下越大了。

  role/rul/ n.

  In Shakespeare plays,women roles were originally written to be played by men.

  猜一猜 A. 故事B. 情节C. 角色D. 演员

  翻译 莎士比亚戏剧中的女性角色最初是写给男人来演的。

  词义扩展 n. 作用,任务 Until recently scientists have little clear evidence

  about the drug s role in preventing more serious effects of infection. 直到最


  联想记忆 词根rol“圆,轮子”,e名词后缀,由纸卷联想到演员的剧本,引申为角


  council/kaunsil/ n.

  He was removed from his position in the council.

  猜一猜 A. 董事会B. 部门

  C. 理事会D. 家庭

  翻译 他被理事会解职。

  分析 coun+ cil

  together+ to summon → 召集在一起开会, 即理事会

  allow/lau/ v.词义 允许,准许;承认;让…得到

  大头例句 Only authorized journalists are allowed to enter the assembly room.


  词组 allow for 考虑到,顾及;体谅,原谅Allow for the cost, we have made a co

  nsiderable fortune. 把成本算在内,我们也赚了一大笔。

  stab/stb/ v.

  He was stabbed to death as soon as he appeared in the theatre.

  猜一猜 A. 刺杀B. 枪击C. 打D. 头晕

  翻译 他一在剧院露面就被刺杀了。

  词义扩展 n. 刺,戳He is very strong, with a stab in the arm representing his

  unusual experience. 他很强壮,手臂上的伤口分明是他不平凡经历的见证。

  近义词 pierce

  thick/ik/ a.

  It is very cold outside — take off the thin coat and put on the thick one.

  猜一猜 A. 厚的B. 大的C. 深的D. 重的

  翻译 外面很冷,脱下薄外套穿上一件厚的。

  联想记忆 利用反义词记忆,thick 的反义词是thin,字母多的则是thick,厚的;字母


  词义扩展 ad. 厚、浓、密Dont spread the butter too thick. 别把黄油涂得太厚


  shine/ain/ v.

  The clouds parted after the rain and the sun shone out.

  猜一猜 A. 升起B. 反光C. 落下D. 发光

  翻译 雨后云开,太阳开始闪耀。

  词义扩展 v. 擦亮The poor guy was forced to shine the shoes for living. 那可


  n. 光泽,光The shine of her teeth gave a heavy blow on his heart. 她露出的皎齿,


  thermometer/mmit(r)/ n.

  Could you please read the thermometer for me?

  猜一猜 A. 温度计B. 体温计

  C. 气温D. 温度

  翻译 你可以帮我看看温度计上的度数吗?

  分析 therm(o) + meter

  热+ 表示“计”、“表”、“仪” → 温度计

  mate/meit/ n.

  His mates waited for him by the gate.

  猜一猜 A. 兄弟B. 亲戚C. 邻居D. 伙伴

  翻译 他的伙伴在门口等他。

  词义扩展 n. 配偶The eagle mourned his dead mate. 那只鹰为它死去的配偶感到伤


  horizon/hraizn/ n.

  His ship was farther and farther away from me and at last disappeared on the hor


  猜一猜 A. 海面B. 石油C. 地平线D. 视线

  翻译 他的船越来越远,最终消失在地平线上。

  词义扩展 n. 眼界,见识Entering the university broadened our horizon. 进到大


  exchange/iksteind/ v./n.词义 (for) 交换,


  大头例句 The international exchanges in every aspect develop by leaps and bo

  unds. 各个方面的国际交流飞速发展。

  近义词 change 兑换;trade 交易,买卖

  herd/hd/ n.

  There is a large herd of horse running on the prairie.

  猜一猜 A. 堆B. 群C. 帮D. 批

  翻译 有一群马在草原上跑。

  词义扩展 v. 放牧,群集 The prisoners were herded together onto the bus. 一群


  mister/mist/ n.

  Please Mister, can I have my ball back?

  猜一猜 A. 先生B. 小姐C. 太太D. 老师

  翻译 先生请问我能拿回我的球吗?

  pork/pk/ n.

  The pork is inedible during this season.

