70天攻克考研英语词汇 DAY 32

匿名 免费考研网/2006-05-28

DAY 32

  improper/imprp/ a.

  Its improper to laugh and joke in serious situation.

  猜一猜 A. 可笑的B. 不适当的

  C. 放松的D. 紧绷的

  翻译 在严肃的场合大笑或开玩笑是不合适的。


  is(not) + proper(合适的) → 不合适的

  词义扩展 a. 不正确的Sometimes, improper use of words can cause big trouble. 有时,错误的言辞会引起很大的麻烦。

  jam/dm/ n.I was trapped by the traffic jam on the way to the hospital.

  猜一猜 A. 事故B. 阻塞C. 突变D. 警察

  翻译 我在去医院的路上被交通阻塞困住了。

  词义扩展 n. 果酱 The bread tastes better with tomato jam on it. 面包涂上番茄酱更好吃。

  v. (使)阻塞,(使)轧住不动The crowds jammed the streets, and no car could pass. 街上挤满了人,汽车无法通行。

  let/let/ v.We should not let him do that at his own will any more.

  猜一猜 A. 通知B. 听任C. 解答D. 演示

  翻译 我们再也不能让他随心所欲行事了。

  近义词 allow 允许,许可,准许;permit 允许,许可,容许

  词义扩展 v. ① 设,假设Let you be on the spot of the accident. 假设你就在事故现场。 ② 出租,租给 If you really want to let my house, I can make certain concession on the price. 如果你确实想租我的房子,我在价格上可以适当做些让步。

  词 组 let alone ① 不干涉Let me lone. I need to think it over. 不要管我,让我一个人仔细想想。 ② 更不用说The baby cant walk yet, let alone run. 这个婴儿连走都不会,更不用说跑了。

  let down① 放下The trousers are so short that my mum let them down. 裤子太短了,妈妈把它放长了些。② 使失望He turned his back on me when I was in trouble, which turned me down. 我有困难的时候他理都不理,这确实令我失望。

  let go 放开,松手Let go of my hand! You are hurting me1. 放开我的手,你弄疼我了。

  let in 让…进入,放…进来The broken window let the wind in. 风从这扇破窗进来了。

  let loose 放开,放松,释放Sometimes you should let him loose; it does no good of too much pressure. 有时你应让他放松一下,太多压力没好处。

  let off ① 放(炮,烟火),开(枪)We let off fireworks to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the foundation of our department. 我们放烟花来庆祝建院15 周年。 ② 宽恕,从宽处理The policeman let the driver off by warning of his speed only. 警察只是警告他车速太快,没有处罚他。 ③ 免除The teacher let off punishment in view of his good behavior. 鉴于他的良好表现,老师免除了对他的处罚。

  let out ① 放掉,放出,发出She let out a scream at the sight of a big mouse. 看到一只大老鼠,她发出了尖叫声。 ② 放大(衣服)I have grown higher and my coat has to be let out. 我长高了,必须把上衣放大一些。 ③ 放松(绳子)Let out the rope tying the dog. 把拴狗的那条绳子放松点。

  nerve/nv/ n.

  She has severe pain in the nerves.

  猜一猜 A. 风俗B. 神经C. 考试D. 气泡

  翻译 她神经剧烈疼痛。

  词义扩展 n.勇气,胆量He has an iron nerve. 他胆气豪壮。

  nervous/nvs/ a.

  Most people have sound nervous system.

  猜一猜 A. 奉告B. 伤痕累累的

  C. 神经的D. 夜空的

  翻译 多数人都有健康的神经系统。

  大头巧计 nerve(神经) + ous(形容词词尾,表示“…的”) → 神经的

  词义扩展 a. 神经过敏的,紧张不安的Whenever I met the president, I felt nervous. 每次我见到校长,我就感到紧张。

  net/net/ n.

  Fishermen use nets to catch fish.

  猜一猜 A. 秆子B. 枪炮C. 网D. 平台

  翻译 渔民用网捕鱼。

  词义扩展 v. 用网捕,使落网Old fishermen used to net on the rivers. 老渔民曾经在这些河上布网。

  a. 净的,纯净的He made a net profit of $6000. 他净得纯利6000美元。

  network/netwk/ n.Standing on the hill, we can clearly see the network of railway down.

  猜一猜 A. 束缚的B. 审批

  C. 回顾D. 网状物

  翻译 站在山顶上,我们可以将整个铁路网看得一清二楚。

  大头巧计 net + work

  网 + 工作,工艺品 → 网状物

  词义扩展 n. 广播站,电视网,网络The establishing of the world communication has made the world small. 世界通讯网的建立使得世界变小了。

  nod/nd/ v.

