70天攻克考研英语词汇 DAY 70

匿名 免费考研网/2006-05-28

DAY 70

  accuse/kjuz/ v.

  The police accused him of murder.

  猜一猜 A. 责备B. 侮辱C. 控告D. 逮捕

  翻译 警方指控他谋杀。

  近义词 blame 责备;charge 控诉;impeach 控告;indict 起诉

  accustom/kstm/ v.

  They had to accustom themselves to the hot weather.

  猜一猜 A. 屈服B. 习惯C. 改变D. 反抗

  翻译 他们不得不使自己习惯于炎热的天气。

  分析 ac + custom

  to + custom (习惯) → 使习惯

  ache/eik/ v.

  As you get older, you have all sorts of aches and pains.

  猜一猜 A. 疼B. 痒C. 酸D. 胀

  翻译 人老了,就会有各种各样的病痛。

  词义扩展 n. 疼痛,酸痛ache all over 浑身疼痛

  a stomach ache 胃疼

  acid/sid/ n.

  Vinegar is an acid.

  猜一猜 A. 辣B. 甜C. 酸D. 尖

  翻译 醋是一种酸。

  词义扩展 a. 尖酸的,刻薄的When she speaks ,her tone is acid. 她说话时,语调很


  acquire/kwai/ v.

  Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to

  impress the society.

  猜一猜 A. 刻苦B. 努力C. 获得D. 学习

  翻译 有些人回到学校去接受教育,是想再取得一个学位或一张文凭以增强自己在社会


  分析 ac + quire

  to + quire(to seek) → 寻找为了获得,取得

  词义扩展 v. 学会She acquires a knowledge of Japanese by careful study. 她认


  actress/ktris/ n.

  This actress is extremely beautiful.

  猜一猜 A. 女教师B. 女演员

  C. 女学生D. 妻子

  翻译 这位女演员极其漂亮。

  actual/ktjul/ a.

  I cant give you the actual figures.

  猜一猜 A. 实际的B. 虚假的

  C. 简易的D. 包装的

  翻译 我不能给你实际的数字。

  acute/kjut/ a.

  She still has very acute hearing, though she is eighty years old.

  猜一猜 A. 迟钝的B. 敏锐的

  C. 剧烈的D. 强烈的

  翻译 尽管她已经八十岁了,她的听觉仍然灵敏。


  a. (疾病)急性的acute pain 剧痛

  adapt/dpt/ v.

  She adapted herself to the hot weather.

  猜一猜 A. 改变B. 继承C. 传送D. 适应

  翻译 她适应了炎热的天气。

  分析 ad + apt

  to+ to fit → 使适应,适合

  近义词 adjust 调整, 使适合; fit 使适应; suit 合适,适宜于

  词义扩展 v. 改编,改写The movie was adapted from a novel. 这部电影是由小说改


  adaptation/dptein/ n.

  Last year he starred in the film adaptation of the bestselling novel.

  猜一猜 A. 上演B. 改编C. 京剧D. 小说

  翻译 去年他上演了由畅销小说改编的电影。

  分析 ad + apt+tion

  to+ fit(适当的)+ 名词字尾 → 适当地转变,去适应


  n. 适应mental adaptation 心理适应

  address/dres/ n.

  He changed his address again.

  猜一猜 A. 马路B. 地址C. 姓名D. 身份

  翻译 他又换地址了。

  词义扩展 v. ① 致函,写姓名地址address the letter 在信上写地址 ② 向…讲话The

  football captain addressed his team. 足球队长向队员讲话。

  adhere/dhi/ v.

  The two surfaces adhered to each other, and we couldnt get them apart.

  猜一猜 A. 粘附B. 合并C. 靠拢D. 重叠

  翻译 这两个表面相互粘附在一起, 我们无法把两者分开。

  分析 ad + here

  to+ to stick (粘贴) → 粘附, 胶着

  词义扩展 v. 坚持adhere to the original plan 坚持原来的计划

  admission/dmin/ n.

  Admission to the club is restricted to members only.