  猜一猜 A. 猪肉B. 牛肉C. 羊肉D. 鸭肉

  翻译 猪肉在这个季节是不能吃的。

  sigh/sai/ n.

  With a sigh he said: “You can not make your child attach to you any longer when

  they are old enough.”

  猜一猜 A. 眼泪B. 微笑C. 气愤D. 叹息

  翻译 他叹了口气说:“孩子大了就不能让他太粘你了啊!”

  词义扩展 v. 叹气,感叹She sighed with relief. 她欣慰的叹了口气。

  summon/smn/ v.

  The students are summon to a meeting.

  猜一猜 A. 召集B. 到达C. 代售D. 评价

  翻译 学生们被召集去开会。

  词义扩展 v. 使出,鼓起(勇气),振作(精神)He summoned his courage for the

  study. 他振作精神,继续学习。

  词组 summon up 鼓起(勇气),奋起,唤起He summoned up himself to face the dif

  ficulty. 他鼓起勇气面对困难。

  近义词 call 召唤;bid 邀,请

  urban/bn/ a.

  He cannot get used to the fast paced life in the urban areas.

  猜一猜 A. 乡村的B. 中心的

  C. 城市的D. 虚幻的

  翻译 他不能适应城市里快节奏的生活。

  分析 urb + an

  city + 形容词词尾 → 城市的

  comment/kment/ n.

  The government refuses to make any comment on the recent political scandal.

  猜一猜 A. 评价B. 推测C. 惩罚D. 处理

  翻译 政府拒绝对最近的政治丑闻作任何评价。

  分析 com+ ment

  thoroughly, wholly + mind,to think → 共同思考 → 评价

  词义扩展 v. 注释,评论Dont comment on his attire — you may annoy him. 别


  近义词 remark; observation; statement

  evaporate/ivpreit/ v.

  The sunshine would evaporate the water in the clothes.

  猜一猜 A. 吸收B. 减少C. 消失D. 蒸发

  翻译 阳光会蒸发掉衣服里的水。

  分析 e+ vapor+ ate

  表示“出来”的前缀 + 水蒸气 + 动词词尾 → 使水蒸气出来 → 蒸发。

  garden/dn/ n.

  He has a beautiful garden behind his house, where he does morning exercises ever

  y day.

  猜一猜 A. (菜, 花) 园B. 健身房

  C. 体育馆D. 操场

  翻译 在他的房子后面,他有一个漂亮的花园, 他每天早上在那里晨练。

  ox/ks/ n.

  He is as strong as an ox.

  猜一猜 A. 猩猩B. 公牛C. 绵羊D. 蜗牛

  翻译 他强壮得有如一头公牛。

  hollow/hlu/ a.

  The hundred years old tree is hollow inside。

  猜一猜 A. 充实的B. 丰满的

  C. 中空的D. 腐烂的

  翻译 这棵百年老树是中空的。

  词义扩展 a. 空洞的What he said is all hollow promise. 他所说的都是空洞的诺言


  v. 挖空,凿空Some birds can hollow out a nest in the tree trunk. 一些鸟可以在树


  expire/ikspai/ v.

  The trade contract between the two companies expires next month.

  猜一猜 A. 签订B. 到期C. 生效D. 死亡

  翻译 两家公司的贸易合同下个月到期。

  分析 ex + pire

  出 + 呼吸 → 断气,死亡 → 期满,期限终止

  大头例句 My computer certificate will expire in the end of this year. 我的计


  近义词 die 死亡,消逝;end 终结,终止

  deck/dek/ n.

  Shall we go up on deck?

  猜一猜 A. 表面B. 甲板C. 人群D. 主流

  翻译 我们到甲板上去好吗?


  desk桌子 → deck 甲板

  lame/leim/ a.

  He is lame in the left leg and he walks lamely.

  猜一猜 A. 正常的B. 短的

  C. 跛的D. 截去的

  翻译 他左腿跛,走起路来一拐一瘸地。

  pair/p/ n.

  These shoes are not pairs. No one can wear them.