  She nodded when I asked if she would come.

  猜一猜 A. 同样B. 体验C. 点头D. 摇头

  翻译 当我问她来不来时,她点了点头。



  词义扩展 n. ① 点头招呼He gave me a nod as we passed each other in the street. 我们在街上面对面走过时,他向我点了点头。 ② 打盹,瞌睡The old lady sat by the fireplace, making nods. 老太太正坐在壁炉边打瞌睡。

  nurse/ns/ n.

  There is a lack of nurses during the war.

  猜一猜 A. 演员B. 护士C. 病人D. 上级

  翻译 战争时期急缺护士。

  词义扩展 v. 护理,看护Forest Gump was nursed by his mother until he was well. 妈妈护理着阿甘,直到他康复为止。

  nursery/nsri/ n.The child was sent to a nursery when his parents were at work.

  猜一猜 A. 学校B. 工厂

  C. 托儿所D. 烟囱

  翻译 当父母工作时,孩子被送进了托儿所。

  pack/pk/ v.

  The hikers have packed his bags.

  猜一猜 A. 控诉B. 打包C. 曝露D. 怀疑

  翻译 徒步旅行者已经打好了包。

  词义扩展 v. 塞满,挤满The meeting hall was packed the crowds. 会议厅里挤满了人。

  n. (一)包,(一)捆Boy, would you go and buy a pack of cigarette for me? 小孩,你愿意去帮我买包烟吗?

  package/pkid/ n.He carried a large package of books under his arm.

  猜一猜 A. 包B. 筐C. 套D. 件

  翻译 他腋下夹着一大包书。

  packet/pkit/ n.He donated a packet of books to children who lived in poverty.

  猜一猜 A. 小捆B. 小筐C. 小套D. 小件

  翻译 他捐了一小捆书给那些贫困的孩子们。

  词义扩展 n. 盒He is a heavy smoker and always buys packets of cigarettes each time. 他抽烟很凶,每次都会买很多盒烟。

  pictorial/piktril/ n.

  Children are fond of reading pictorials.

  猜一猜 A. 动画片B. 少儿节目

  C. 电影D. 画报

  翻译 孩子们都喜欢看画报。

  分 析 pict相当于“draw picture”, ial是名词后缀,合起来就是“有图画的画报”的意思。

  picture/pikt/ n.

  My picture of horse won a prize.

  猜一猜 A. 图画B. 名片C. 书本D. 艺术

  翻译 我画马的图片获了奖。


  pic + ture

  词义扩展 n. ① 影片Have you seen his new picture? 你看过他新拍的电影吗? ② 美景The park is a picture when the flowers in bloom.

  v. 画,描述,想象She pictured to herself what it might be like to live in village 她想象生活在乡村中的情景。

  同义词 depict,describe

  practical/prktikl/ a.The advice sounds good, but there are still many practical difficulties.

  猜一猜 A. 实践B. 目的C. 意义D. 功能

  翻译 这个建议听起来不错,但在实践上还有很多困难。

  praise/preiz/ v.

  We praise our society which bring new life to us.猜一猜 A. 喜欢B. 歌颂C. 表扬D. 感激

  翻译 我们歌颂给我们带来新生活的社会。

  词义扩展 v. 表扬,称赞The publisher had praised his novel pretty highly. 出版商高度赞扬了他的小说。

  n. ① 表扬,称赞Praise makes a good man better, and a bad man worse. 表扬使好人更好,坏人更坏。 ② 赞美的话He won praises for his modesty. 他由于谦虚而赢得了赞美的话。

  prefer/prif/ v.He found such books too heavy going and preferred a detective story.

  猜一猜 A. 讨厌B. 更喜欢C. 选择D. 购买

  翻译 他发现这样的书太沉闷了,他更喜欢读侦探小说。

  preferable/prefrbl/ a.A dark suit is preferable to a light one for evening wear.

  猜一猜 A. 更可取的B. 糟糕的

  C. 更漂亮的D. 偏见的

  翻译 深色的衣服比浅色的衣服更适合作为晚装。

  大头巧计 prefer(更喜欢) + able(形容词尾) → 更喜欢的对我来说就是更可取的

  preference/prefrns/ n.

  My preference is for beef rather than lamb.