  猜一猜 A. 接纳B. 招待C. 容忍D. 照看

  翻译 只准会员进入俱乐部

  分析 ad + miss + ion

  to+ to send(送)+ 名词字尾 → 送来送来接纳, 收容,允许进入

  词义扩展 n. 承认Her resignation amounts to an admission of failure. 她的辞


  admit/dmit/ v.

  This ticket admits two people to the concert.

  猜一猜 A. 允许B. 管理C. 辞职D. 释放

  翻译 这张票可供两人入场看音乐会。

  词义扩展 v. 承认He admitted his crime. 他承认了罪行。

  adolescent/dulesnt/ n.

  This party is full of adolescents.

  猜一猜 A. 孩子B. 青少年

  C. 成年人D. 老年人

  翻译 聚会上满是青少年。

  分析 ad + olesc+ ent(表示 “人”的名词字尾)

  to+ grow up+ n. → 长大的人, 青少年

  词义扩展 a. 青春期的,青少年的adolescent period 青春期

  adopt/dpt/ v.

  The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it.

  猜一猜 A. 收养B. 通过C. 继承D. 附加

  翻译 决议案以一百八十票赞成对十票反对获得通过。

  分析 ad + opt

  to + wish(希望) → 希望获得通过,采用, 采纳


  v. 收养adopt a child 收为养子

  adoption/dpn/ n.

  The word is now English by adoption.猜一猜 A. 采纳B. 收集C. 流传D. 供应

  翻译 这个词现在已被采纳为英语。

  词义扩展 n. 收养If you can not have children of your own, why not consider

  adoption? 假如你自己不能生育, 何不考虑过继一个呢?

  adult/dlt/ n.

  She spent most of her adult life in countryside.

  猜一猜 A. 婴儿B. 成年C. 女孩D. 青年

  翻译 她在乡下度过大部分的成年生活。

  词义扩展 a. 成年人的, 成熟的Lets try to be adult about this. 让我们成熟地


  advance/dvns/ v.

  The Allied troops are advancing on the camp of the enemy.

  猜一猜 A. 前进B. 撤退C. 后退D. 占领

  翻译 盟军正在向敌军营地挺进。

  分析 ad+ ance

  ab(from)+ ance(before) → 前进, 进展

  词义扩展 v. ① 推进,促进to advance to a higher position 提升到较高的职位 ②

  提出(建议等) They advanced many reasonable proposals. 他们提出了许多合理化建议

  。 ③ 提前The date the meeting was advanced from 10th to 3rd June. 会议的日期已


  n. ① 前进, 进展advance of knowledge 知识的进步 ② 预付,预支loan and advance 借


  词组 in advance 提前,预先

  advantage/dvntid/ n.

  Mary speaks good English, she has an advantage because her mother is English.

  猜一猜 A. 顾虑B. 天才C. 勤劳D. 长处

  翻译 玛丽英语说得好,因为她有一个有利条件,她妈妈是英国人。

  词义扩展 n. 利益, 好处 comparative cost advantage 比较成本利益

  词组 take advantage of 利用I think she takes advantage of his good nature. 我


  have/gain an advantage over 胜过, 优于Due to his height and reach, he has an adv

  antage over other sportsmen. 由于他的身高和臂长,使他比其他运动员更具优势。

  adverse/dvs/ a.

  The match is postponed due to the adverse weather conditions.

  猜一猜 A. 好的B. 有害的

  C. 可悲的D. 幸运的

  翻译 比赛由于不利的天气状况而延迟。

  分析 ad+ vers + e

  to+ turn(转) → 转方向,反向不顺的,不利的

  advertise/dvtaiz/ v.

  We should advertise for someone to look after our children.

  猜一猜 A. 劝告B. 阅读C. 剧增D. 做广告

  翻译 我们该登个广告聘人来照管孩子们。

  分析 ad + vert + ise

  to+ turn(转移) → 动词词尾 → 转移方向引起人注意,登广告

  advocate/dvkit/ n.

  He is an advocate of peace.

