70天攻克考研英语词汇 DAY 23

匿名 免费考研网/2006-05-28

DAY 23

  basis/beisis/ n.The two countries achieve an agreement on an equal basis.

  猜一猜 A.风格B. 基础C. 裁判D. 能力

  翻译 两个国家在平等的基础上达成了一致。

  词 组 on the basis of 根据,在…的基础上Our next meeting will be on the basis of this agenda. 下次会议将以本议程为中心议题。

  近义词 foundation, ground

  discriminate/diskrimineit/ v.When you come to a composition, you must try to discriminate between facts and opinions.

  猜一猜 A. 对待B. 解释

  C. 列举D. 区分,辨别

  翻译 写作文时你要设法把事实和看法区分开来。

  分 析 dis + crimin + ate

  分开 + 罪 + 动词词尾 → 区分,辨别,歧视,有差别的对待

  词义扩展 歧视,有差别的对待The new law discriminates against lowerpaid colored workers. 这项新法律歧视低工资的有色人种。

  Britain/britn/ n.The Great Britain consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Northern Irish and Wales.

  猜一猜 A. 岛屿B. 国家

  C. 不列颠国D. 领土

  翻译 大不列颠是由四个部分组成的英格兰,苏格兰,北爱尔兰和威尔士。

  British/briti/ a.

  British people are known for their conservatives.

  猜一猜 A. 普通的B. 众多的

  C. 特别的D. 英国的

  翻译 英国人很保守。

  element/elimnt/ n.

  词 义 n. 元素;组成部分 Territory is an essential element of a whole country. 领土是一个国家的重要组成部分。

  elementary/elimentri/ a.He is attending an elementary class to study English.

  猜一猜 A. 高级的B. 中等的

  C. 初等的D. 元素的

  翻译 他参加了一个基础英语学习班。

  大头巧计 词干element(组成部分;元素) + 后缀ary(…的,与…有关的),即为基本的,基础的,初等的。

  大头例句 It is useful for arts students to master scientific elementary principles. 对文科学生来说,掌握一些基本科学原理是有好处的。

  近义词 basic基本的 fundamental基础的 primary初步的,初级的

  fast/fst/ a.

  That damned watch is 5 minutes fast again.

  猜一猜 A. 慢的B. 准时的

  C. 满意的D. (钟表)快的

  翻译 那只该死的表又快了五分钟。

  词义扩展 a. 紧的,牢的The car was fast in the mud. 车深深地陷在泥里。

  ad. 快,迅速He runs fast to meet her. 他飞快地跑去见她。

  ad. 紧紧地,牢固地As soon as I live down, I became fast asleep. 我一躺下来就迅速睡着了。

  fasten/fsn/ v.Mother fastened the post so that it would not fall down.

  猜一猜 A. 松开B. 牢固C. 抓住D. 放弃

  翻译 我母亲把棍子扎牢以免它掉下来。

  分 析 fast+en动词词尾即使牢固,稳固

  field/fild/ n.The students who were sent to work in the field felt extremely excited.

  猜一猜 A. 实习B. 新鲜

  C. 田,田野D. 山谷

  翻译 那些被派到田地里劳动的学生都异常兴奋。

  词义扩展 运动场a basketball field 篮球场

  领域,方面He is an expert in the field of medicine. 他是医学方面的专家。

  (电,磁等)场a magnetic field 磁场

  furious/fjuris/ a.The small town was stricken by a furious storm, which destructed the system of communication.

  猜一猜 A. 猛烈的B. 强壮的

  C. 轻柔的D. 皮,毛的

  翻译 小镇刚遭受了一场猛烈的暴风雪。

  insist/insist/ v.She insisted on the importance of learning English well.

  猜一猜 A. 坚持B. 确信C. 无视D. 讨厌

  翻译 她强调学好英语的重要性。

  近义词 persist; stick to

  further/f/ ad./aOnly a step further, you would find it much better, so take it easy.

  猜一猜 A. 深奥的, 难以理解的B. 长的

  C. 更远, 更往前D. 往上升的

  翻译 只要再走一步, 你会发现一切都会好转, 所以放松点别太紧张了。

  词义扩展 ad. /a. 进一步I planed to go aboard for further study after graduation, but now I think I have to change my mind. 我原计划毕业之后出国深造的, 但现在不得不改变主意了。

  v. 促进, 增进Several days apart further their affection. 几天的分别增进了他们的感情。

  furthermore/fm/ ad.Furthermore, if you let him go with you, you would make much more friends.

  猜一猜 A. 只要B. 而且, 另外

  C. 至少D. 因为

  翻译 而且, 如果你让他和你一起去, 你会结识更多的朋友。

  分 析 further (更远)more (多) → 两个比较级加在一起肯定会有递进的意味 → 而且, 另外

  last/lst/ a.He was always the last person to arrive at the classroom.