  猜一猜 A. 优惠B. 损害C. 偏爱D. 成见

  翻译 我偏爱牛肉而不是羊肉。


  prefer(更喜欢) + ence(构成名词) → 偏爱

  词义扩展 n. ① 优惠I gave my preference to him but he didnt value it. 我给了他优惠,但是他不珍惜。 ② 优先选择Tea or coffee, which is your preference? 茶和咖啡,你优先选择哪一个?

  owe/u/ v.She owes me 10 yuan which she borrowed from me last week.猜一猜 A. 支付B. 欠C. 赔偿D. 出让

  翻译 她欠我十块钱,是她上个星期向我借的。

  词义扩展 v. 得感谢,应归功于All my success owes to you, my friends. 我所有的成功都要归功于你们,我的朋友。

  owing/ui/ a.

  I have paid what was owing.

  猜一猜 A. 欠的B. 多的C. 放的D. 嚷的

  翻译 该还的我已经还了。

  词义扩展 a. (与to连用) 由于The grass needs to be watered often owing to the heat weather in summer. 由于夏天的天气炎热,草坪得时常洒水。

  lecture/lekt/ n.

  The professor gave us a lecture on the development of chips.

  猜一猜 A. 朗诵B. 讲课C. 笑话D. 故事

  翻译 教授给我们做了一次讲座,内容是关于集成电路的发展的。

  大头巧计 lect + ure → to read + 名词词尾 → 老师上课说的东西 → 讲课

  同义词 lesson 课,功课; subject 学科,科目

  词义扩展 v. 演讲,讲课Our former teacher is lecturing advanced English this term. 以前教我们的老师这学期教高级英语。

  line/lain/ n.These lines were wringed together, and I cant untie it.

  猜一猜 A. 线B. 衣服C. 围巾D. 头发

  翻译 这些线缠在一起,我解不开。

  词义扩展 n. ① 路线,航线The train was delayed because of the ice on the line. 火车路线上由于结了冰,所以火车推迟了。 ② 排,行There are several lines of trees in an orchard. 果园里有几排树。 ③ 线路,电线Our firm has twenty lines. 我们公司有20条电话线。 ④ 界线,边线The line of the two countries is too vague. 这两个国家的界线太模糊了。

  linen/linin/ n.The linen handkerchief is birthday present given by my parents.猜一猜 A. 亚麻布B. 手绢

  C. 衣服D. 帽子

  翻译 这块亚麻布手绢是我父母亲给我的生日礼物。

  liner/lain/ n.I was late for my liner, so I have to take the next one.

  猜一猜 A. 线B. 班机C. 头发D 亚麻

  翻译 我错过了班机,我只好坐下一班机。

  limit/limit/ n.

  No smoking is permitted within a fifty mile limit.

  猜一猜 A. 范围B. 过程C. 条件D. 地方

  翻译 在50英里的范围内不准吸烟。

  词义扩展 v. 限制,限定Development of things cannot be limited. 事物的发展不能被限制。

  limitation/limitein/ n.

  She knew her limitations, so she gave up.

  猜一猜 A. 范围B. 时间C. 局限D. 缺点

  翻译 她知道自己能力有限,所以放弃了。

  分 析 limit(限制) + ation(名词词尾) → 限制,局限性

  近义词 restriction限制,局限

  limited/limitid/ a.

  Only a limited number of people is qualified.

  猜一猜 A. 有限的B. 仅有的

  C. 很小的D. 缺乏的

  翻译 只有很少几个人够资格。

  分 析 limit (限制) + ed (动词过去式形式) → 有限的,被限制的

  mend/mend/ v.He asked his mother to mend the hole in the pocket.

  猜一猜 A. 缝补B. 改进C. 更正D. 修改

  翻译 他要求他母亲把他口袋上的洞缝一下。

  词义扩展 v. 改进,改正Things will mend in time. 情况会有所改进的。

  merchandise/mtndaiz/ n.

  The store has the best merchandise in town.

  猜一猜 A. 商品B. 衣服C. 食物D. 价格

  翻译 这个商店里有小镇上最好的商品。

  merchant/mtnt/ n.

  We buy coal from a coal merchant.

  猜一猜 A. 商品B. 商人C. 商店D. 厂家

  翻译 我们从一个煤商那儿买煤。

  most/must/ a.

  Which of you has made the most mistakes?

  猜一猜 A. 美丽的B. 勤劳的

  C. 最多的D. 飞行的

  翻译 你们当中谁犯的错误最多。

  词义扩展 a. 多数的,大部分的Most children fear darkness. 大多数孩子都害怕黑夜。

  ad. 最,最多,很,十分,极She is the most beautiful girl in my town. 她是我们镇上最漂亮的女孩。

  n. 大多数,大部分You are not to blame since you have done your most. 这不能怪你,你已经尽力了。

  词 组 at most /at the most 最多,至多,不超过There were only 50 people on the ground at the most. 广场上最多只有50人。

  make the most of 充分利用She is not very pretty, but she makes the most of her looks. 她并不十分漂亮,但却很会打扮。

  mostly/mustli/ ad.