  猜一猜 A. 一双B. 干净C. 好看D. 便宜

  翻译 这些鞋不成双。没人能穿。

  词义扩展 n. ① 一副He is nearsighted and has to wear a pair of glasses.

  他近视眼,不得不戴一副眼镜。 ② 夫妇The happy couple fell in love with each othe

  r at the first sight the moment they met. 这对幸福伴侣是在他们第一次遇见时就一


  v. 配对,成对To make it convenient, workers are paired in playing games. 为了方


  sound/saund/ v.

  That request sounds reasonable to me.

  猜一猜 A. 听起来B. 看上去

  C. 算是D. 称得上

  翻译 我觉的那个要求听起来还算合理。

  词义扩展 n. 声音,声响Stand still and dont make a sound. 站着别动,别出声


  v. 发声响The clock sounds at six. 闹钟6点响了。

  a. ① 健全的,完好的The company is sound and sales are good, as a result of whic

  h employees are happy. 公司运转正常,销售旺盛,因此职工人人心情舒畅。 ② 正常的

  ,有根据的 a sound decision 明智的决定 ③ 彻底的,充分的Sound evidences are used

  to support his argument. 他在论述自己的观点时使用的充分的证据。

  tenant/tennt/ n.

  He was not satisfied with the tenant.

  猜一猜 A. 伙计B. 房客C. 老板D. 掌柜

  翻译 他对他的房客不满。

  近义词 inmate, occupant.

  voice/vis/ n.

  Her sweet voice is like the singing of birds.

  猜一猜 A. 嗓音B. 噪音C. 笑容D. 舞蹈

  翻译 她甜美的嗓音就像小鸟的歌唱。

  词义扩展 n. ① 嗓子,发声能力a firm tone of voice 坚定的语调 ② 语态passive

  voice 被动语态

  v. 说出,表达Her remarks voiced our gratitude to you. 她的话语道出了我们对你的感


  welcome/welkm/ n.

  We have received a warm welcome from them.

  猜一猜 A. 欢迎B. 欢送C. 接待D. 解说

  翻译 我们受到了他们的热烈欢迎。

  词义扩展 v. 欢迎Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎来到我们宾馆。

  int. 欢迎(迎接时的招呼语)Welcome! Please come in. 欢迎!请进。

  a. 受欢迎的a welcome guest 一位受欢迎的客人

  worse/wst/ a.

  Things are getting worse now.

  猜一猜 A. 更好的B. 更坏的

  C. 更高的D. 更远的

  翻译 现在情况更糟糕了。

  词义扩展 ad. 更坏地,更差地Things have gone worse now. 现在情况更糟糕了。

  worst/wst/ a.

  He is the worst person I have ever seen.

  猜一猜 A. 最好的B. 最帅的

  C. 最坏的D. 最高的

  翻译 他是我见过的最坏的人了。

  词义扩展 ad. 最坏地,最差地the worst behaved man 表现最差的人

  词组 at (the) worst 在最坏的情况下At the worst, I will have to tell her the t

  ruth. 如果实在没办法,我就只能告诉她真相了。

  tomb/tum/ n.

  The sea was his tomb.

  猜一猜 A. 乐土B. 家园C. 坟墓D. 战场

  翻译 他葬身于大海。

  联想记忆 由tomb联想到tombstone n. 墓碑;grave n. 坟墓;graveyard , cemeter

  y n. 墓地

  dome/dum/ n.

  The dome of St. Peters cathedral is one of the most dedicate architecture in t

  he world.

  猜一猜 A. 大厅B. 圆屋顶C. 花纹D. 雕塑

  翻译 圣保罗大教堂的穹顶是世界上最复杂的建筑之一。

  fist/fist/ n.词义 拳头

  drip/drip/ v./n.词义 v. 滴下,漏水

  n. 滴,水滴,点滴

  大头例句 In raining days, the water dripped from the broken ceiling. 雨天,


  mark/mk/ n.

  There are dirty marks on the wall.