  猜一猜 A. 提倡者B. 政客C. 律师D. 观众

  翻译 他是拥护提倡和平的人。

  分析 ad + voc+ ate

  to + voc(to call)+ ate(动词字尾) → 引起注意,拥护,主张

  词义扩展 v. 提倡,鼓吹He advocates building more schools. 他主张多建几所学校


  aesthetic/esthetic/isetik/ a.

  The new sculpture has little aesthetic appeal.

  猜一猜 A. 美学的B. 现代的

  C. 古老的D. 幽暗的

  翻译 新的雕塑品审美价值很小。

  分析 aesth + ic

  艺术+ 学术用语的字尾 → 艺术的, 美学的


  a. 审美的an aesthetic person 有美感的人

  affair/f/ n.

  He is always meddling in my affairs.

  猜一猜 A. 食物B. 时间C. 事件D. 实践

  翻译 她总是插手我的事。

  affiliate/filieit/ v.

  This hospital is affiliated to that university.

  猜一猜 A. 领导B. 经营C. 使隶属D. 分支

  翻译 这个医院是那所大学的附属医院。

  分析 af+ fili+ ate

  ad(to)+ fili(son) + ate(动词字尾) →

  是…儿子, 使隶属,附属于

  词义扩展 n. 附属机构, 分公司Our college is an affiliate of the university.


  afford/fd/ v.词义 负担得起,买得起,花得起(


  大头巧计 Ford是一种名牌汽车——福特轿车,肯定是“负担得起,买得起,花得起”


  大头例句 Not everyone can afford to travel around the country during the gol

  den weeks. 在黄金周期间,并不是每个人都能负担得起全国旅游的费用。

  afraid/freid/ a.词义 (of) 怕,害怕的;恐怕,担


  大头例句 The brave soldiers were not afraid even in face of enemys sword b

  ayonet. 即使在敌人的刺刀面前,这些勇敢的战士也毫不畏惧。

  近义词 fearful 可怕的,恐怕的;frightened 受惊的;scared 恐惧的;pavid 害怕


  agenda/dend/ n.词义 议事日程

  大头例句 The annual delegate conference was in progress according to the sch

  eduled agenda. 年度的代表大会正在按照预定的议事日程进行。

  aggravate/rveit/ v.

  His health conditions aggravated because of his bad living habits.猜一猜 A.

  提高B. 治疗C. 转变D. 恶化

  翻译 由于他的不良生活习惯,他的健康状况不断恶化。

  大头例句 Natural environment aggravated with the development of economy and

  technology. 随着经济和科技的发展,自然环境进一步地恶化。

  近义词 worsen 恶化,变得更坏;deteriorate (使)恶化;exacerbate 恶化,使加剧

  bacon/beikn/ n.

  The black dog snatched the rasher of bacon away.

  猜一猜 A. 熏肉B. 粮食C. 火腿D. 烤面包

  翻译 黑狗一下子把熏肉抢了过去。

  bacterium/bktirim/ n.

  Numerous bacteria spread and propagate unnoticedly in dairy contact.

  猜一猜 A. 生物B. 细菌C. 苔藓D. 茅草

  翻译 无数细菌在日常生活中传播繁殖。

  baggage/bid/ n.

  He left home, bag and baggage, before the arrival of the police.

  猜一猜 A. 副本B. 行李C. 料理D. 帽子

  翻译 在警察到来之前,他携带着全部财物潜逃了。

  分析 bag + age

  袋,包+ 表示集体名词 → 行李

  bang/b/ n.

  The firework exploded with a loud bang.

  猜一猜 A. 河岸B. 砰的一响

  C. 巨石D. 小分队

  翻译 烟火砰的一声爆开了。

  词义扩展 v. ① 猛击,猛撞He got a bang on the door, and stumbled in. 他一头

  撞在门上,跌跌撞撞地走了进来。 ② 砰地关上,猛撞,猛击The door banged open. 门


  bargain/bin/ n.

  Thats really a great bargain.

  猜一猜 A. 经营B. 练习C. 廉价货D. 生意

  翻译 这可真便宜。

  词义扩展 n. 交易,契约,合同They made the stingy bargain without the presenc

  e of persons concerned. 当事人不在他们就达成了这笔肮脏的交易。

  v. 议价,成交To minimize the cost the representatives drove a hard bargain. 为了


  近义词 agreement;contract;treaty;trade;exchange

  barrier/bri/ n.