  The beverage is mostly sugar and water.

  猜一猜 A. 十分B. 几乎全部

  C. 热敷D. 到处

  翻译 这种饮料几乎全是糖和水。

  大头巧计 most (最多的,多数的,大部分的) + ly (副词词尾) → 几乎全部地

  词义扩展 ad. 主要地,大部分,基本上I am mostly out of school at weekends. 我周末通常都不在学校。

  merit/merit/ n.

  You may not like him, but he has his merit.猜一猜 A. 特点B. 缺点C. 优点D. 事业

  翻译 你可能不喜欢他,但是他有他的优点。

  词义扩展 v. 值得,应得Your suggestion merits serious consideration. 你的建议值得好好考虑一下。

  drum/drm/ n.词 义 鼓;圆桶

  大头例句 In China, people may play the gong and the drum during the traditional festivals. 在中国,人们在逢年过节时会敲锣打鼓。

  desperate/desprit/ a.The mother was desperate because her children died one after another in the plague.

  猜一猜 A. 绝望的B. 麻木的

  C. 悲哀的D. 压抑的

  翻译 这个母亲几乎绝望,因为她的孩子在瘟疫中接连地死去了。

  分 析 de + spar + ate

  off + spirit + 形容词词尾 → 失去精神力量的,绝望的

  词义扩展 a. 不顾一切的,拼死的The drugseller became desperate in their attempt to escape. 那个毒贩子试图拼命逃亡。

  courtesy/ktisi,k/ n.They didnt even have the courtesy to say thank you.

  猜一猜 A. 礼节B. 谦恭有礼

  C. 风度D. 举止

  翻译 他们居然连谢谢都不说一声,真是没礼貌。

  词义扩展 n. 有礼貌的举止His courtesy and fine taste won her heart. 他的礼貌举止和高雅品位赢得了她的芳心。

  词 组 by courtesy of 由…的好意;蒙…允许We went through the difficulty by courtesy of your kindness. 多亏了你的好心,我们才度过了难关。

  credit/kredit/ v.

  He never credited whatever others said.

  猜一猜 A. 崇拜B. 欣赏

  C. 信任,信用D. 放弃

  翻译 他从不相信别人说的话。

  词义扩展 n. ① 信任,信用The government lost credit after the suppression. 政府在镇压起义之后失去了人民的信任。 ② 信用贷款,赊欠Youre unwise to use the high enters credit. 你使用高利息的信用贷款是不明智的。 ③ 名誉,名望The wonderful performance of him gives credits to hes teacher. 他的精彩演出提升了他老师的名望。 ④ 光荣,功劳He succeeded to the diligences credit. 他的成功归功于勤奋。 ⑤ 学分There are 10 credits left to be gained. 还有10个学分要修。

  colleague/kli/ n.He is extremely green when he saw his colleagues promotion.

  猜一猜 A. 朋友B. 妻子C. 同事D. 兄长

  翻译 他看到同事升迁,特别嫉妒。

  分 析 col + league

  together + union, group → 共同联盟,共同类别,就是同事、同僚。

  近义词 coworker, collaborator, partner

  consume/knsjum/ v.

  Gambling soon consumed all his fortune.

  猜一猜 A. 损失B. 耗费C. 赢得D. 增加

  翻译 赌博很快耗尽了他的一切财产。

  分 析 com + sum

  wholly + to take → 全部拿走,即消费掉

  consumption/knsmpn/ n.

  We cannot afford our cars fuel consumption.

  猜一猜 A. 价格B. 数量

  C. 消耗(量)D. 容量

  翻译 我们负不起汽车的汽油消耗量。

  分 析 consum(e) + tion(名词词尾) → 消耗,消费

  draft/drft/ n.

  Luckily she loses only the draft of her speech, or she will be deprived of the right to participate that competition.猜一猜 A. 片断B. 草稿C. 部分D. 封面

  翻译 幸亏她丢的只是草稿,否则她将不能参加比赛。

  词义扩展 v. 起草,草拟He is still drafting the second chapter. 他还在草拟第二章。

  fiction/fikn/ n.If what you have said is not fiction, you need to list some facts to prove it.

  猜一猜 A. 现象B. 结论

  C. 虚构,编造D.夸张

  翻译 假如你所说的不是虚构的,那你得举出事实来证明这一点。

  词义扩展 n. 小说He is a writer of fiction. 他是一个小说家。

  近义词 novel 小说

  figure/fi/ n.He has a welldeveloped figure because of the constant exercise.