  猜一猜 A. 最后的B. 守旧的

  C. 很早的D. 一般的

  翻译 他总是最后一个到教室。

  词义扩展 a. 上一个的Last night he stayed up very late to complete his research paper. 昨晚他熬到很晚做他的研究论文。

  ad. 最后The horse came last in the race. 这匹马在比赛中跑在最后。

  ad. 最近一次,上一次When did you last see him? 你最后一次见到他是什么时候?

  v. 持续,耐久I wish the friendship between the two countries would last for ever. 我希望两国间的友谊天长地久。

  词 组 at last 最终,终于At last, he knew the meaning of life. 他终于悟出了生命的真谛。

  late/leit/ a.The train was ten minutes late which brought great unconvenience to us.

  猜一猜 A. 提前的B. 准时的

  C. 不定时的D. 迟的

  翻译 火车晚了十分钟,这给我们造成极大的不便。

  词义扩展 a. 已故的After the death of her late husband, she has nothing to live for. 丈夫死后,她完全没了生活目标。

  ad. 迟,晚The mail was delivered late today. 今天的邮件发送迟了。

  lately/leitli/ ad.

  He came as lately as last week.

  猜一猜 A. 将来B. 以前C. 今天D. 最近

  翻译 他最近在上周来过。

  近义词 recently: 不久前,近来

  latent/leitnt/ a.The latent period of the disease is usually three to fie years.

  猜一猜 A. 最长的B. 潜伏的

  C. 最短的D. 可能的

  翻译 这种病的潜伏期通常是3至5年。

  later/leit/ ad.He arrived in London on Monday, two days later he left for New York.

  猜一猜 A. 不到B. 之前C. 后来D. 正好

  翻译 他星期一到了伦敦,两天后他出发去了纽约。

  latter/lt/ a.The leader made a lot of mistakes in the latter years of his life.

  猜一猜 A. 中间的B. 早期的

  C. 生平的D. 后面的

  翻译 这位领导晚年犯了许多错误。

  词义扩展 pron. 后者John and James are brothers; the former is a doctor; while the latter is an engineer. 约翰和詹姆斯是兄弟。前者是医生,后者是工程师。

  hazard/hzd/ n.

  Wet roads are a hazard to drivers.

  猜一猜 A. 有利B. 有权C. 危险D. 重要

  翻译 湿的路面对司机是十分危险的。

  词义扩展 v. 冒险,拼命F1 drivers are hazarding their lives. F1 赛车的司机们在冒生命的危险。

  distress/distres/ n.She was in great distress when running towards the end of the marathon.

  猜一猜 A. 回忆B. 兴奋C. 苦恼D. 动力

  翻译 马拉松赛接近终点的时候她极为难受。

  词义扩展 n. ① 危难The government acted quickly to relieve the widespread distress caused by the flood. 洪水造成了广泛地区的灾难,政府迅速采取行动赈济灾民。② 不幸His death was a great distress to all the family. 她的去世是整个家庭的不幸。

  v. 使苦恼I was most distressed to hear the bad news of your mothers death. 听到你母亲去世的消息我十分难过。

  近义词 sadness 哀伤,悲伤;agony 苦恼,极大的痛苦

  gas/s/ n.

  Turn on the gas for some cooking.

  猜一猜 A. 水壶B. 电炉C. 煤气D. 油烟机

  翻译 打开煤气煮点东西吧。

  词义扩展 n. 汽油We need much more gas to run this type of machine. 我们需要更多的汽油来发动这一款机器。

  gaseous/eizjs/ a.

  Air, in fact, is a kind of gaseous mixture.

  猜一猜 A. 气态的, 气体的B. 固态的, 固体的

  C. 液态的, 液体的D. 混合的, 杂交的

  翻译 实际上, 空气是一种气体的混合物。

  分 析 gas (气) eous (形容词尾) → 气体的, 气态的

  gasoline/slin/ n.Saving gasoline is the most distinct peculiarity of this new type of sport car.

  猜一猜 A. 煤油B. 汽油C. 柴油D. 能量

  翻译 省油是这种新型的跑车最显著的特点。

  大头巧计 发音记忆: gasoline (该省了) → 要省着用汽油 → 汽油

  hunger/h/ n.

  To satisfy her hunger, she bought a hamburger.

  猜一猜 A. 饥渴B. 饥饿C. 愤怒D. 疲劳

  翻译 为了解饿她买了个汉堡。

  词 组 v. hunger after 渴望She has been hungering after this job for 2 months. 她渴望得到这个工作已经有两个月了。

  hunger for 渴望The child hungered for a piece of bread. 这个孩子渴望得到一快面包。

  hungry/hri/ a.

  He is so hungry that he cant carry the heavy box.