  The horse failed to jump over the wooden barrier.

  猜一猜 A. 栅栏,屏障B. 危险

  C. 领域D. 疆土

  翻译 马没有跳过木栅栏。

  词义扩展 n. 障碍物Language is no longer a barrier between them. 语言障碍在他


  batch/bt/ n.

  There came a fresh batch of visitors just after my departure.

  猜一猜 A. 收据B. 债务C. 嘈杂D. 一批

  翻译 我刚离开就又来了一批来访者。

  battery/btri/ n.

  The battery has run down.

  猜一猜 A. 罗盘B. 电池C. 食宿D. 旅社

  翻译 电池用完了。

  词义扩展 n. 炮兵连,炮组These batteries have a history of hundreds of years.


  beam/bim/ n.

  The cottage was demolished so thoroughly that even the beams were broken down.

  猜一猜 A. 家具B. 农作物C. 喜宴D. 梁

  翻译 这间农舍被彻底地破坏了,就连横梁也断了。

  词义扩展 n. (光线的)束,柱The beam of the torch was so dim that I cant

  see anything. 手电筒的光线太弱,我什么也看不见。

  v. ① 微笑The winner beamed with satisfaction. 获胜者满意地笑了。 ② 发光the bea

  ming sun 阳光

  近义词 bar; laugh; snigger; titter; blaze; flame; flare

  beast/bist/ n.

  Beasts in western countries are mainly for food while in undeveloped areas they

  are used as beasts of burden.

  猜一猜 A. 放牧B. 家禽C. 牲畜D. 鹰

  翻译 牲畜在发达国家主要被用来食用,而在不发达地区则用来负重。

  词义扩展 n. 凶残的人,举止粗鲁的人Drink brings out the beast in him. 他酒后


  bent/bent/ a.

  This pile of bars is all bent.

  猜一猜 A. 短小的B. 脏的

  C. 弯的D. 晒焦的

  翻译 这堆棒子都已经弯曲了。

  betray/bitrei/ v.

  All his life he never betrayed his principle — do onto others as you would like

  others to do onto you.

  猜一猜 A. 警惕B. 体验C. 背叛D. 慈善

  翻译 穷其一生他从未背叛过自己的原则——己所不欲,勿施于人。

  词义扩展 v. 流露,暴露He had a good disguise, but his accent betrayed him.


  biography/bairfi/ n.

  He is going to publish a biography.

  猜一猜 A. 杂志B. 磁带C. 传记D. 书

  翻译 他准备出版一本传记。

  blend/blend/ n.

  The fabulous color is a blend of purple and blue.

  猜一猜 A. 图案B. 混合物C. 爱慕D. 闪烁

  翻译 这种华丽的颜色是紫色和蓝色的混合。

  词义扩展 v. 混合,混杂At dawn the sea and the sky seems to blend into each o

  ther. 黎明时分海天似乎连成了一片。

  近义词 mixture; compound; alloy; merge; mingle

  blow/blu/ v.

  It being blowing a gale outside, there are scarce pedestrians on the street.

  猜一猜 A. 吹(气)B. 敲打C. 记忆D. 欣赏

  翻译 外面正刮大风,路上行人很少。

  词义扩展 v. ① 吹响(乐器,号角等)Clearly,the referee was prejudiced in fa

  vor of the team because he didnt blow his whistle against them. 显而易见,裁判

  偏向他们队,他几次都没吹哨。 ② 爆炸,爆裂The car was blown to pieces by the bla

  st. 那辆车被炸得粉碎。

  n. 打,殴打,一击give him a good blow 毒打他一顿

  近义词 blast; puff; explode; punch; knock

  blunder/blnd/ v.

  He blundered badly by misunderstanding the employers question.

  猜一猜 A. 直言不讳B. 约定

  C. 犯错D. 泪眼迷离

  翻译 他误解了雇主的提问的意思,犯了大错。

  词义扩展 v. 踉踉跄跄地走He blundered into another person. 他踉踉跄跄地走着,


  n. 大错He could be no more regretful about his blunder. 他对他所犯的错误悔恨不已


  blunt/blnt/ a.