  猜一猜 A. 人物B. 心态C. 胸怀D. 体形

  翻译 他因为经常锻炼,体态健壮。

  词义扩展 n. ① 数字reach five figures 达到五位数

  ② 图形a geometrical figure 几何图形

  ③ 人物Churchill is the greatest figure of his era. 丘吉尔是他那个时代的最伟大人物。

  v. 算出,估计,推测I couldnt figure out who he was. 我想不出他是谁。

  perspective/pspektiv/ a.

  They draw the picture with perspective.

  猜一猜 A. 素描B. 水彩C. 粉晶D. 透视法

  翻译 他们是用透视法画的这幅画。

  词义扩展 n. ① 前景,前途You will have a bright prospective. 你一定会有一个光明的前途。 ② 方面,视角They see things in their right prospective. 他们正确地了解了事物的根源。

  persuade/psweid/ v.

  I have persuaded my father to give up smoking.猜一猜 A. 忘却B. 研讨C. 说服D. 设法

  翻译 我已经说服我爸爸戒烟了。

  词义扩展 v. 使相信He persuaded me of its truth. 她使我相信那是真的。

  persuasion/p()swein/ n.The explanation of the plan has strengthened the persuasion.

  猜一猜 A. 恶果B. 说服力C. 同意D. 任务

  翻译 对计划的解释增强了说服力。

  fragment/frmnt/ n.Several fragments of his childhood flashed in his mind.

  猜一猜 A. 回忆B. 小部分,片段

  C. 裂痕D. 镜头

  翻译 他童年的一些片段在脑海中闪过。

  course/ks/ n.I didnt take the course yesterday morning because I got up too late.

  猜一猜 A. 训练B. 游行C. 课程D. 加班

  翻译 我昨天上午没上课,因为我起床晚了。

  词义扩展 n. ① 过程,进程How about the course of the ongoing project? 工程进行得怎样了? ② 路程,路线Consult your map to find the course to the park. 查找一下地图,找到去公园的路线。 ③ 一道菜The last course is crab. 最后一道菜是螃蟹。

  词 组 in the course of 在…过程中In the course of operation, the patients heart was no longer beating. 手术过程中,病人的心脏停止了跳动。

  of course 当然Of course he couldnt come since he is on vacation. 他正在度假,当然不可能来。

  concentrate/knsentreit/ v.He concentrated on studying, unaware of what happened outside.

  猜一猜 A. 忙碌B. 厌倦C. 集中D. 走神

  翻译 他集中精力学习,全然不知外面发生了什么事。

  分 析 con + centr + ate

  together + center + ate 动词词尾 → 集中

  词义扩展 v. 浓缩The solution has been concentrated. 溶液被浓缩了。

  n. 浓缩物The socalled orange concentrate is diluted with water. 所谓的浓缩橙汁,实际上兑了水。

  concept/knsept/ n.The teacher asked us to recite the definition of all the concepts.

  猜一猜 A. 课文B. 生词C. 数据D. 概念

  翻译 老师要我们记住所有概念的定义。

  分 析 con + cept

  together + to take → 概念能把一切包含进去

  conception/knsepn/ n.

  I have no conception of what you are saying.

  猜一猜 A. 观念,概念B. 偏见

  C. 爱好D. 兴趣

  翻译 我不知道你在说些什么。

  分 析 concept + ion(名词词尾) → 概念,观念

  词义扩展 n. 设想,构想Your conception for the future of our company is marvelous. 你对我们公司未来的设想太精彩了。

  compose/kmpuz/ v.

  12 people compose the jury.

  猜一猜 A. 代替B. 代表C. 战胜D. 构成

  翻译 由12人组成陪审团。

  分 析 com + pose

  together + to place/ to put → 排在一起,就是构成的意思

  词义扩展 v. 创作(乐曲、诗歌等)Beethoven spent his whole life in composing music. 贝多芬一生都在创作音乐。

  composition/kmpzin/ n.

  His composition is high praised by his teacher.

  猜一猜 A. 作文,论文B. 设计

  C. 表现D. 成果

  翻译 他的作文得到老师的高度赞扬。

  分 析 compos(e) + tion(名词词尾) → 结构,构造物,编造物 → 作文,论文,作曲

  词义扩展 n. ① 写作 作曲 This symphonic composition is very moving and exciting. 这首交响乐非常激动人心。 ② 结构,组成,成分The composition of the compound is too complicated to figure it out. 这种化合物的成分太复杂了,难以弄清楚。

  moment/mumnt/ n.She hesitated for a moment, and then stepped forward.