  猜一猜 A. 分数B. 记号C. 符号D. 痕迹

  翻译 墙上有污迹。

  词义扩展 n. ① 记号,符号Put a mark on it so that you will remember it. 作上

  记号,你才会记得。 ② (考试等的)分数She got such nice marks in schools. 她在


  v. ① 批改,打分The teacher marked the examination paper. 老师批改了考试试卷。

  ② 标明,做记号于The box of eggs was marked “with care” 装鸡蛋的盒子上标明“小


  词组 mark time 原地踏步,停滞不前,拖延时间The soldiers marked time for a fe

  w seconds, and then moved towards the lorries. 这些士兵拖延的几秒钟之后向卡车走


  next/nekst/ a.

  He is going to teach us next term.

  猜一猜 A. 赛跑B. 全能的

  C. 下一个的D. 安逸

  翻译 下学期他会教我们法语。

  词义扩展 a. 贴近的,隔壁的Our bus could not stop and bumped into the next bu

  s. 我们坐的公共汽车停不下来了,撞在了旁边的车上。

  ad. ① 其次,下次When shall we meet nest? 下次我们什么时候见面。② 贴近Our house

  is just next to the Post Office. 我们的家和邮局紧挨着。

  plus/pls/ prep.

  Two plus five is seven.

  猜一猜 A. 加上B. 减去C. 乘D. 除

  翻译 2 加 5 等于7。

  词义扩展 n. 加号,正号Plus can be omitted without changing the quantity of n

  umbers. 加号能被省略,不会改变数的性质

  a. 正的,相加的3 is a plus quantity. 三是一个正数。

  sew/sju/ v.

  Mrs. Black was sitting sewing by the fire, needles in hands.

  猜一猜 A. 看书B. 瞌睡C. 说话D. 缝纫

  翻译 布莱克夫人坐在炉边缝纫,手里拿着针。

  so/su/ conj.

  These china are very precious, so be careful with them.

  猜一猜 A. 尽量B. 尽管

  C. 所以D. 这样看来

  翻译 这些瓷器很贵重,所以请小心些。

  词义扩展 conj. 那么,这样看来So its winter now. 瞧,冬天到了。

  ad. ① 如此,那么(表程度)Last time I saw him he was so old! 我上次见到他时他

  那么老。 ② 非常,很She is so kind to do me the favor. 她非常热心地帮助我。 ③

  这样,那样(表方式)Hold up your hands, so. 举起双手,就这样。

  词组 and so on/forth 等等There are various kinds of animals in the zoo: tiger

  s, lion,monkeys and so on. 公园里有各种动物:老虎,狮子,猴子等等。

  ever so 非常,极其He is ever so splendid in playing the piano. 他钢琴弹得非常好


  or so 大约,左右It cost me a lot, 10 pounds or so. 这花了我一大笔钱,大概10镑左


  so...as to 结果是;如此…以至于 He disconnected the mobile phone so as not to be

  disturbed. 他为了不被打扰把手机关掉了。

  so far 迄今为止So far, China has the largest population in the world. 迄今为止


  so that 以便,为的是Hurry up, so that you can arrive there on time. 快点!你就可


  so...that 如此…以至于The snow is so thick that we arent able to walk fast.


  近义词 thus

  oath/au/ n.

  Jane took her oath that she didnt lie to me.

  猜一猜 A. 话语B. 信赖C. 沉实D. 誓言

  翻译 简发誓说她没骗我。

  词义扩展 n. 咒骂,诅咒语Dont make oath to anybody. 不要诅咒任何人。

  rust/rst/ n.

  Youd better keep iron from water to avoid the problem of rust.

  猜一猜 A. 腐烂B. 变质C. 铁锈D. 变形

  翻译 你最好把不要让铁接触水,以免生铁锈。

  词义扩展 v. 使生锈Iron are easy to rust. 铁容易生锈。

  近义词 corrode

  stimulate/stimjuleit/ v.

  His words stimulated me into new efforts.