  He is a quite blunt person.

  猜一猜 A. 偶然的B. 粗心的

  C. 过分小心的D. 坦诚的,直率的

  翻译 他为人很直率。

  词义扩展 a. 钝的a blunt razorblaze 不锋利的刀片

  v. (使)钝,使迟钝a fine mind blunted by ages 因年老而变得迟钝的头脑

  blush/bl/ v.

  She blushed with shame.

  猜一猜 A. 撤离B. 脸红C. 强迫D. 宠爱

  翻译 她羞得脸都红了。

  词义扩展 n. 脸红She turned away to hide her blushes. 她转过脸去,不让人看见


  career/kri/ n.

  She realized that her career as an actress was over.

  猜一猜 A. 生命B. 命运C. 能力D. 生涯

  翻译 她意识到自己的演艺生涯结束了。

  联想记忆 car(to run 跑) +eer = 赛跑用的路,即生命历程,生涯

  词义扩展 n. 专业,职业Mary has changed her careers several times in three mo

  nths. 三个月之内,玛利已经换了好几个职业。

  近义词 employment 职业;job 职业,工作;profession 职业

  carpenter/kpint/ n.

  Whod dare dream it? A carpenters son became a famous president.

  猜一猜 A. 工人B. 农民C. 木匠D. 船夫

  翻译 谁会想到一个木匠的儿子会成为有名的总统。

  carpet/kpit/ n.

  The dog stained the white carpet.

  猜一猜 A. 地毯B. 窗帘C. 幕布D. 屏风

  翻译 狗把白地毯弄脏了。

  近义词 blanket 羊毛毯;rug 地毯,毯子

  carve/kv/ v.

  Michelangelo carved the figure from a black marble.

  猜一猜 A. 绘画B. 雕刻C. 速写D. 白描

  翻译 米开朗琪罗用黑色的大理石雕刻这个塑像。

  近义词 inscribe 雕刻;mould 塑造,铸造

  cement/siment/ n.

  Keep away from the cement road before it dries.

  猜一猜 A. 沥青B. 建设中的

  C. 水泥D. 柏油

  翻译 水泥路未干之前请勿践踏。

  词义扩展 n. 胶泥,胶接剂

  v. ①胶合He cemented the card on the wall. 他把卡片粘在墙上。 ② 巩固,加强cemen

  t the friendship 加强友谊

  centimeter/sentimitr/ n.

  A centimeter equals one percent meter.

  猜一猜 A. 毫米B. 分米C. 千米D. 厘米

  翻译 一厘米等于百分之一米。

  分析 cent+ i + meter

  百分之一+ i + 米 → 厘米

  chain/tein/ n.

  The monkey was tied to a pillar by a chain.

  猜一猜 A. 绳子B. 钢丝C. 链条D. 锁

  翻译 那只猴子被一根链条系在柱子上。

  词义扩展 n. ① 镣铐The prisoners were with bound chains. 那些囚犯被镣铐绑着

  。 ② 一连串,一系列,连锁The rebellion caused a chain of cruel suppression. 叛


  v. 用链条拴住The dog was chained so that it could not frighten the children. 为


  cheek/tik/ n.

  The girls cheek turned red when she saw her boyfriend went towards her with a

  bunch of flowers.

  猜一猜 A. 眼睛B. 面颊C. 表情D. 气色

  翻译 看到男朋友拿着一束花向她走过来时,女孩的面颊红了。

  cloak/kluk/ v.

  The Queens beautiful appearance cloaked her cruel heart.

  猜一猜 A. 衬托B. 欺骗C. 背叛D. 掩饰

  翻译 皇后美丽的外表掩饰了她残酷的内心。

  词义扩展 n. 斗篷,外套The fisherman put on a cloak and went away. 渔翁穿上斗


  comb/kum/ n.

  The husband bought a golden comb for his wifes birthday.