  猜一猜 A. 片刻B. 几分钟

  C. 几秒钟D. 十分钟

  翻译 她迟疑了片刻,然后继续向前走去。

  词 组 at the moment 现在,此刻I knew his address, but I cannot think of it at the moment. 我知道他的地址,但是我现在想不起来。

  for a moment 片刻,一会儿Wait for a moment, I will come back soon. 稍等片刻,我马上就回来。

  for the moment 现在,暂时We can leave it open for the moment. 我们可以暂时让它开着。

  in a moment 立刻,马上I turned away, and in a moment he closed the door heavily. 我转过身,他马上就重重地关上了门。

  the moment (that) 一…就The moment that he had said it he knew that he had made a mistake. 他一说出口,就知道犯了个错误。

  momentary/mumntri/ a.Her feeling of fear was only momentary; it soon passed.

  猜一猜 A. 长久的B. 短暂的

  C. 瞬间的D. 模糊的

  翻译 她的恐惧感只是瞬间的,马上就消失了。

  大头巧计 moment(片刻) + ary(形容词尾) → 片刻的, 短暂的

  deprive/dipraiv/ v.Some criminals are deprived of their political right.猜一猜 A. 放弃B. 没收C. 剥夺D. 后悔

  翻译 有些罪犯被剥夺了政治权利。

  分 析 de + prive

  off + private(私有) → 取消私有 → 夺去,使丧失

  近义词 dispossess 剥夺

  choose/tuz/ v.Finally, Washington was chosen as the first president of America.

  猜一猜 A. 拥护B.任命C. 授权D. 选择

  翻译 最后,华盛顿被选为美国的第一任总统。

  近义词 elect 选举,选择,推选;pick 挑选;select 选择,挑选

  词义扩展 v. 甘愿She chose to stay in a poor village as an elementary teacher. 她甘愿留在一个贫困的乡村当一名小学教师。

  近义词 will 意图,意愿

  compensate/kmpnseit/ v.Her loyalty to her company compensates for her lack of competence.

  猜一猜 A. 增加B. 补偿C. 突出D. 掩饰

  翻译 她对公司的忠诚弥补了她能力的不足。

  分 析 com + pens + ate

  together + weigh/ hang + 动词词尾 → 悬挂,重量相等

  compensation/kmpensein/ n.

  He was injured in an accident and received a compensation of $ 2000 from the insurance company.

  猜一猜 A. 礼物B. 援助C. 赔偿D. 罚款

  翻译 他在一次事故中受伤,得到了保险公司2000美元的赔偿。

  分 析 compensat(e) + ion(名词词尾) → 赔偿,补偿

  displace/displeis/ v.He was displaced to personnel office where he can make greater contribution.

  猜一猜 A. 诋毁B. 改造C. 转移D. 再生

  翻译 他被调到人力资源部,在那儿他能更好地发挥自己的能力。

  分 析 dis (离开) + place (位置) → 移置,换位

  词义扩展 v. 取代,置换He has displaced Marry as our monitor and we all are unsatisfied with the result. 他代替玛丽成为我们的班长,对此我们都不满意。

  近义词 replace 取代,替换

  displacement/displeismnt/ n.The displacement of the vase makes my mother angry.

  猜一猜 A. 破碎B. 假冒C. 丢失D. 移置

  翻译 我移了一下花瓶,对此,妈妈很生气。

  分 析 displace (转移) + ment (名词词尾) → 移置

  词义扩展 n. ① 取代His displacement of the former president does not depend on his real ability but on the background of his family. 他能取代原总裁不在于他的真实实力,而在于他的家庭背景。 ② 位移The concept “displacement” in physics is different from “distance”. 在物理学上,位移与距离是两个不同的概念。 ③ 排水量a ship with a displacement of 10 000 tons 排水量为10000吨的船只

  emotion/imun/ n.

  The utterance aroused national emotion.

  猜一猜 A. 爱国B. 抵抗C. 悲伤D. 情绪

  翻译 言论一出,群情激愤。

  近义词 feeling感觉,情绪; sentiment感情,情绪

  大头例句 She was captured by grief emotion.她悲伤得不能自已。

  employ/impli/ n./v.The farmer employed several hands during the harvest time.

  猜一猜 A. 雇用B. 解雇C. 忙碌D. 丰收

  翻译 在收获时节,农场主雇了几个帮手。

  大头巧计 前缀em(使在里面),ploy意为“卷,包”,使卷在(工作)里面,即为雇用。

  近义词 hire雇请,出租大头例句 The manager has newly employed a secretary. 经理新聘请了一位秘书。

  employee/emplii, implii/ n.

  词 义 雇工,雇员

  大头巧计 employ (雇用),后缀ee意为“被…的人”,所以employee即为被雇用的人,即“雇工,雇员”。

  employer/impli/ n.词 义 雇主

  employment/implimnt/ n.The proletariats broke down the captivity of employment.