  猜一猜 A. 快乐B. 疲劳C. 饥饿D. 干渴

  翻译 他太饿了而不能搬动这个重箱子。

  monthly/mnli/ a.It is called monthly magazine, because new copies appear each month.

  猜一猜 A. 每月的B. 每年的

  C. 每天的D. 每季的

  翻译 之所以被称为月刊,是因为它每月都有一期。

  词义扩展 ad. 每月一次,按月Some magazines come monthly. 有些杂志是每月一期。

  n. 月刊“Fortune” is a monthly. 《财富》是月刊杂志。

  hence/hens/ ad.

  He has been ill hence his son died.

  猜一猜 A. 因此B. 自从C. 由于D. 可能

  翻译 自从他儿子死了他一直都卧病在床。

  词义扩展 因此He fell off my bike yesterday — hence the bruises. 他昨天摔倒了因此青一块紫一块的。

  henceforth/hensf/ ad.Henceforth I expect you to be punctual for meeting.

  猜一猜 A. 所以B. 今后C. 勉强D. 希望

  翻译 我希望你今后准时到会。

  mood/mud/ n.

  The public mood was optimistic and excited.

  猜一猜 A. 精神B. 情绪C. 头脑D. 现象

  翻译 公众情绪都很乐观,很兴奋。

  大头巧计 mood(近音: 木的) → 像木头一样, 没有情绪

  词义扩展 n. 语气Im sorry my mood is too harsh because I was angered by him. 对不起,我的语气太差了,因为我被他激怒了。

  gamble/mbl/ n./v.

  He gambled all his poverty on the real estate.

  猜一猜 A. 投机, 冒险B. 逃脱

  C. 放弃D. 变卖

  翻译 他冒险将所有的财产都投资在房地产上。

  词义扩展 n. /v. 赌博He spent all day long on gambling, which led to his wife leaving. 他成天沉迷于赌博, 这使得他妻子离开了他。

  dwell/dwel/ v.

  His family has dwelt in the village for generations.

  猜一猜 A. 居住B. 狩猎C. 探险D. 躲藏

  翻译 他家祖祖辈辈都居住在那个小山村。

  词 组 dwell on 凝思;详述Before we make a decision, we should dwell on it. 我们在作出决定之前,应该思考再三。In the court, the witness was required to dwell on what he had seen. 在法庭上,目击者被要求详述他所看见的。

  大头例句 He chose to dwell in the urban area because of the need of work. 因为工作需要,他选择了住在市区。

  dwelling/dweli/ n.Mr. Smith has had his dwelling painted the other day.

  猜一猜 A. 栅栏B. 墙壁C. 寓所D. 办公室

  翻译 前几天,史密斯先生请人把他的房子刷了漆。

  大头例句 Welcome to my humble dwelling. 欢迎光临寒舍。

  近义词 flat公寓 apartment住宅 suite套房

  fire/fai/ n.

  The children are not allowed to play fire.

  猜一猜 A. 烟花B. 爆竹C. 火D. 易燃物

  翻译 孩子们不能玩火。

  词义扩展 n. ① 热情,激情Her life lacks fire. 她的生活缺乏激情。② 开火,射击The rebel forces kept up a crazy fire. 叛乱者们持续疯狂的射击。③ 着火,点火The man who set fire to the houses was arrested immediately. 那个纵火烧房子的人立即被逮捕了。

  v. ① 开火,射击The criminal fired several shoots into the crowd. 罪犯向人群射击。 ② 点火,着火The psychotic attempted to fire the hospital. 这个精神病人企图在医院放火。

  词 组 catch fire 着火First, the wood caught fire and then the house. 先是木头着火了,然后是房子。

  set fire to 点燃He claimed that he didnt set fire to the church. 他坚持说没有纵火烧教堂。

  on fire 烧着The theater is on fire. 剧院着火了。

  近义词 passion 热情,激情;inspiration 鼓舞人心的事物

  fireman/faimn/ n.12 firemen sacrificed their lives to put out the fire.

  猜一猜 A. 纵火犯B. 消防员

  C. 着火者D. 易发脾气的人

  翻译 12个消防队员为了灭火献出了生命。


  fire(火) + man(人) = 灭火的人

  fireplace/faipleis/ n.The fireplace in this restaurant is just a decoration.

  猜一猜 A. 火具B. 壁炉C. 火钳D. 柴火

  翻译 那个壁炉只是一个装饰。

  大头巧计 fire(火) + place(地方) = 生火的地方,壁炉

  firework/faiwk/ n.

  Fireworks are forbidden in a lot of cities.猜一猜 A. 篝火B. 纵火C. 爆竹D. 焚烧

  翻译 很多城市都禁止燃放鞭炮、爆竹。


  fire(火) + work(作品)=与火有关的东西

  bring/bri/ v.He always brings his beautiful wife with him whenever he takes part in the parties.