  猜一猜 A. 戒指B. 项链C. 梳子D. 手表

  翻译 丈夫为妻子买了一把镀金的梳子作为生日礼物。

  词义扩展 v. 梳理The maid help her mistress to comb the hair and wear a new g

  own. 侍女帮助她的女主人梳理头发,穿上一件新袍子。

  compress/kmpres/ v.

  The speaker was asked to compress his argument into a few sentences.

  猜一猜 A. 扩展B. 讲述C. 压缩D. 检查

  翻译 人们要求发言者将他的论点概括成几句话。

  分析 com+ press

  together+ to press → 两边一起挤压,压缩,浓缩

  近义词 squeeze; condense; press; squash

  concession/knsen/ n.

  He is so stubborn that he refuses to make any concession.

  猜一猜 A. 牺牲B. 道歉C. 让步D. 哀求

  翻译 他十分顽固,一点也不让步。

  分析 con+ cess + ion

  together+go+ ion名词后缀 → 一起去,互相礼让,让步

  cushion/kun/ n.

  Cushion is a small bag filled with soft material used to make a seat more comfor


  猜一猜 A. 垫子,软垫B. 室内用品

  C. 丝织物D. 编织袋

  翻译 垫子是一个小袋,里面装着松软的材料,这样坐起来比较舒服。

  联想记忆 cushy(轻松的,不费劲的),ion 名词词尾 → 让人轻松的物体,软垫

  dove/duv/ n.

  The old man often goes to feed the doves on the square in the morning.

  猜一猜 A. 宠物B. 精力C. 鸽子D. 锻炼

  翻译 那个老人常在清晨去广场上喂鸽子。

  elastic/ilstik/ a./n.

  Spring is elastic.

  猜一猜 A. 铁制的B. 坚硬的

  C. 软弱的D. 弹力的

  翻译 弹簧是有弹性的。

  词义扩展 n. 松紧带,橡皮圈The elastic around your knees can prevent you from

  injuring. 你膝盖上的松紧带能防止你受伤。

  近义词 flexible 柔韧性的,灵活的;pliable 柔韧的

  funeral/fjunrl/ n.

  He passed away last week, and the funeral will be held on Friday this week.

  猜一猜 A. 丧葬, 葬礼B. 婚礼

  C. 庆典D. 演讲比赛

  翻译 他上个星期去世了, 葬礼将会在这个星期五举行。

  gear/i/ n.

  Be careful with the clutch, or the gears would be damaged.

  猜一猜 A. 轮胎B. 齿轮, 传动装置

  C. 发动机D. 离合器

  翻译 小心使用离合器, 否则你会弄坏你的传动装置的。

  词义扩展 v. (to) 调整,使适合Production should be geared to the need of mark

  et. 生产要适应市场的需求。

  glide/laid/ n.

  The graceful glide of the skater gained thunderous applause.

  猜一猜 A. 跳跃B. 跑动C. 旋转D. 滑行

  翻译 滑冰表演者优雅的滑行赢得了雷鸣般的掌声。

  词义扩展 v. 溜,滑行The sea bird is gliding above the vast ocean against the

  blue sky. 海鸟在碧海蓝天之间滑翔。

  近义词 slide; slither

  insult/inslt/ v.

  He insulted her in front of all her friends.

  猜一猜 A. 吵架B. 侮辱C. 打D. 骂

  翻译 他在她所有朋友面前侮辱了她。

  词义扩展 n. 侮辱,凌辱She swallowed insults from her husband. 她对丈夫的侮辱


  interval/intvl/ n.

  He fled during the interval of classes.

  猜一猜 A. 间隔B. 开放

  C. 嘈杂D. 无人注意

  翻译 他课间溜走了。

  词义扩展 n. (幕间或工间)休息The internal after the second scene is compar

  atively short. 第二幕后的幕间休息相对较短。

  词组 at intervals 不时,相隔一定的距离My stomach aches at tenminute interva

  ls. 我的肚子每隔十分钟疼一次。

  pedal/pedl/ n.