  猜一猜 A. 剥削B. 革命C. 雇佣D. 奴隶

  翻译 无产阶级打破了雇佣关系的束缚。

  词义扩展 n. 使用;工作,职业The government made every effort to raise the employment rate. 政府千方百计提高就业率。

  lean/lin/ v.After a severe storm,the wall leans so much that it might fall over.

  猜一猜 A. 倾斜B. 坍塌C.摧毁D. 爆炸

  翻译 经历了一场暴风雨之后,那堵墙倾斜得很厉害, 也许会倒塌的。

  近义词 bend 向下弯,弯腰,弯身

  词义扩展 v. 倚靠,依赖I know you are tired, please lean on my arm. 我知道你累了,请靠在我的臂上。

  a. 瘦的, 无脂肪的He is so lean that it seems he will fall down at the blowing of wind. 他太瘦了,似乎风一吹他就会倒。

  misunderstand/misndstnd/ v.He misunderstood what I said, so he got very furious.

  猜一猜 A. 理解B. 误解C. 懂得D. 混淆

  翻译 他误解了我说的话,所以他很生气。


  mis (错) + understand (理解) → 误解

  pave/peiv/ v.

  The revolutionary paved the way for the longrange development of the capitalism in this country.

  猜一猜 A. 抓, 挠B. 支付

  C. 拍打D. 铺(路)

  翻译 这场革命为资本主义在这个国家的长期发展铺平了道路。

  pavement/peivmnt/ n.Stop walking in the middle of the street, its dangerous, please take the pavement!

  猜一猜 A. 铺路匠B. 人行道

  C. 马路D. 斑马线

  翻译 不要走在马路中央, 那很危险, 请走人行道。

  realistic/rilistik/ a.

  I dont enjoy reading a realistic novel.

  猜一猜 A. 现实主义的B.浪漫主义的

  C. 真实的D. 现实的

  翻译 我不喜欢读现实主义小说。

  reality/ri()liti/ n.

  At first, the wide use of computer seemed impossible, but, with painstaking efforts and great expense, it became a reality.

  猜一猜 A. 奇迹B. 现实,实际

  C. 变化D. 成就

  翻译 从前,电脑的广泛使用似乎是不可能的,但经过不懈的努力和巨大投资,这已成为现实。

  分 析 real (真实的) + ity (名词词尾) → 现实,实际

  近义词 truth 事实,真理

  词义扩展 n. 真实She believes in the reality of monsters. 她相信魔鬼是真的。


  /rilaizein/ n.

  We must work hard for the realization of socialist modernization.猜一猜 A. 发展B. 进步C. 完成D. 实现

  翻译 我们必须为实现社会主义现代化而努力奋斗。

  分 析 realiz (实现) + ation (名词词尾) → n.实现

  realize/realise/rilaiz/ v.

  We should realize that there is no particular virtue in doing things the way they have always been done.

  猜一猜 A. 实现B. 知道

  C. 记住D.认识到,体会到

  翻译 我们应该认识到没有必要总是循规蹈矩地做事情。

  近义词 understand 懂得,了解

  词义扩展 v. 实现Her wish was realized at last. 她的梦想终于实现了。

  really/rili/ ad.I really came to see you for the reason of gratitude.

  猜一猜 A. 确实,实在,真正地B. 毫无疑问

  C. 果然D. 实质上

  翻译 我真的是为了表示感谢才来看你。

  近义词 truly 真实地

  sand/snd/ n.

  Concrete is the mixture of sand and cement.

  猜一猜 A. 泥土B. 水泥C. 沙子D. 黏土

  翻译 混凝土是沙子和水泥的混合物。


  词根sand “沙,沙子”

  词义扩展 n. [pl.]沙滩,沙地 Children playing on the sands looked very lovely. 在沙滩上玩耍的孩子看起来非常可爱。

  sandwich/snwid,t/ n.

  The shop is famous for its chicken sandwiches.

  猜一猜 A. 面包B. 三明治C. 香肠D. 包子

  翻译 这家商店以鸡肉三明治而出名。

  联想记忆 Sandwich 是英国一个伯爵的名字,他嗜赌为命,常边赌边吃他发明的夹肉面包,于是把这种面包以他的名字命名。

  satisfaction/stisfkn/ n.

  He derived great satisfaction from his jobs.