  猜一猜 A. 陪同B. 带着C. 邀请D. 跟随

  翻译 无论什么时候参加舞会,他都会带着他漂亮的妻子。

  词义扩展 v. 引起,导致Some people believe that marriage only brings trouble and tragedy. 有些人认为婚姻导致悲剧的发生。

  词 组 bring about 带来,造成The angry reaction of the teacher brought about silence. 老师的愤怒使教室安静下来。

  bring down ① 打倒,挫伤The increasing fiscal deficit nearly brought down the government. 持续增长的财政赤字几乎使这个政府垮台。 ② 降低After her fathers death, she has to bring down the cost of living. 父亲去世后,她不得不降低生活费。

  bring forth 产生The triangle love affair only brings forth pain. 三角恋情只会带来痛苦。

  bring forward 提出The government has brought forward a plan to control the air pollution. 政府已经提出了一个控制空气污染的计划。

  bring out ① 使出现,使明显Behaviors may bring out ones character. 一个人的行为反映他的品质。 ② 公布,出版His novel had not been brought out until he died in 1883. 他的小说直到1883年他去世以后才出版。

  bring to 使恢复知觉Mrs. White was trying to bring her husband to with smelling salt. 怀特太太试着用嗅盐使她丈夫恢复知觉。

  bring up 教育,培养,使成长After losing her parents, Mary was brought up by her aunt. 父母去世后,玛利是姑姑带大的。


  She is an ideal wife for him.猜一猜 A. 理想的B. 勤奋的

  C. 最后的D. 挑剔的

  翻译 她是他理想的妻子。

  词义扩展 ① 空想的This is an ideal plan that can not be put into practice. 这是一个空想的计划,不可能付诸实施。 ② 理想主义的He is the kind of man of ideal thought. 他是有理想主义思想的人。 ③ 唯心的Some people think that ideal beliefs are not to be depended on. 有些人认为,唯心的信仰是不能相信的。 ④ 理想I find it difficult for me to live up to my mothers ideal. 我发现我很难按照母亲的理想生活。

  exist/izist/ v.Many people believed that there existed ghosts in the world.

  翻译 很多人相信世界上有鬼。


  v. 存在,生活

  existence/izistns/ n.

  Everyone has right to choose his own existence.

  翻译 每个人都有权选择自己的生活方式。


  n. 存在,实在;生存,生活(方式)

  exit/eksit/ n.

  This building has many emergency exits.

  翻译 这栋建筑有很多紧急出口。

  expand/ikspnd/ v.

  The colonists expanded their territory wantonly.

  猜一猜 A. 保护B. 拥有C. 征服D. 扩张

  翻译 殖民者大肆扩张他们的领土。

  大头巧计 前缀ex出去;词干pand展开,展开来,引申为(使)扩张,(使)膨胀;张开,展开。

  大头例句 International trade has expanded drastically in recent years. 近年来,国际贸易急速膨胀。

  近义词 enlarge扩大,放大 extend扩充,延伸 swell膨胀,增大

  expansion/ikspnn/ n.The expansion of capitalism has ever promoted the worlds development.

  猜一猜 A. 扩张B. 变化C. 出现D. 胜利

  翻译 资本主义的扩张曾经促进了世界的发展。

  大头巧计 前缀ex出去;词干pand展开,展开来;后缀ion为名词词尾,引申为扩张,膨胀,张开,展开

  大头例句 The expansion of desert has threatened peoples living.沙漠的扩展威胁到了人们的生活。

  identical/aidentikl/ a.

  Its really interesting that your coat is identical to mine.

  猜一猜 A. 买来的B. 同样的

  C. 扔下的D. 想象的

  翻译 你的上衣和我的一样,真是太有趣了!

  identification/aidentifikein/ n.The identification of famous pictures is a difficult job.

  猜一猜 A. 画画B. 鉴别C. 展览D. 拍卖

  翻译 鉴别名画是一项困难的工作。

  identify/aidentifai/ v.Can you identify the criminal if you see him again?

  猜一猜 A. 识别B. 指控C. 帮助D. 打招呼

  翻译 如果再看见那个罪犯,你能认出他吗?

  词义扩展 (~ with) 把…和…看成一样Surely you cant identify money with happiness! 你肯定不能把金钱和幸福等同喽!

  defy/difai/ v.

  You may be sent into prison if you defy the law.

  猜一猜 A. 歪曲B. 违抗C. 失足D. 篡改

  翻译 如果你公然违抗法律,你就可能进监狱。

  分 析 de + fy

  dis + trust → 不信,违抗,反抗

  词义扩展 蔑视The terrorists defy the government and successively practice the bombing activity. 恐怖组织蔑视政府,接连实施爆炸活动。



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