  猜一猜 A. 战胜B. 说服C. 刺激D. 贬低

  翻译 他的话刺激我做出新的努力。

  词义扩展 v. 鼓励,鼓舞She used the dialogue to stimulate free conversation

  among her pupils. 她利用那个对话来鼓励学生间的自由交谈。

  近义词 enthuse (使)表示热心;(使)变得热心;inspire 鼓舞,激动,激发;encoura

  ge 鼓励,怂恿,促进;motivate 给予动机,促动,激发,诱导;move 刺激,鼓励 (to do)

  spill/spil/ v.

  I knocked the ink bottle by chance and the ink spilt all over the desk.

  猜一猜 A. 流出B. 弄脏C. 遍布D. 覆盖

  翻译 我不小心撞翻了墨水瓶,墨水泼了一桌子。

  词义扩展 n. 跌下,摔下George had a nasty spill from his motor yesterday, for

  tunately he was sent to the hospital at once. 乔治昨天从摩托上重重摔下,幸好马上


  近义词 leak

  reckon/rekn/ v.

  I reckon that she will be here the day after tomorrow.

  猜一猜 A. 告诉B. 听说

  C. 确信D. 认为,估计

  翻译 我估计她后天到这儿。

  词义扩展 v. 测算The payment is reckoned from last month to this month. 这笔


  词组 reckon on 依靠,指望The proprietors of the casino reckoned on human fool

  ishness and greed. 赌场老板靠的就是人性的愚蠢和贪婪来赚钱。

  reckon with ① 估计到,预料到All the possible solutions must be reckoned with.

  所有可能的解决方法都要估计到。 ② 处理,对付The new band is already a force to b

  e reckoned with. 这个新乐队已经成为了一股不可轻视的力量。

  近义词 consider

  song/s/ n.

  This song is very popular now since it was first played in air.

  猜一猜 A. 款式B. 颜色C. 发型D. 歌曲

  翻译 自从第一次通过电台播出后,这首歌曲现在很流行。

  词义扩展 n. 歌声Dancing to her beautiful song, we enjoyed ourselves very muc

  h that night. 那天晚上伴随着她美妙的歌声起舞,我们玩得很高兴。



  coin/kin/ n.

  The earliest coins in China can date back to thousands of years ago.

  猜一猜 A. 瓷器B. 工具C. 历史D. 货币

  翻译 中国最早的货币可以追溯到几千年前。

  词义扩展 v. ① 铸造(硬币)Americans once coined pennies from steel. 美国人

  曾用锡铸造便士。 ② 创造(新词)If you coin a word or a phrase, you are the firs

  t one to say it. 如果你创造一个新词,你就是第一个使用它的人。

  crucial/kruil/ a.

  Childhood education is crucial for a persons breeding.

  猜一猜 A. 普通的B. 重要的

  C. 年轻的D. 难忘的

  翻译 童年教育对一个人成长至关重要。

  fade/feid/ v.词义 褪色;衰减,消失

  大头例句 The memory of his childhood faded away as he grew up. 随着他得成长


  jaw/d/ n.

  The detectives piggy eyes surveyed her sardonically from his gross jawed face.

  猜一猜 A. 颌B. 颊C. 腮D. 额

  翻译 侦探那双从双下巴的脸上冒出来的眼睛嘲弄地看了看她。

  近义词 jaw 颌,下颌

  pan/pn/ n.

  The pan is suitable for frying eggs.

  猜一猜 A. 平底锅B. 碟子C. 容器D. 盆

  翻译 平底锅适合煎鸡蛋。

  recent/risnt/ a.

  In recent years, the growth of agricultural production has been rapid.

  猜一猜 A. 不久的B. 附近的

  C. 过去的D. 新近的,近来的

  翻译 近年来,农产品的增长很快。

  近义词 lately

  scope/skup/ n.

  Very hard questions are not within the scope of a childs understanding.

  猜一猜 A. 机会B. 空间C. 能力D. 范围

  翻译 很难的问题超出了儿童的理解范围。

  词义扩展 n. 机会,余地seek scope for ones abilities 寻找能发挥某人能力的


  近义词 range

  lung/l/ n.

  The bullet entered the lung.

  猜一猜 A. 心脏B. 肝C. 肺D. 眼球

  翻译 子弹打进了肺部。


  lung(近音: 狼) → 狼心狗肺



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