  A pedal cyclist who passed by last night witted the whole process of the crimina


  猜一猜 A. 踏板B. 车挡C. 刹车D. 车铃

  翻译 昨天晚上路过的一个骑自行车的人目击了整个犯罪过程。

  词义扩展 v. 踩踏板, 骑自行车I saw him pedaling along the street yesterday.


  prominent/prminnt/ a.

  Some insects with prominent eyes are bad looking.

  猜一猜 A. 凸起的B. 凹陷的

  C. 明亮的D. 敏锐的

  翻译 有些有眼睛凸起的昆虫很难看。

  词义扩展 a. 突出的,杰出的It was reported that seventy prominent people were

  present at the meeting, including several pop stars. 据报道有七十位著名人士出席


  近义词 projecting

  soak/suk/ v.

  He soaked his stained trousers in hot water.

  猜一猜 A. 浸泡B. 搓揉C. 搅拌D. 打湿

  翻译 他把脏裤子泡在热水里。



  sock/sk/ n.

  I bought a pair of socks to go with that skirt.猜一猜 A. 鞋B. 手套C. 短袜D.


  翻译 我昨天买了一双短袜来配那条裙子。

  近义词 stocking;hose

  sow/sau/ v.

  The farmer sowed his corn in the spring.

  猜一猜 A. 收获B. 播种C. 贮藏D. 食用

  翻译 农民春季播种玉米。



  近义词 plant;spread

  spoil/spil/ v.

  The new embellishment has totally spoilt the character of our campus.

  猜一猜 A. 加强B. 改变C. 损坏D. 完善

  翻译 新的装饰彻底毁掉了我们校园的特色。



  词义扩展 v. 宠坏,溺爱If you always give your child whatever he asks for, he

  will be spoilt. 如果你总是对孩子有求必应,就会宠坏了他。

  近义词 destroy; ruin

  tame/teim/ a.

  Cats are always tame.

  猜一猜 A. 白毛的B. 吃鱼的

  C. 驯服的D. 漂亮的

  翻译 猫总是温顺的。

  词义扩展 a. ① 沉闷的,乏味的The old man told his grandson a tame story. 老

  人给孙子讲了一个乏味的故事。 ② 驯服,制服Tigers are hard to tame 老虎是不易被驯


  tank/tk/ n.

  There is little gasoline in the tank.

  猜一猜 A. 铜B. 箱C. 铁D. 瓶

  翻译 油箱里只有很少油了。

  词义扩展 n. 坦克The tanks are running to the frontline. 这些坦克正在开往前


  近义词 boiler 汽锅,锅炉;cistern 水缸(桶,箱,槽)

  tariff/trif/ n.

  Tariff will drop after Chinas entry into WTO.

  猜一猜 A. 收入B. 关税C. 支出D. 利息

  翻译 中国进入WTO后,关税将会降低

  词义扩展 n. (旅馆,饭店等)价目表,收费表The tariff of this hotel is listed

  out obviously. 这旅馆的价目表在显眼的地方列出来了。

  近义词 tax 税,租税; due 税,费用;levy 征税,派款;duty 税,关税

  transfer/trnsf/ n.

  Please transfer my luggage to the railway station.

  猜一猜 A. 转移、调动B. 携带

  C. 托运D. 改造

  翻译 请将我的行李送去火车站。

  联想记忆 trans变化、转移;同根词有transform v. 改变、转 translate v. 翻译

  ; transmission n. 传送,传递;transport n. 运输。

  词义扩展 v. ① 转车I have to transfer at next stop. 我要在下一站转车。 ②

  转业,转学He has been transferred to another school. 他已经转到另一所学校了。

  ③ 转让,过户He has transferred the computer to his friend. 他把电脑转让给他的朋


  transform/trnsfm/ v.

  A few mirrors transformed the dark room.

  猜一猜 A. 反光B. 照射

  C. 改变,变换D. 反映

  翻译 几面镜子使这暗室变了样。



  词义扩展 v. ① 变压We need to transform it to 220V. 我们必须把电压变为220V

  。 ② 转化 The machine helps to transform one form of energy to another. 这台

  机器将一种能量转化为另一种能量。 ③ 改革,改造It is very important to transform

  the old educational system. 改革旧的教育制度很重要。 



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