  猜一猜 A. 快乐B. 疲劳C. 满足D. 怒气

  翻译 他从他的工作中得到很大的满足感。

  联想记忆 词根satis (充足,满意) + 词根fact (做,干) + ion(名词后缀) → “做到心满意足”转为“满足”

  同义词 fulfillment, contentment

  词义扩展 n. 乐事,愉快The satisfactions of doing what one loves are endless. 做喜欢做的事快乐无穷。

  satisfactory/stisfktri/ a.

  The result of his exam is satisfactory.

  猜一猜 A. 糟糕的B. 差强人意的

  C. 令人满意的D. 出人意料的

  翻译 他的考试结果令人满意。



  satisfy/stisfai/ v.

  Nothing can satisfy her.

  猜一猜 A. 使…高兴B. 使…惊奇

  C. 满足D 使…生气

  翻译 什么也满足不了她。


  词根satis (充足,满意),fy (动词后缀)

  同义词 gratify 使高兴,使满足

  词义扩展 v. 说服He tried to satisfy the police that he was innocent. 他试图说服警察相信他是清白的。

  square/skw/ n.

  Having argued heatedly for a long time, they suddenly stopped to listen to the band playing in the square.

  猜一猜 A. 剧院B. 广场C. 街上D. 帐篷

  翻译 激烈争执很久之后,他们突然停下来聆听广场上乐队的演奏。

  联想记忆 s=ex“出,向外”,词根quare“四”,原义“从四边外延” 转为“正方形”。词义扩展 n. 正方形A square has four equal sides and four right angles. 正方形四边相等,四角也相等。

  a. ① 正方形的There is a square table in the middle of the square room. 正方形的房子中间有张方桌。 ② 平方根的The square root of four is two. 4的平方根是2。

  v. ① 使成方形squared corners 方角 ② 求面积Can you square the circle whose radius is three? 你能求出半径为3的圆的面积吗?

  subtle/stl/ a.The subtle construction of the building surprise many visitors.

  猜一猜 A. 漂亮的B. 精妙的

  C. 销售的D. 评价的

  翻译 这座建筑物的精妙结构使很多游人都称奇。

  近义词 delicate 精致的,优雅的;nice 精密的,悦人的

  词义扩展 a. 细微的,微妙的It is difficult to tell the subtle difference between the two words. 很难找出这两个词的细微差别。

  substance/sbstns/ n.

  The two substances are nearly the same.

  猜一猜 A. 物质B. 车C. 重量D. 评价

  翻译 这两种物质几乎完全一样。

  近义词 body 物体; matter 物质; stuff 本质,原料

  词义扩展 n. ① 大意I just get the substance of his lecture. 我仅仅听懂了他讲座的大意。 ② 财产,财物A man of substance means a man possess fortune. 有资产的人意思是有财产的人。

  大头巧计 sub (under) + sta(to stand) + nce (名词词尾) → 站着的下面,内在的 → 实质。

  substantial/sbstnl/ a.

  The magic is not substantial.

  猜一猜 A. 精彩的B. 空乏的

  C. 真实的D. 免费的

  翻译 魔术并不是真实的。

  词义扩展 a. ① 坚固的,结实的The bed he bought is a substantial one. 他买的床很结实。 ② 富裕的We strive for creating a substantial country. 我们努力致力于创建一个富裕的国家。

  大头巧计 substan(ce)(物质) + tial (形容词结尾) → 物质是真实的

  substitute/sbstitjut/ n.

  Our teacher is ill, so there will be a substitute.

  猜一猜 A. 代替B. 老师C. 没课D. 放假

  翻译 我们的老师病了,所以由代课老师来上课。

  近义词 alternative:选择的;replacement:替换,取代

  词义扩展 v. (for)代替,替换He will substitutes for the manager during his leave. 在经理外出期间,他将顶上。

  sake/seik/ n.For safetys sake,never stand directly behind a horse.

  猜一猜 A. 结果B. 条件C. 缘故D. 益处

  翻译 为了安全着想,千万不要直接站在马的后面。词 组 for the sake of 为了…起见,看在…的份上For the sake of your father, I forgive you this time. 看在你父亲的分上,我这次原谅你。

  coach/kut/ He has to travel by coach since the last train has just left.

  猜一猜 A. 步行B. 渡船

  C. 长途公汽D. 飞机

  翻译 他不得不乘汽车旅行,因为最后一班火车刚刚开走。

  大头巧计 coach 是一种交通工具,有牵引、指向作用,即可联想“教练、指引”的词义。

  词义扩展 n. 辅导员,教练,私人教师She is a voice coach while her husband is a football coach. 她是一名声乐教师,而她的丈夫是个足球教练。

  v. 教练,辅导,指导That guy thought he was qualified to coach us but no one believed him. 那个家伙以为他有资格指导我们,可没人相信他。



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